Biden dropped out of the race

It’s up to Harris now…


About time!
Harris will be a much better choice, but can she win against Trump? She is head and heels better than Hilary ever was. My fingers are crossed. Does she have the skills? Can she pull it off? The race is on.

Do you think they will stick someone in instead of her? It’s going to be interesting. Who is going to run?

No matter what the outcome, the D party should have given some real thought to who they should push forward as their next president candidates, and they should have started well before 2016. It seems they haven’t learned a thing.

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I agree. I think they would have been better off, at this point, letting Biden run. Then having him give up the presidency for medical reasons, and then letting the VP take over. It would have been a better strategy.

What the Twenty-Fifth Amendment Says

Section 1.

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

(That would have been thinking ahead.) IMO

I’m having pleasant daydreams of someone smart, articulate, and charismatic swooping in and everyone unifying behind them, but of course it’s just a fantasy. Obama and others seem to be taking a “let’s let the process play out” tact and that doesn’t seem like a bad idea even though the outcome is still likely to be Harris as the nominee. I do remember being happy with Harris when she was chosen as the VP and I’m hoping she’s up to the task. I’ve already seen one ad that cheered me up, it said: “Harris prosecuted abusers, Trump is one.” Catchy.


I know Biden was upset that he had to drop out of the race, but that’s OK because he’ll forget about it soon enough.

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In 2017, Biden did not plan to run for president;

Former Vice President Joe Biden, in an interview that aired on Wednesday’s Morning Edition, says that he has no plans to run for president in 2020 but that it would be “foolish” to rule it out entirely.

In March 2020, this had changed to him running in 2020, but being a “bridge” to the next generation of leaders:

Former Vice President Joe Biden called himself a “bridge” to future Democratic leaders Monday night as he campaigned with Sen. Kamala Harris of California, Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

“Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else,” Biden said. “There’s an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me. They are the future of this country.”

And one year later, in March 2021, he seems to have made the decision to run for reelection in 2024:

President Joe Biden expects to run for reelection in 2024, signaling for the first time that he will seek a second term in the White House.

“My plan is to run for reelection. That’s my expectation,” Biden told reporters on Thursday during his first news conference as president. He later reaffirmed that it’s his “expectation” he will try to serve a second term as president. Biden will be 81 years old at that time.

It was the first time Biden has publicly addressed questions on whether he will make another run for the White House. He took office in January as the oldest president at the time of his first inauguration.

So during this time period from 2017 to 2021, Biden went from not wanting to run for president, to deciding to run for reelection. Where were the grownups in the Democratic party that could/should have told Biden and the rest of the party apparatus that him running for reelection is probably not a good idea?

What’s done is done, spilled milk etc…an interesting way to look at this is that given his age the prospect that Biden could’ve died in office was very real, so in that sense more than 81 million voters made it pretty clear they didn’t have nay problem with Kamala Harris becoming their president.

Lets hope they still see it that way.

Oh, and I can’t imagine anyone less unfit for public office of any kind, than the man who publicly violated his oath of office to uphold the constitution, the last time he held power, and tried to illegally incite violence to stop the legal and peaceful transition of power. .

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Something else worthy of comment, though hardly a surprise, is that a short while ago, after a shocking assassination attempt failed, Joe Biden immediately condemned the act, and hoped everyone would eschew violent acts in politics, and sent his best wished to the Donald.

How then has he reciprocated, given this sad news of Biden’s late withdrawal. As one might expect, he and his crass progeny are spewing bile to trample the reputation of a man, who showed such grace towards him just days ago.

I despise rhetoric as most people know, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for me not to point out what a graceless, arrogant scumbag Donald J Trump is. The man has no shame at all…Politics aside, I cannot for the fucking life of me, understand how anyone could support such a vile human being. It seems many people really don’t ever learn.

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I posted a comment elsewhere that is worth repeating here.

This could, if handled properly, give the Dems a solid chance to nail the Trump menace once and for all.

First, I’ve been thinking for some time that Biden is best suited to backroom work. His announcement that he’s seeking a Constitutional Amendment to neuter the attempt by SCOTUS to set up Trump as a dictator tells me this, for example. A carefully crafted Amendment of this sort would still allow a legitimate President to conduct business, but destroy at a stroke the anachronistic attempt by the corrupt, Trump arse licking SCOTUS conservatives to foist a “divine right of kings” upon American politics.

Plus, he still gathers around him competent administrators, of the sort that would not only be out of a job under Omango-Tan, but hunted down as enemies of his fascist Neue Ordnung. Those administrators will know that they have to act swiftly and resolutely to deliver this before the MAGAl’Qaeda loons turn the USA into a mediaeval theocracy, and will have, in the light of the rhetoric emanating from the Rethuglicunts, strong motivation to neuter them.

