Braneworld Cosmology And Why It's Important

Oh! Phew! For a second there I was a bit worried. No obscenity? No foolish talk? No crudeness? Holy shit! I would never be allowed to utter another word! But then it stated, “…which are out of character.” Luckily for me, all those things are totally within my character. Damn, that was close. Thank God for loopholes.

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@rat_spit Uh, something Cog forgot to mention there. You must drop to your knees in front of a priest and make your plea into the priest’s “special microphone”. The priest will then “relay” your request to God. You will know when he starts relaying the message when he begins yelling, “Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!” Figured it’s only fair for you to know.


Yep! Praise God for the fucking loopholes and the huge vast vagueness of his eternal message.

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Oh Jesus! I call out onto theeeee. Carry mine burden; my lower back pain. Ah! Mercy Lord! I am healed! My faith has healed me.

Now talk to me Lord. Tell me why my father abandoned me, like you abandoned your son on the cross. Why do the fatherless always question authorities?

Yes! I feel your “blessings” all over my body and in my pores and kind of some in my hair. It is a glorious white blessing. Like the one you “bestowed” upon Mary.

Where is my guardian angel OverLord of all
Have you set Satan upon me that I might be tested. Holy Jesus! I anoint thy feet with this jar of honey! I could sell it and give the money to the poor - but the crow has cawed three times and Peter has denounced me thrice.

Holy sacrifice - lamb of God - help me remove that tattoo I got when I was drunk.

Oh. Hail Mary. Hail Mary. Splooge thine bounty and anoint my body and soul with your love-mud. I repent!

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Hey, are you talking about your lower back “tramp stamp” with the bowling pin and two bowling balls arranged in a… hmmm… :thinking:… uh, in a “suggestive” manner? Or are you talking about your full upper thigh piece of a realistic looking Aunt Bea as a Playboy Centerfold? I can’t remember which of those you said you got when you were drunk.

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It was the Aunt Bea. I thought, “what if I’m in a pinch and I need to rub one out but I don’t have any “fap maps”?” And it came to me - permanently tattoo the most veloptuous woman in the world on your thigh. You’ll never need a nudey mag ever again!

Now it’s causing marital difficulties

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I would, and do, call bullshit on this.

black comedians using the N-word are a prime example of humor can go anywhere the laughs lead.

I understand where you are coming from Mark. Effective comedians must challenge everything and risk being offensive. From Richard Pryor to Dave Chappelle, no one or institution is safe.

That is comedic humor. But is it the same as joking between friends?

I have personally witnessed a bully inflict their brand of humor on others, being cruel and stating that they were “just joking”. But just because they say it is joking, is it? Or are they getting their way, being cruel to others and doubling down when someone challenges them? Words hurt, abuses cause damage to others.

If I watch Dave Chappelle, I choose to do so, and understand that I will hear offensive things. If I am in the company of my friends, it should be a “safe place”. I respect my friends, I expect them to reciprocate.


I do not hold my “friends” to a different standard. I have found that my friends will occasionally take a joke to far, I ignore it or bite back even deeper. Cest’le’vie.

I do not know what rat spit incident lead to his issues, and things can get out of hand requiring others to step in and mediate. IDK. My point is one persons humor is another’s insult; impossible to differentiate.

Of all the places I would expect a safe space, I can’t think of any, the internet is not one of those safe spaces. Rat spit must have hit some real nerves if he was banned, my guess is it was not simply for his jokes, however poorly executed they were.

This has nothing to do with Braneworld Cosmology , sorry to have distracted y’all.

I Look for the JWST to provide more answers then the math of vibrating strings. From what I’ve read even if the math of string theory works out, it would remain difficult to confirm the extra dimensions it requires.

General Relativity remains the “Perfect Theory”, predictions and real world experiments & observations that confirm. The standard model of particle physics has done the same. Both have issues, being mutually exclusive being one of them…

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Nailed it!

Ratty - you did your time. What you currently say and do is what you will be held accountable for.

A few years back, I was a different person. Fuck, I rooted for tRump in 2016 :joy: (just to shake things up)

We all learn and grow.

Keep at it.

:astonished: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :exploding_head:

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In my opinion, it should be String Hypothesis, not String Theory for obvious reasons.


