Braneworld Cosmology And Why It's Important

Dammit! You told me you took that camera out of the bathroom!

You can’t trust a poo-thrower…I thought you knew that…

Yeah. I did my time. It took the wind out of my sails. I’m no longer comfortable making a penis joke (for example) and those are some of my best jokes. So, I’m being more careful.

I think I’m held to a different standard than SOME members here (ahem ahem - Cognostic!).

Being theist by way of mental illness puts me at an automatic red flag alert.

A lot of the momentum that I had before being banned was entirely motivated by a very unstable relationship with my inner demon.

I’ve curtailed that entire mess with perceptual grounding and (subsequently) have become a more social, if not slightly boring person.

Lol. Penis jokes … aren’t they just the best. I miss the old days.

I’ve been a grower all my life. I guess it’s time to “grow up” and become a shower.

Penis jokes? Really? Who would ever stoop so low as to make a penis joke. That is so juvenile. I thought penis jokes were funny back in 3ed grade. ;You weren’t booted for a penis joke. You were booted for a complete lack of creativity.

On the topic of string theory, I know very little - except the following.

Out of the mathematics of string theory has come the notion of quantum gravity.

Some of the tantalizing results are a by product of the holographic principle (that 3 D reality is a reflection of a two dimensional quantum mapping on the outskirts of the universe). Leonard Susskind is a strong proponent of the work being done in this field of quantum physics Leonard Susskind - Wikipedia

The force of gravity is equal to the rate of change in a quantum system when it is disturbed.

The mathematics which describe wormholes apply exactly to quantum entanglement.

And there are some other interesting equivalence theories between macroscopic physical principles and the math being done with string theory as it applies to quantum mechanics.

Again, I know nothing of the inner workings - so don’t shoot the messenger!

Why’re you such an asshole, Cog? Do you think that your shit slinging antics are any more mature or creative than me bragging about my superior and large penis with its healthy vascular system?

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I’m funny in a good way. You are just funny.


C’mon, Ratty. You know that is a silly question, right? You might as well have asked, “Why is the sky blue?” Or, “Why is water wet?” Or, “Why is it a bad idea to use hand sanitizer to masturb-…” Er, uh… Well, you get the idea. Point being, some people are born to be great artists, or ground-breaking scientists, or master musicians. Then there are those who are born to be assholes. Cog is one of those. Simple nature. We all have our parts to play. Destiny is all. Go with your strengths. Don’t waste the gifts yo-… (frantically pressing stop button)… Aw, shit! My Cliche Generator is stuck again!


Good thing that auto-anti-embarassment program kicked in before you got to “live long and prosper”, and “may the force be with you”.

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I’m funny. You’re momma dresses you funny.

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My momma is dead you piece of shit. Thankls for bringing it up. You are such an ass. Aren’t you paying attention to any of the threads? She died last week.

Hmm. Potential for a joke, but I am sorry for your loss, so instead I will write an omage to dear Cog:

Dear Cog,

I wonder when the time will come
Where rabbits wander to an fro
Upon a leafy grassy floor
Death to death. Anon no more,

Feel better. And smoke reefer when you have the time. When handled well, it produces meaningful impressions (such as thoughts, for example). Just don’t get caught by the wife? Aha ha ha. Just a’ kiddin’!!!

Edit: because “if your wife leaves you it is not neccesarily the end of the world. But probably.”

My wife is dead you piece of shit. Thanks for bringing it up. You are such an ass. Aren’t you paying attention to any of the threads? She died last week. The same alien invasion that killed my momma.

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Nonsense, your Mom is alive and still crying over you…

That bitch! I told her I did not want to live my life in an alcoholic stupor when I left home at 16. I’m surprised she is still alive. Don’t trust her with your kids. She is an abusive piece of shit. She cries over everything, I would just ignore that if I were you. And don’t fall for the ole, I have been sober stories. She loves to cling to gullible people like you who can’t think their way out of a paper sack who will enable her bullshit. Good luck to you in dealing with her.

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Hang on…I abandoned any notions of “dealing with her”when I found out she gave birth to you, so, there’s that. How did you find out about the paper sack event? Sheesh… nobody can keep a secret anymore.

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We should talk more about this. Maybe DM me so we can feel more secure talking about our feelings.

Whoa! Hold on a sec! Somebody actually gave BIRTH to Cog??? Hell, all this time I just thought he was spawned. Or maybe somehow “developed” in an abandoned truck stop toilet by a deranged “scientist” who couldn’t afford a proper laboratory. Wow… :thinking: Learn something new every day.


LOL: I was a lab monkey and have the wire in my head to prove it. Momma was a test tube and daddy was a donor; however, by the time the scientists got done splicing in DNA, there was not much left of the original donor. My origins are … global.