BethC and Evidence for the Existence of God

God dammit @Cognostic now I’m all excited to hear this evidence and nothing’s happening.


As it has been written (see above), terraphon, as atheists we must allow BethC some faith and hope,…and a little charity…allow her some time to deliver this long anticipated evidence.
Calm thyself the fuck down.


I’ve been waiting for 49 years!

Always liked this video.

I find it interesting to explore the ways that people try to “prove” God’s existence.

Isaac Asimov summarized most of these arguments–and brilliantly deconstructs them–in his essay “The Judo Argument,” which was in a collection called “The Planet That Wasn’t.”

I often (while working in EMS as a paramedic) had co-workers whom were deeply religious, and they never tired of trying to convert me.

The thing about all this that I found most irritating is the idea that–since I’m not religious–I must be immoral.

I was often assumed to be untrustworthy (because I don’t have a personal relationship with God and/or Jesus Christ), that I don’t have a conscience, and so forth.

Even the military screens recruits for spiritual fitness, and atheists are subjected to sanctions . . . since an atheist must automatically be a coward.

In any case, another interesting attempt to prove God’s existence can be found in the writings of C.S. Lewis, if you review some of the readings in “Mere Christianity.”