Hypothesis would be if no research had been done yet to try to test the idea.

It’s string theory because tests have been done already and the results show it to be possible. Now if the tests are accurate and repeatable by independent peer review is still being hammered out and decided. As for how it works with other theories and laws, and if they all point to this conclusion remain to be seen. Obviously more testing needs to be done.

Theories have been created before that were later determined to be false. Look at atomic plum pudding theory, it was the best leading theory to explain electrons, but later was determined to be inaccurate.

And to the OP, is there any hypothesis on how said machine could be built to test this? Brings up very interesting questions of how would physics work inside of a created universe? Would our laws and theories apply? Would time be slower inside said universe because of the scale of it? Along with many other questions.

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Oh, what tests show it’s “possible”? And “possible” isn’t the same thing as experiments that confirm its predictions.

Tell me, how many Nobel Prizes have been awarded to string “theorists” for their work on the hypothesis?

10 dimensions just for the stuff to begin making sense. Aren’t we up to 13 now? I thought I heard that someplace. Last I heard some lady was going to send a message to another dimension. I have no idea how you would figure out if the message ever got there or not. I’ve watched at least 7 videos on the subject and read as many papers. I honestly don’t have a clue yet.

I found this to be helpful: " California Institute of Technology physicist John Schwarz, widely considered one of the founders of string theory. After countless papers, conferences and dry-erase markers, the breathtaking breakthrough many once hoped for seems further away than ever." What is string theory? | Space

“Nevertheless, the flurry of thought around the very idea of string theory has left a deep imprint on both physics and math. Like it or not (and some physicists certainly don’t), string theory is here to stay” As funky as it may seem… It ain’t going away!

Gravity seems not to exist as a particle of its own, either. Theorists can predict what a gravity particle should look like, but when they try to calculate what happens when two such “gravitons” smash together, they get an infinite amount of energy packed into a small space — a sure sign, according to astrophysicist Paul Sutter in a previous article for, that the math is missing something.

One possible solution, which theorists borrowed from nuclear physicists in the 1970s, is to get rid of the idea of problematic, point-like graviton particles. Strings, and only strings, can collide and rebound cleanly without implying physically impossible infinities.

'String theory today doesn’t exactly match string theory of the 1960s and ‘70s. Researchers disagree over whether, with modifications, it’s still the best candidate for a “theory of everything” or whether theorists should abandon it in favor of other topics.’

" A number of physicists, such as Peter Woit of Columbia University, view these divergences from reality as fatal flaws. “The basic problem with string theory unification research is not that progress has been slow over the past 30 years,” he wrote on his blog, "but that it has been negative, with everything learned showing more clearly why the idea doesn’t work.’

" Taylor, however, maintains that today’s models are overly simplistic and that features like cosmological expansion and a lack of supersymmetry may someday be built into future versions. Taylor expects that, while the new era of gravitational-wave astronomy may bring new tidbits of information about quantum gravity, more progress will be made by continuing to follow the math deeper into string theory."

“I have confidence that the general enterprise is on the right track, but I don’t claim that the argument I’ve given is scientifically convincing.”


Don’t have a cow man, my tiny primate brain has looked at what I’ve found and I can’t refute it as theory. When other scientists are using it as a framework to explain other phenomena and it works for some but not others as @Cognostic has pointed out. I still call it theory until it is totally disproved like plum pudding. So like my opinion or don’t, not my problem.

But what do I know I use to draw huge veiny triumphant penises all over my textbooks.

Wow! What a coincidence! I use to draw tiny little textbooks all over my penis. I had read something about “learning through osmosis”, so I figured I’d try it. To be honest, though, I don’t think it worked very well. Can’t really say for certain if it made me smarter or not. But at least I always had fun washing off the ink during bath time.

I’m sure your mother told you to do that so the priest would think you were weird and wouldn’t touch you down there.

Also it must be huge if you drew multiple tiny textbooks on it.

Naw, it’s not that bi… I mean… How would I know? Huh? What are we talking about? String theory right. Yea that’s it. HEY! Stop stealing the thread and lets get back on topic.

Well, I never said I drew them all at once. Oh, and did I mention they were very tiny?