Braneworld Cosmology And Why It's Important

I’ve read this thread twice, an indication of how much I want humans to find an explanation for all that does not require magic. (Or perhaps I was just looking for an explanation for the direction the thread has taken?) Personally I find the holographic universe explanation difficult to accept. It would put the universe in the video game realm, needing a mechanism for this projection to exist within. A layer too deep, little different from a deity arranging it all.

Following the thread digression…

As a survivor of child abuse, physical and mental, I find the digression into this world to explain peoples behavior amusing. My conclusion from the other side of the personal angst involved to understanding the abusers were in fact abused themselves, this was learned behavior, it was a programed response. Alcohol may have fueled some of the response, but the training occurred in their past. Maybe its THC inspired?

The wander of responses into this aspect of growing up in a world made too easy by our technology, so easy that we can spare the time from finding food for the day to pity ourselves for our mental scars. Y’all need to accept your youth and your penis size as just a fact of your life, not the defining driver as to why you are not your own ideal self.

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Something to consider… The Myth of the Abused Becoming Abusers

How do you know you survived? What exactly does a surviver look like? Do survivers log into chat sites to tell everyone they are survivors? Have you considered that surviving is not enough? Have you thought of just being a human being and getting on with your life? Have you set the bar too low?

A survivor looks like me, I would take issue with anyone who thinks they have a better explanation for me then I do. Arrogant uninformed response.

The article listed is interesting, but does not mesh with my real world experience. My mental abuser was tormented a a youth by a Jesus freak mother, always critical. My sexual abuser’s father was a sexual predator caught several times perving over others in the neighborhood.

One of the things I have come to accept; it is not the abuse that caused stress afterward, it is the shame from uninformed friends and relatives. And the stress from self examination. Much as the article states.

That’s why we rely on independent verification of facts.

And when do you think you will actually survive it all?

It’s a shame you still feel shame. I’m sure the only one shaming you would be the ignorant and quite possibly yourself. With that said, why would you listen to anyone who would shame you? You need to hang around a better class of people.

The part you are referencing " ** It harms survivors of childhood sexual abuse to have this stigma attached to them. In addition to the trauma they experienced, they are now saddled with the fear that they’ll grow up to harm someone in the way that they were harmed.**

The stigma references “The Myth” Did you miss that.

You are a survivor like I am a woman. I’m not seeing it at all. You existed through it. You don’t seem close to surviving in any way shape or form. Not from your comments. You just hang on to that abusdde and blame it for everything wrong in your life. It will always be there to fall back on.

Please tell me that you have at least doen something woth while with your life. What makes you a survivor?

Word salad, you are attempting to use a barrage of words to cover a weak position.

I’m here, I can discuss my experiences, I survive.

LOL. Yes, Word salad. You just hold on tight to your victimhood. Don’t let go. It defines you., You are nothing without it. You are the survivor.


I hope you’re happy with your pomposity.

Do you find that often the people around you respond with sarcasm and name calling?

All I have to go on is reading a few threads on a website, I would not pretend to understand your need beyond what is displayed here in these cyberspaces.

I do wonder what delivery system you have organized your responses around. (Sage or clown who knows? Apparently only you know.)

The no true Scotsman defense of your proclamations seems to be your approach.

It’s been a hoot, I’m done.

Wait, come back! I was gonna make espresso!


Could you please make mine a half-decaf double chi latte with frothed almond milk and triple chocolate sprinkles?

Sure thing…oh wait…was that more of that sar, sar, sarcophagus, no, I uh uh sar sar sarchasm?

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So let me understand, you all are Cog!

Yeah, that’s it, you nailed it, right on, exquisitely accurate, flawless diagnosis…

Strange group of personalities at any rate. You defend like momma bears, or perhaps there is another reason.

Humor? Banter? Camaraderie?

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Maybe we are just assholes…sorry, just speaking for myself now.

Maybe, and you can be funny. Perhaps I misjudged Cog.

Maybe he was.not offended by my “word salad” response. I guess I have not yet learned that these responses are all jokes?


Rat spit did not lie about everything is a joke eh?

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No you have not learned that, because it is not entirely, or sometimes not at all, jokes…

On a more serious note -

There is sarcastic humor and introspection always tossed at folks around here.

Cog does pose very uncomfortable questions or “back at you statements” mostly to get you or readers to think of how they define themselves…and “why”.

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