Bad Theology Traumatizes Children

That’s easy. ‘Describe your God and everyone on the site can answer that question for you.’ You won’t have a single original thought or even a scrap of good evidence supporting your God claim. That = indoctrination.


Still dishonest as you claimed to be a theist elsewhere, try again. Why not be honest about what you believe?

Please demonstrate some objective evidence that any deity exists or is even possible, or say if you cannot do this?


I second that. You would have to demonstrate any god or gods exist prior to showing your hate was just misguided fantasy. (All you have said is that you hate a fantasy.) My response to that would be, ‘Why bother?’


Or he could have stated that from the start, and said he was being hypothetical, and was an atheist, but his profile says theist, and he has claimed plainly and unequivocally to be a theist in at least one post I read. The dishonesty rankled from the start, where he relentlessly ignored what others told him about their own beliefs or lack thereof, and insisted he knew better, it smacked of trolling then, and does so here again. This seems like a dishonest dodge to avoid addressing the burden of proof, but in reality his claims are all over the place, and seem to have the sole purpose of provocation. His claims are now contradicting earlier claims he made, and the dominos are tumbling down.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”.

Or for the theists, “Be sure your sin shall find you out.”

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I’ve taken my pills so perhaps I can think a little clearer. I will now try to answer your questions.
I am a misotheist. That means I hate all gods. I especially hate the monotheistic Judeo-Christian God. Once upon a time, we were all as one. There were no divisions of race and religion separating us. We were whole. Together. Then, the piece of shit known as Yahweh separated us all. He loved division, which is why he started wars and destroyed the tower of babel. He also liked to get people fighting each other. We have now forgotten the togetherness and oneness we used to feel, but somehow we try to regain it through partying and alcohol. Christians are under a strange misapprehension that their God ‘loves’ them. He/It doesnt. All He is interested in is Himself. He cares not for the suffering of his creatures. Put in the context of today’s world it makes perfect sense. But, in all fairness, so does atheism.

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Wouldn’t a god have to exist before you could hate it? Yahweh did not separate us all. History shows us a long period of tribal warfare and invented gods. Human beings have never been together. There was never a documented time when there were no divisions. We have forgotten nothing of the kind. If Christians are under any strange misapprehension, it is the belief in magic and the assertion without evidence that their god is different from all other gods in that it actually exists.

The real question here is why would you make up stories about Gods, you can not demonstrate exist? It’s a bit like saying I hate those mirages that appear in front of the car as you drive through the desert? After all they are responsible for confusing millions of people who don’t know they are mirages. Your position is just silly.


This entire post confirms that you are a theist.


Seriously? Shut up with this dumb theistic crap. Sounds exactly like the hobby lobby “he gets us” campaign. Great go worship whatever you believe in and leave the rest of us alone then. Thanks.

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I still see no objective evidence demonstrated by you that a deity is even possible, let alone that one exists?

Hating the concept of the deity imagined in the bible doesn’t represent evidence it is real.


You know what I hate? I hate Santa Claus! Yep, that’s right! I said it! I hate that fat-ass red suit bastard! Because ever since I stopped believing he was real, that narcissistic bastard has never delivered me another Christmas gift. And, furthermore, how sadistic and cruel does one have to be to put a lump of coal in a child’s stocking on Christmas Eve, just because the child misbehaved a couple of times within the year? What an asshole! And I don’t EVEN want to remember how many Christmas Eves I tossed and turned in bed, wallowing in anxiety, worried that I had not been a good boy since the prior Christmas. So, as far as I’m concerned, Santa can go fuck himself. Kids are under the misconception that Santa loves them. Fact is, Santa just gets his jollies off by extorting children at the request of parents. So glad I finally stopped believing in that son of a bitch. I hate him.

(Edit for self-loathing.)