A Constitutional Amendment will put the likes of Thomas and Alito back in the legal shackles they should never have been allowed to throw off, and kill stone dead their kingmaker subversion of democracy. As will the announced plan to make SCOTUS subordinate to an ethics committee, which of course will have to be structured so that it’s not undermined by political appointment cronyism of the sort that the Rethuglicunts have weaponised of late.

What the Dems need to unify around, is that some sacrifices on what they can do in office will be a small price to pay, to save America from being ravaged by the Trunpenführer. Stopping the existential threat that said pustule presents globally, not just to the USA, is a matter of urgency. All the more so now that the recipe for catastrophe that is Project 2025, and the frankly inhuman ideas emerging from the Heritage Foundation are in the public domain.

If Biden decides that a more vigorous public performer needs to take over from him, it actually demonstrates not only that he’s not the doddering idiot the Rethuglicunts caricature him to be, but that he possesses something they never had - character.


I’ll vote for whomever the Democrats put forth at their convention.

The Republicans, on the other hand, have decided to put forth a person who:
Is an adjudicated rapist
Has stolen from a charity
Tried to overthrow the government
Treats women and girls like property
Commits fraud on multiple occasions in multiple ways
Spent fully one quarter of his term golfing
Doesn’t read
Is unhealthy
Rarely pays income tax
Is almost 80 years old
Frequently slurs his words
Steals, then hides classified documents
Sues to get aircraft rerouted because he doesn’t like the sound
Has paid millions to families of children taking him to court for sexual assault
Wants to date his daughter
Buried a woman on a golf course to avoid property taxes
Needs a new running mate because his followers tried to kill the last one
Is a serial liar
Violated anti-trust procedures
Makes fun of the disabled
Thinks soldiers who died in the line of duty are suckers and losers
Interferes in elections
Has temper tantrums with ketchup
Is a malignant narcissist
Had to pay fines for lobbying misconduct associated with his casino
Supports Project 2025
Lowered taxes for the ultra-wealthy, raising it for the middle class
Wants to reverse social protection legislation
Reverses climate change legislation
Has repeatedly failed at business enterprises
Is a xenophobic (except for his wives)
Is anti-choice
Defames victims of his crimes
Violated the Fair Housing Act
Regularly engaged in litigation bullying
Doesn’t pay back loans
Doesn’t pay contractors
Says he’s filthy rich but needs donations to pay his lawyers

And, sadly, this list could be much, much longer.


While that might be a great symbolic gesture, it doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of passing.

A constitutional amendment requires a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress, and ratification by 3/4 of the states. Given the current makeup of the House and Senate, and the fact that 26 of the 50 statehouses are controlled by Republications, this is an impossible hurdle.

IMO, the DNC needs to carefully consider who can actually beat Trump and not just hand the nomination to Harris out of some sense of perceived loyalty to her. If that person turns out to be Harris, fine, but if not, nominating Harris will be no better than allowing Biden to continue.

I’ve spoken to a lot of people recently about the election. Here in California most people support the Democrats, but I’ve spoken to a fair number who are Trump supporters. These people uniformly claim victimhood for Trump–his indictments are the result of a weaponized justice system, he lost the 2020 election due to widespread voter fraud, his impeachments are politicized, and he’s persecuted by the “lamestream” media.

I went to the California State Fair in Sacramento yesterday and the Republicans and Democrats both had booths. The Republican booth was taking the low road with blatant “Fuck Joe Biden” signs and all the rest of the hateful stuff they espouse. The Democrat booth had the usual Biden/Harris signs, but not a single mention of Trump, let alone anything derogatory. The difference was stark.

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JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, said Kamala, like other women, doesn’t have a stake in the U.S. because she didn’t have children.

Which meaning of state?

  1. a : mode or condition of being
    b(1) : condition of mind or temperament
    b(2) : a condition of abnormal tension or excitement
  2. a : a condition or stage in the physical being of something
    b : any of various conditions characterized by definite quantities (as of energy, angular momentum, or magnetic moment) in which an atomic system may exist
  3. a : social position
    especially : high rank
    b(1) : elaborate or luxurious style of living
    b(2) : formal dignity : pomp
  4. a : a body of persons constituting a special class in a society : estate sense 3
    b states plural : the members or representatives of the governing classes assembled in a legislative body
    c obsolete : a person of high rank (as a noble)
  5. a : a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory
    especially : one that is sovereign
    b : the political organization of such a body of people
    c : a government or politically organized society having a particular character
  6. : the operations or concerns of the government of a country
  7. a : one of the constituent units of a nation having a federal government
    b States plural : The United States of America
  8. : the territory of a state

Sorry…I meant stake, will edit post

“Trump, 78, just called himself a ‘fine and brilliant young man’”

There must be a typo there. I’m pretty sure he must have meant “fined”? :thinking:

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