Asking for advice after I was attacked by a Fundie at my mother's wake


My name is Mark, and I used to post on atheist boards and science fiction boards from the late 90s until around 2009/2010. As my professional life and family responsibilities became more pronounced, I no longer posted on boards, although there are still two people from boards I remain in touch with.

Tonight I decided to seek advice, which is why I am here.

A couple of weeks ago, at my mother’s wake, I found all the Christian sentiments I was being offered too much, and I asked people to stop. I needed some emotional space, I explained. (My father and beloved rescue cat of many years–my best friend–had also died not too long ago.) Yet the brother of my sister’s close friend took my needing space from Christian sentiments as an open invitation to witness to me then and there. I have had Christians freak out on me many times, and I did not want there to be a scene, so I had to be respectful and polite instead of concentrating on my feelings. (There were children in attendance.)

To make matters worse, when I was a child I was forced to go to this same church, populated largely by Arab-Americans like me (many of whom were relatives and many of whom had Arabic accents). This gentleman’s preaching to me in his Arabic accent brought back all the old memories of being disrespected, disregarded, and talked down to in that church. He also did it in a stylized, jolly, manipulative way (for lack of a better term): “Oh yes, many atheists say that. I hear that all the time and understand your views. However…” In other words, he cut off my avenues for rebuttals. Not that they mattered, as he paid no attention to my explaining how I had been emotionally abused in my church and how I was screamed at every time I disagreed despite his “freedom in Christ.” His solution: “Many Christians do what they are not supposed to do. That is why I left my church and joined another. Just read the Bible with an open mind, forgetting your prejudice.”

He also used my speaking time to formulate what he was going to say.

I still have not been able to mourn for my mother thanks to him. He triggered an OCD cascade. Mind you, I know how to manage OCD; in fact, I do volunteer work with others who have OCD just as I sometimes find myself helping other queer people (and occasionally queer people on the autistic spectrum like me). I have it all under better control than I would have thought possible, but I feel so angry, depressed, and victimized–which means I do not have it all under complete control.

To their credit, my Christian sister and the minister think what this individual did was wrong and maintain that I did nothing wrong by standing up for my atheist beliefs in a calm fashion. (When I gave a 20-minute eulogy for my mother from the church pulpit the next day, I identified myself as an atheist–something they were also O.K. with, as was my mother when she was alive.) However, I can only go so far in telling them what I really think. I do not want to lose their good will.

Quickly, since I should offer something as an introduction: I am 58, an English professor in New York City, a writer, a voice overs artist, an animal lover, and a proud geek who loves all Star Trek (TOS through Lower Decks) and science fiction. My students always come first, and I take their positive reviews seriously since I believe that if they ever started panning me I would know I was not doing my job. As a gay Arab-American/Sicilian-American atheist with OCD who is on both the autistic spectrum and asexual spectrum (demisexual and aegosexual), I know what it is to be shunned/hated for being who I am, for something beyond my control–and I treat others as I would like to be (but as a young person was rarely) treated. Teaching is very healing for me. I get to do what I wish many of my own educators had done. I did have some excellent ones, but most of them were awful.

Also, my courses are flagged as anti-racist education.

I am at the left end of the American Democratic Party (although I am registered as independent since I do not care for many of the establishment Democrats).

Some of the students I have the most success with are conservatives/Republicans since all students have the freedom to express themselves in my class and I do not grade ideology. In fact, if I try to force Republicans to write what they think I want to hear, they will not write well. Writing must be authentic, and Republicans, like everyone else, can get top grades and letters of recommendation from me. (Why can’t so many Christians treat me the way I treat my conservative students even though we have different views?)

Back to my own beliefs and teaching as healing… I include statements like these in my classes:

  • “I’m a feminist. My mother and sister have worked hard all their lives, and they shouldn’t have less pay or value than men.”
  • “I’m a white male. I’m not better than anyone in this room.”
  • “I don’t always know how to respond or what the best thing to say is. How do you feel I can best help you? Let’s work together to understand each other.”

I do my best to lead my life this way, which is why I find what Christians do to me again and again so offensive. At the risk of sounding egotistical, I believe much of my behavior is actually more in line with the Bible (or at least an idealized version instead of the actual one) than what I observe in many (no, not all) Christians. When I do something wrong–which I will always acknowledge–it is simply my being an imperfect human being.

Any advice you can offer would be appreciated.

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Hi, Mark. I think I would have liked taking a class from you.

Getting triggered can be oh so easy. But it doesn’t have to be. I’ve found that sometimes I have to learn things backwards. For instance, when someone says something I perceive as negative, I respond with a simple, ”Oh.” In my head, Oh (O) equates to zero…their comment means zero to me. I give it no energy. By doing this repeatedly, it becomes habit and fact. Sounds silly and simple, but it works for me. Maybe it will for you.