Uh…gee I hate to admit it it, but I really do hate those mirages after being fooled by them.
I was driving across Utah in the middle of summer with no air conditioning, when I saw what I thought was a large lake in the distance.
It looked to be way off of the path of the highway. The decision to check it out proved to be just the first of several bad decisions. After driving for about ten minutes, I was no closer than when I first saw it. But my friend egged me on. After another ten minutes we suddenly dropped into some sort of sinkhole clear up to the bottom of the windows.
What now? We knew we would have no chance if we tried to walk out without an ample supply of water, so we made the fateful decision of staying in the shade of the jeep until sundown when presumably it would be cooler.
Just as the sun was setting we heard the sound of a truck or car. As it got louder we realized it was heading our way. Great! A rescue! The truck pulled up and two younger men got out and said they were from a local Mormon community under the leadership of Rulon Jeffs. Many years later we learned that he was the father of the infamous Warren Jeffs. (now serving time for several crimes)
The men said they would take us to a nearby house where we could get cooled down, have a meal, and then we would come back and get the Jeep out the next day. Another poor decision.
When we got to the house, we were greeted by about a dozen women of various ages, all dressed similarly. We were shown a water trough to use to wash up and invited to come inside. We entered the house (third bad decision) and that is when everything went south.
Apparently we were drugged with the water they gave us to drink and when we woke up, we were both tied to a large platform on our backs, completely naked.
The next three days are a nightmarish fog of every kind of depraved human treatment one can imagine. I only wish I could forget.
At just about the point of complete hopelessness, a freak thing happened.
Evidently an experimental aircraft launched from Area 51 in Nevada was experiencing some sort of malfunction and the pilot had to eject directly over our location!
When the people holding us captive heard the commotion of the aircraft and saw the pilot eject, they all jumped into several vans and hightailed it out of there, leaving us tied up.
After about an hour had elapsed, we heard voices and soon a group of five or six men dressed in white hazmat type suits came into where we were tied up. We could hear them talking to each other but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Shortly, one of them, presumably the leader, ordered the others to untie us and render aid.
Once we were cleaned up and re-hydrated, we were led into another room and asked to sit, which we did. The “team” were all still wearing their white suits including head coverings which made it difficult to discern exactly what we were being told. The best I can recall is that we had been captured by what could only be described as a cult of Mormon Hybrid humans for the purpose of genetic experiments. The “lake” we saw was a hologram produced to lure unsuspecting travelers, such as us, to the “trap” .Obviously this was extremely upsetting and difficult to accept.
We were told that what had been going on there was highly sensitive information and that we could not be allowed to relay any details to anyone.
After much back and forth between two or three of them, we were informed that we would be given an injection which would seriously dull our memories of the events and the entire area would be scrubbed of any evidence, making any exposure of the events by either of us, a near impossibility. The injections were administered and we both blacked out. Upon awakening we were led to a windowless van and seated in the back. After some time we felt the van slow and stop and the doors opened, revealing my Jeep parked on the side of the highway we had foolishly left to go find the “lake”. The leader, still wearing a head covering, admonished us to forget what had happened and tell no one of the events, or we would be paid an uninvited visit.
After they drove away, we took off towards Las Vegas where we were had originally been going. We spent the next three days drinking heavily, trying to remember details and struggling to wrap our brains around it all.
Eventually we remembered many details, but I ask you, who would believe such a story without any evidence whatsoever?
So you see, “mirages” hold a special place of hate for me…


Oh! Oh! Do you worship the sheep god? Is that your God?

Sheldon? If you really thought he could supply an answer, would you still ask this question?

Easter bunny always hid the chocolates. I don’t hate him though … :pensive: I blame my self ( erratic and unstoppable sobbing)

Well he’s sharing out stuff for free, he’s clearly a commy… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not sure I follow you sorry, if I knew there was sufficient evidence then demanding it would be redundant? I’d also not be an atheist of course. I am challenging his claims as they are being presented without any supporting objective evidence. I also disbelieve them of course, for the same reason.

You people are as closed-minded as the Christians you lampoon. I thought this was a Debate Forum, but you people behave like children. Yeah, yeah, go on, throw some more name-calling out there, I really dont give a fuck. Seems like no ones opinion is valid other than the group-thinking back-slappers of Atheists Republic. And I can see what’s coming next: now that youve drawn a reaction you’ll become all self-righteous whilst ignoring the ton of reactionary shit you’ve posted yourselves. By your own words, you just want to shut up anyone who thinks differently to you. They call that fundamentalism you know. Now I’ll do some fucking name calling. You are hateful, bitter, sarcastic and angry. (You’re not teenagers perchance?) As I have stated from the beginning, you arent atheists, you are misotheists but you havent got the decency to admit it.
I get it, you just want to be left alone to partake in your number one topic: talking about religion.

I am happy to oblige.

I swear. A hundred different people must have come here to tell us we aren’t atheists, and I think they all have their own separate reasons. As I’ve pointed out, it seems what they are really mad about, is the fact we exist; given they keep trying to define us out of existence.


You specifically came to an atheist forum. Did you really think we were going to share your opinions on god?

I don’t think closed minded means what you think it means.

Well then please demonstrate some objective evidence for your theistic beliefs, you have been asked many times.

Irony seems lost on you?

That’s a lie, and all anyone need do is re-read your posts and my many requests for you to demonstrate any objective evidence for any deity, and see you have not even tried to do so.

Then again, I don’t think fundamentalism means what you think it means.



  1. a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.

I would dispute hateful, angry and bitter, for the most part, but then you have the theistic penchant for making sweeping unevidenced claims and simply moving on, so what would be the point. I’ll give you sarcastic, but then even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Which you also stated is impossible, it seems your memory is no more reliable than your reasoning.

I don’t think decency means what you think it means?

Well you have a good day then.