Buddhism - a religion for atheists


You have not achieved shit! If you have convinced yourself of anything else, you deserve what you get.

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I again ask you where your doubt originates?

What is Nirodha Samapatti? What magic spells are unlocked?

The term translates into “the cessation of perception and feeling”.

A bit of theory. Buddhism has a theory of perception. It is very simple. There are six sense objects, six sense faculties, and six types of sense consciousness. Wherever you have a meeting of object and faculty, then you have sense consciousness.

Ie. there is a gap between the outside object world and the inner sense faculty world which is bridged by specific types of sense consciousness - one for sight; one for smell; etcetera. (Mind objects and ideas are the sixth sense).

Now, wherever there is a meeting of sense object and sense faculty you get Contact. Wherever there is contact, you get perception or feeling. Wherever there is feeling (for short); you get craving. Craving leads to clinging; clinging to becoming; becoming to birth; and birth to all manner of suffering.

If you don’t buy into rebirth, that is not a problem. Suffering ends where craving ends. And so forth.

Simply put “the cessation of perception and feeling” puts an end to contact; and feeling; and suffering.

It is accomplished by letting go of all mental grasping. There is a faculty which allows the mind to concentrate on itself. This, in and of itself, releases the requisite cause of perception and feeling - “consciousness”.

When that occurs, the kammic body unravels and all bodily feelings and perceptual events stop. One enters into the boundless and timeless state of Nirodha Samapatti. I accomplished this according to the simple result that applied concentration over time leads to dispassion and release.

Why should you care? It’s up to you. The historical Buddha will live on in History longer than any of us and he was a single man who left a princely life to find enlightenment in the wilderness. Should we care about his findings???

It’s up to you. If you enjoy consistency within any body of teachings, then you may enjoy the teachings of the Buddha. There are in fact thousands of pages of teachings (which began as an oral tradition). Any amount of time reading the Buddha’s teachings will give you an appreciation for just exactly what it was the Buddha accomplished.

For me, I followed Buddhism - I then went through an intense period of suffering and then another intense period of spiritual growth.

At the age of 38 I still apply Buddhist Concentration to lead a relatively stress free life.

The Buddha taught suffering and the end of suffering. That, in a nutshell, is why you should care about Buddhism.

Magic spells associated with Nirodha Samapatti include levitation and the creation of a mind made body that exists external to one’s being (such bodies can be multiple. Ie. you could build an army of a thousand yous with this spell - a lot like agent Smith in the Matrix!)

Are you required to roll dice to cast those spells, or have role-playing games changed in the last 20 years?

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You’re not required per say, but you can if you want to.

The secret of the spell lies in the unbelievably enhanced potential of the mind as it emerges from cessation.

In fact, as the state is entered all feelings of body unbind from the grip of consciousness and kamma formations. The sense of “I” melts into the infinite potential of the universe.

As one emerges from this state their mind is now on the same level of that undifferentiated potential and can, thereby, accomplish anything though the body that it wishes.

It can disappear; it can move objects; it can suspend time …

It can do a lot. Not that you’re taking me seriously of course :wink:


Doesn’t sound very appealing to me, nor is it much of a revelation that detaching yourself from all emotion ends one particular emotion like suffering.

Well I’d say the mind has the ability to focus on one thing, and if practiced enough becomes a very effective means of relaxation that has fairly obvious health benefits. Especially for people who are experiencing a lot of stress, in their occupation for example.

That sounds a lot like an appeal to authority fallacy to me. Practising mediation can have manifest health benefits, without the obvious placebo effect of attaching woo woo claims to what it can achieve. You do not need Buddhism of course, but it no doubt contains some useful techniques, along with a lot of woo woo nonsense of course.

Ding ding ding ding ding, my woo woo alarm just went nuts…

Damn it, still funny…

HEY! I achieved that the first time at age 9 (tonsils removed), then again at age 22 (jaw surgery)…a few times since for Crohns - awesome!

What was I suppose to take from the experience? I don’t remember, since there was “no perception or feeling” to be recorded in my brain for recall…

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HIS perception of “suffering” - HIS idea of what would “end” suffering.

Get your mind so wrapped up in your own thoughts and ignore reality.

A Kid is hungry, suffering from malnourishment, DON’T feed the kid as a societial effort - NO - disconnect yourself from “feeling” the discomfort of empathy seeing how some societies and parents “care”.