I can tell from your post, that the discussion is going the wrong way. This is likely due to your absence from the atheists’ boards. You are tossing him bombs and he is pulling out the pins and tossing them back at you. You have forgotten who has the burden of proof. Regardless of what you liked or disliked about the church, its dogma, the people, or anything else, the fact remains, there is no good evidence for the existence of a god and no good reason to believe in any one special religion.

That is a lie you are telling yourself. He has nothing to do with your ability to mourn the loss of your mother. I would suggest to you the following: "You are using him as an excuse not to mourn the loss of your mother. You do not want to face the pain, or you do not know how to face the pain. It’s easier to use him as a scapegoat. Get a picture of your mom, and set it on the kitchen table. Sit across from it, get out a pad of paper, and start writing down all the great things you remember about her. Set a timer and only do this for one hour. NO MORE. The next night do it again. Give your mom as much time as you need to give her. But do it constructively. It does not need to interfere with the rest of your life. You can cry for your mom for an hour just like you can in a sad movie for an hour. You can miss her deeply for an hour, and still move on with your life. You can recognize the depth of your love for her for an hour and still have love for other people in your world. Control your own life and stop pretending this man has some sort of control over you and your emotions. He does not.

Get over it. Wrong or right has nothing to do with it. You didn’t like it. That is all. Why in the hell is this man’s opinion so important to you? Why is he so special? How dare he treat you this way! Your just going to put off mourning your mom until he changes. Your just going to pout and complain until you get your way? Seriously? The guy is a jerk. A typical Christian jerk. We see assholes like him knocking on our doors every day. Why are you making such a big deal over this? What is REALLY going on with you? (It looks like avoidance behavior to me. Go mourn your fucking mother, she deserves it… or does she? Is that the issue? You didn’t like the woman?) Look! Something is going on with you. That man has nothing to do with it.

You know the answer to this question. They are bigots. The presuppositions of their faith make them that way. They are saved and you are a sinner. All of the Abrahamic faiths are “In-group/Out-group” faiths." This is very much unlike Taoism, Buddhism, or Hinduism. In the Abrahamic faiths you are either in the group and saved or outside the group and a filthy sinner.
Luke 11:23 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”

Luke 21:16-18 New King James Version (NKJV)

](Luke 21:16-18 You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But not a hair of your head shall be | New King James Version (NKJV) | Download The Bible App Now)
You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But not a hair of your head shall be lost.

And when your brother or son or daughter, or even your dear wife or lifelong friend, comes to you in secret and whispers, “Let’s go and worship some other gods” (gods that you know nothing about, neither you nor your ancestors, the gods of the peoples around you near and far, from one end of the Earth to the other), don’t go along with him; shut your ears. Don’t feel sorry for him and don’t make excuses for him. Kill him. That’s right, kill him. You throw the first stone. Take action at once and swiftly with everybody in the community getting in on it at the end. Stone him with stones so that he dies. He tried to turn you traitor against GOD, your God, the one who got you out of Egypt and the world of slavery. Every man, woman, and child in Israel will hear what’s been done and be in awe. No one will dare to do an evil thing like this again.
](Deuteronomy 13:6-18 And when your brother or son or daughter, or even your dear wife or lifelong friend, comes to you in secret and whispers, “Let’s go and worship some other gods” (gods that you know nothing about, neit If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, w “If your brother, your mother’s son, or your son or daughter, or the wife you cherish, or your friend who is as your own soul, entice you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods’ (whom neith Someone might try to lead you to serve other gods—it might be your brother, your son or daughter, the wife you love, or a close friend. The person might say, “Let’s go and worship other gods.” (These If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, that is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, wh If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancesto “If your brother, the son of your mother, your son or your daughter, the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own soul, secretly entices you, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ whi “If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you cherish, or your friend who is as [precious to you as] your own life (soul), entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go “Suppose someone secretly entices you—even your brother, your son or daughter, your beloved wife, or your closest friend—and says, ‘Let us go worship other gods’—gods that neither you nor your ancesto “If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife you embrace or your friend who is as your own soul entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ wh

Surah 2:191: “And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims).”

“Do not keep company with anyone but a believer and do not let anyone eat your food but one who is pious.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2395; Abu Dawood, 4832. Abu ‘Eesa al-Tirmidhi said: this hadeeth is hasan. It was also classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2519).

Now: Did you really need to ask?

They don’t: Happy to debate you on this. Any woman doing the same job with less pay value than a man in today’s world would sue their company for millions. This is not happening.

I’m a smelly chip with a stick up my ass, and the only one worse than me is an oil leaking clunky hunk of tin that rolls around here every now and again.

Christians are an offensive lot: Now that you know that… what’s the problem? Some things in life are bad. They can really make you mad. Other things just make you swear and curse.

When you’re chewing on life’s gristle…
Don’t grumble, give a whistle
And this will help things turn out for the best


Always look on the bright side of life … sing along now…

Or my other favorite “I WILL SURVIVE”

Fuck them if they can’t take a joke - Go talk to your mom!

