BethC and Evidence for the Existence of God

Shit, people is funny. While we wait (hahahahaha first evidence of god- you gotta wait) I stumbled on to this fantasy backed
imaginative poo :poop:

** In his book, Humans are not from Earth: A Scientific Evaluation of the Evidence , Dr. Silver presents 17 reasons why humans are not suited for living on this planet. He believes these reasons indicate we originated from another planet. He says that while Earth meets some of our needs as a species, it is not as good a fit for us as much as “whoever brought us here initially thought.”**

One of the arguments (such a loose term) is
humans food requirements. We don’t eat grass…

Hmmm - I wonder if these guys were our “pets” then, brought along to keep us company!


Any news?..

Hahahahaha he’s eastern Canadian…

Absolutely serious/ She wants to have a very private chat with me… The quote I gave is actually from one of the threads. Well. I couldn’t hoard all the good evidence for myself. I want to share with my friends. Now looking around where in the hell did she go???

Ahhhh - the dried banana peel has worn off…

Uncured poppy seeds never do…
Hope Beth gets here before Jesus…

You don’t suppose something bad happened to her? Do you think she is going to stand me up? How long should I sit here in my tree and wait? It’s been a whole day. Oh. I’m so confused. This was going to be one of those special moments when the veil of ignorance lifted from my eyes and allowed me to see the Lord God in all his splendor more clearly. A real moment between Beth, myself, and the Lord God all mighty. A spiritual awakening that didn’t involve rolling pins or refrigerators. One of those unforgettable, special moments of clarity where everything suddenly comes together and makes perfect sense… I have been so excited but now … I’m beginning to crash. I feel so rejected. Wasn’t I good enough to share the information with? Where are those dried banana peels?

I don’t know how to break this to you Big Fella, but long ago on the old forum, I got involved with a christian woman who wanted to discuss my atheism by PM and to share her Christian experience with me. I seem to recall her name was Beth as well (the archives dont hold old PMs so I couldn’t check that for sure). We exchanged pleasantries and ground rules for the discussion and I waited and waited and waited and waited…So buddy, it slowly dawned on me that waiting endlessly was in some small way sharing in the Christian experience…I think Beth set me up. I worked hard not to be bitterly twisted with disappointment.
Best wishes, hope you get over it, the bathroom is yours.

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I guess I will feel better after a few banana peels. Perhaps I will take a walk to the local zoo and ogle the naked chimps. That always makes me happy!

Hold on Champ, Beth is a good christian. She has, in her own sweet way given you evidence of God.


Clever girl. Now your dried banana peel is under Tin Man’s stash of silicone oil, which is under the layer of rubber cookies I left for him by the Cockatoo food…all those sunflower seeds…

WOW! [ Epiphany ] Warm fuzzy feeling. Oh wait, that’s my right leg! Yes, yes, I clearly see now! ABSENCE! Yes, yes, “Clever girl.”

I’m going back to the bathroom :toilet:

I’m not going to lie, this is disappointing.

Do you suppose the devil stopped her sharing her evidence? Out of pure…well devilment?


I suppose we got the exact outcome we all not-so-secretly expected one way or another?

No actual evidence of a christian god, or any god idea for that matter. BethC joins the rest of the billions of people over the last several thousand years to completely fail to actually evidence their particular god idea.

Relax everyone… Old Man explained it all to me… “You just have to wait. Keep believing and wait!”

…and have faith, don’t forget faith…

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…Yes, faith…to keep our hope up…