Can any theist answer this?

It means, theists making the assertion have no concept of time or space. NONE> Something that exists in “no time.” can not act or even have a thought as time is essential for all movement of any kind. How does a god do anything in no time? The idea makes no sense at all/

No space is just as bad. Aside from the fact that no one can explain how no space exists, a god existing in no space is utterly and completely moronic.

As far as nothing is concerned, “What in the fuck is that?” If something can not come from nothing, the theist has to explain how all this something becomes nothing from which it can come. We have no example of nothing anywhere.

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Hubble made no claims that the expanding universe as shown by the measurable evidence of his research conclusively proved the universe had a beginning, a cause or a creator. He was still hedging a ‘steady state universe’ and that the red shift might have been a result of the speed of light slowing over vast galactic distances. He died in 1953, before the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation was discovered in 1964, which provided the most conclusive physical evidence for the ‘big bang’ theory.

George Lemaitre, the Belgian Catholic priest, cosmologist and mathematician remembered for producing the mathematical proofs for what Lemaitre called his ‘primeval atom’, publicly rejected his own Pope’s claim that the so-called ‘big bang’ proved the universe’s beginning and its creation by their God. Lemaitre had the honesty to admit he had no evidence for such a claim.

So you aren’t really relying on science here to back up your string of claims that ‘there had to have been a beginning’, therefore ‘a cause’, therefore ‘a creator’ therefore ‘your god’.

No scientific theory or research exists that supports any of your assumptions. You have instead moved away from scientific knowledge into theological philosophy, which nearly all theists do at some point, largely due to their misunderstanding of scientific details and histories and also because of the comfort such misappropriated information can provide to mistakenly support their faiths.
After hundreds of years of application theological philosophy or theology, still has not provided any proof or evidence for the claims for the existence of a god, which is what you need to address first before making any sort of claims about the universe and its origins.

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Firstly if something is expanding, it had a starting point. If you think about this logically, the universe having a beginning proves that a creator of the universe exists, witch is called God in English. Because having a beginning requires a cause of that beginning. That cause would be the creator of the universe. To create the universe the cause has to have knowledge of everything, because the universe itself has matter/systems/design.

Those seem to rely on hidden premises.

How is it hidden? I’m confused about that?

That any defense of those conclusions will surely appeal to one or more unstated (secret) premise(s).

All this something can not become nothing because it’s already something.

I would like to ask what did you not get from those statements or what made you conclude that it’s a hidden premise? Was my statements not clear to logically understand?

OK: why should I believe the following:

Ok, I’m going to try to give and example. If I ask you does a pencil have a beginning, what would you answer?

You have to demonstrate a beginning. You can not assert it. You must then demonstrate that the cause is not natural but supernatural. Finally, you must prove your god is the supernatural cause of that beginning.

You don’t have a leg to stand on.

If I may ask, what is your understanding of natural?

Well it doesn’t seem to have an obvious one.

Natural is recognized by contrasting it with man made. Consider the formation of atomic structures, formation of molecules, the evolution of life.

So would you say a pencil had a beginning, a starting point, invented at some point in time.

I guess not. :woman_shrugging:

Was there a time without pencils? I would say yes. That means if we have pencils now at some point it was invented. Humans invented pencils from materials like graphite, water, wood, and clay. Does it make sense that pencils had a beginning, a time period were it was created? I would say yes.

If we have X now, then X was invented.

Let’s try it:
If we have bad breath now, then bad breath was invented.

Seems dubious.

If we have belief in god now, then belief in god was invented!

Do you believe things inside the universe had beginnings? A pencil has a beginning because at some point in time it was created.


Hubble established that the universe is expanding. Working backward, we have deduced that at one time (13.8 billion years ago), what we know as the entire universe was one tiny point, basically of very small dimensions and possessing great energy and heat. Before that instant, we DO NOT KNOW what came before, whether it was created, or was a bubble that was spawned from a greater cosmos, or was cyclical in nature or many other explanations.

If you can prove that this known universe had a beginning, I mean, actually prove, you would win the Nobel Prize, be more famous than Einstein and Newton combined, and become very rich.

You are making unevidenced assertions that you must prove.