Sounds like self induced “anesthesia” - the drug less way - to absolve oneself …

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Hahahahaha. Hahahahahah. Fuck - build your army!!! I’d love to kick your rat-ass by myself. Hahahahahaha

Perhaps the Dali Lama and the citizens of Tibet should get their invisible army together and kick China’s ass!!! Wouldn’t that be great!

End some real world suffering -
Provide proof that this shit works… WOW, I could see a lot of real world uses



Again, you have experienced a brain state… why call it Buddhism? Why call it spiritual? If there were consistancy in Buddhism, there would not be so many fucking schools. You are deluded once again.

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Does that not appeal to your Western sensibilities?

Read it again. It is a cessation of perceptual contact and tactile contact.

Suffering is defined in a wider context by affirming that all experience is tainted by stress, inconstancy, and a lack of inherent self.

Therefore the escape from these things is the ultimate type of happiness. Perhaps you think there is greater joy in a home cooked meal, or a high class hooker? The escape defined by the Buddha overturns fleeting sensual pleasures with a much higher type of satisfaction.

Enter any classroom. You will assume that the person at the front of the room is qualified to give the teachings. You will at least lend an ear until such point that he proves himself incompetent.

The Buddha was qualified to teach suffering and the end of suffering. That is why you should lend an ear. But, you have already dismissed it, so this is likely falling on deaf ears.

Joke alert :grinning:

Not all experience is merely a brain state. My experience of a beautiful woman is contingent on the existence of a beautiful woman. The way she looks, smells, sounds, and so forth are conditioned by my ability to perceive and the existence of something to perceive.

Perhaps you are practice strict idealism?

In any event Nirodha Samapatti is devoid of any perception or feeling. Even if these things were exclusively produced by the brain you could not call that state a “brain state” as it has nothing to do with nervous impulses or activity in the brain.

The idea that all experience can be mapped by an MRI is only one side of the debate. Admitting to the existence of external objects may be a leap of faith - it is, however, necessary.

“So many fucking schools” relates to “Mahayana”. Please name a school other than Theravada that falls into the “Hinayana” grouping.

Thank you

Yeah. I’ve been hit in the head with a brick and came to the same conclusion as well :wink:

Bear in mind that my book has nothing to do with Nirodha Samapatti. I am only detailing the nature of that attainment because I was promptly labelled “a novice” and I am speaking in my own defence.

The book itself is an introduction to early Buddhist teachings and my own observations and conclusions regarding proper Buddhist meditation (ie. “jhana”).

Having said that, I do not mind defending the position that I am truly an attainer of the most high.

Cheerio :relaxed:

And a humble attainer at that - seems ego is still alive and well … all you need now is a few followers of the bullshit and you can make a few bucks… not everyone is out for the most high, fuck there isn’t even evidence - unless you’re like an astronaut :woman_astronaut:… they get to attain most high

Okay. Easy Tiger. You may not remember me from my first appearance here, but ask Sheldon; I’m a well respected and liked member of this forum.

In fact, I’m the only theist here who hasn’t been proven wrong and can supply a heavy hitting proof of God which puts your own existence into question.

That being said, I can appreciate why you might think I walked in here waving my dick around and what not. It would go so far as to explain all the f-bombs you’ve been dropping on me.

I am rat spit! You are subservient to the OverLord and I will call upon the EvilOne to cast a pestilence upon your tiny little wiener.

Begone - jealous Whitefire13. I was here when you were still in diapers!

Yo, Ratty! Go easy, dude. Give White a chance. She’s one of us. As you recall, it took the rest of us a little bit before we began to accept The OverLord and The EvilOne. Just be patient. Oh, and FYI, White doesn’t have a tiny wiener. She has a massive rolling pin. Just ask Cog. :rofl:

Hahahahaha. I could tell you’re well respected- I’m just a sexy bitch that waves a rolling pin. If you don’t like my fucking language than just meditate over it, for fuck’s sake. “Disengage” your emotional response -
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
Hope you’re not suffering because of it :kissing_heart:

Hahahahaha I could put your existence into question - sorry I love the mind-candy…

No one “can prove you wrong” - uh, you made the claim. The “higher whatever” is a claim for which there is no demonstrable testable evidence…

Wahhh wahhhh wahhhh :sob: sounds like you’re still in them…

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And a secret Barney …

Not sure about all that; but at least @rat_spit is funny.

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