Biden dropped out of the race

He’s a stable genius. He said so himself.

Revisiting this…

So this is obviously highly misogynistic. But I struggle to understand it. That is, I can parse and understand the text and its meaning, but I have problems understanding the concept. It’s like reading some drivel from a rabid flat-earther. It just doesn’t make sense. Can someone please explain this for me?

Vance said it. Nothing he says makes sense.

He probably thinks she’s a pole dancer.

He’s a slow witted aging criminal, and she’s a career prosecutor of some renown, the next debate should be interesting, on paper she should pull his rhetoric apart like warm bread…

Bring it on… :sunglasses:

Or it was a typo - “pole numbers” → “poll numbers”.

It most likely means that he thinks women who don’t have children are not real Americans.

He’s probably going to avoid debating her.

He’s said he will absolutely debate her, multiple times.

He has to say that to avoid looking like he’s afraid to debate her, but everything I’ve seen indicates his people are working to get him out of the debate.

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Trump’s ego would never allow him to fear a debate, but then he doesn’t seem to have a good grasp of reality.

I hope he does have a debate with Harris, I really do.


The next one was scheduled on ABC. He says he’s not happy about that and would prefer it was on FOX…go figure…

Ah, I am guessing not live and unedited then? I always assumed they had to be, though given how dishonest he is, I guess no duplicity or chicanery from him should come as that much of a surprise.

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Ultimately, I’ll expect it when I see it. :wink:

Yeah, he’s already lining up excuses. I wonder if he meets the definition of a pathological liar? He’s certainly a habitual one.

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Will this also include women that for e.g. medical reasons can not have children?

I suspect he hasn’t thought that far. :wink:

Why does he hate Nuns?

Can you imagine the hate speech that would be emanating from the same quarters, if she had borne three children, each to a different father? Which of course is one of the reich wing’s “go to” hate totems aimed specifically at non-white women, and which Harris has utterly neutered, no doubt leading to much impotent rage among the incest and guns brigade.

I wonder what Vance’s wife thought of having to stand before a podium, in front of a sea of fascist rednecks holding up “Mass Deportations Now!” placards? What stake does she have in a country littered with this sort of filth?

Though of course, consistency was never allowed to interfere with reich wing pursuit of the performance art of impotent rage. Impotent rage being manipulated by fat, rich white fascists, who mislead the dupes in question into hating even more powerless and marginalised groups than themselves, in order to keep the tax dodging Benjamins flowing into the labyrinths of shell companies, enabling the acquisition of ever more ostentatious penis-extension Bond villain yachts.

Thus, the talentless malcontents whose inadequacies were exposed when Sundowner Towns and Jim Crow laws finally came under serious attack, delude themselves into thinking than an orange pustule that sits on gold toilets is a “man of the people”, and that their woes are the fault of Smelly Brown Foreign People™ instead of the amoral, sociopathic decabillionaires who bought the political system to lubricate their unhindered pursuit of naked greed.

Unfortunately, these fucknuts are being granted the ability to burn the planet to a crisp, as they work out their hissy fits and jizz in their incontinence pants, while simping for the sort of people who properly belong in prison.

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