CyberLN: This sounds like an excellent example of BT (behavior therapy), which is what I use to keep my OCD in line. (I have not been to a therapist in almost two decades, but I still use the techniques.) It was kind of you to post. Now getting it to stick in my neurodiverse mind, that is another story… But it is something I will try.

What fucking planet are you on? A cursory google search will show the gender pay gap is still with us…


Cognostic: There is so much in your post that I do not know where to start. First, thank you for being honest and, clearly, writing what you believe.

It has been so long since I have been on a message board that I no longer remember how to quote from a response. I will have to relearn that. In the meantime, let me do my best to answer without making this post too long–famous last words since I am naturally long-winded.

I suppose you are right that I approached this attack the wrong way. I was trying to be reasonable and let him see where I was coming from the way I would be in my classroom, where I never attack anyone. Also, I could not use traditional atheist arguments since that is what makes Christians freak out on me. The last thing I wanted at my mother’s wake was for people to start screaming. As the only atheist in the room, I would have been blamed even though I would not have been screaming. Also, it would have been disrespectful to my mother to cause a scene there. In other words, the things I could have said and done were limited, and I was not prepared since I was in mourning. Also, I had been the one making most of the decisions (for example, not to use any resuscitation or painful procedures and let her die naturally in hospice, a decision no one else would make), and I was exhausted.

Difficulty is mourning for my mother is not a lie. I am afraid you may have misunderstood–probably because I did not explain well. Again, I am on the autistic spectrum. Even if none of these events had happened, emotions of that magnitude are very difficult for me. I need hours, days, and sometimes even weeks to figure them out. By attacking me in this manner, this gentleman focused my thoughts on a lot of emotion unrelated to my mother, and then my OCD took over. (“Obsessive” is the “O” in “OCD.”) Now I am working hard to get these thoughts under control, which means I am still not able to go back to my mother. What I am describing is a diagnosed disability, not a choice. I also suffer from a type of OCD called scrupulosity, which means religious OCD. Many religious extremists and people in religious cults have this type of OCD. Naturally, I do not expect people on this board to be experts in OCD or autism. Rather, I wanted to get a few atheist perspectives to add to my arsenal as I get my mind back in order. I am finding that difficult–more difficult than I have found it in at least a decade.

“Control your own life and stop pretending this man has some sort of control over you and your emotions” is good advice, but that is not done so easily when a person is neurodiverse like me.

Why is his opinion so important to me? Because I am obsessing and I need to get it under control. (Yes, you are correct: There is “something…going on with [me].”) Also, the way I was ambushed when I was already feeling low because of the wake made my scrupulosity tell me that hell is waiting for me because I am an atheist, because I am gay, because he was sent by God to “save me” and I am not allowing him to do so, etc. On a conscious level, I know this is all nonsense just as I know there is no God. If OCD were not such a big problem, it would not be diagnosed and so difficult to treat. Slowly, I am working to get it under control–and I have to a large degree since I have never stopped functioning or carrying out all my responsibilities. But I am looking for other perspectives since it is still eating at me.

I respect that our views differ, and I hope we can agree to disagree. It was, after all, kind of you to post at length as you did.

I am afraid I do not agree that all people in Abrahamic faiths are bigots, although I think many are. In addition, I teach tolerance and stand against Islamophobia, antisemitism, and Christianophobia in my classroom for the same reason I stand against atheistophobia. I refuse to be a bigot no matter what was done or is done to me. When I fail and say or write something divisive since I am only human, I apologize. This is the type of person I wish to be.

As a person who speaks three languages, I can say that what we see in English translation may not be accurate. Those truly horrible sentiments you quote were expressed in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek more than two thousand years ago. In Italian there is a wonderful expression: Traduttore, traditore! (“Translator, traitor!”) The way people thought in ancient times, their aspirations and fears, were represented accurately in their original language (although I realize that not everyone who wrote parts of the Bible in Greek were native speakers or even always accurate). When we translate today, we force our own values, aspirations, and fears onto the text, creating something that may be very different from the original intention. As someone who often translates from one modern language to another (only modern in my case, as I do not speak or read any ancient languages), I know how hard it is to keep the original author’s or speaker’s intentions in another language when the context and psychology are not the same. With the Bible, we are talking about ancient languages turned into English, which is an even harder undertaking. Basically, what we get is interpretation that needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The more vicious the translator’s religion is, the more vicious the translation will be.

One student I know did a project on the way Fidel Castro’s speeches had been translated into English. He claimed that for every utterance Castro made, there were five or more different ways to translate. American translators, he said, usually chose the most violent, dramatic, or worrisome possible translation–but as a bilingual Spanish and English speaker he felt that many of the translations, although technically correct, were not actually what Castro meant.

Women’s wages: The old boy network prefers to hire fellow white males over women and people of color. A few tokens get in, but many qualified women and people of color do not get the jobs or wages they deserve. I was struck by a huge display in my university of the university leadership and wealthy donors. Overwhelmingly white male. And mind you, the students in the university in which I teach are 2/3 women and 49% of color. Those are official statistics, but I do not need them to know what I see.

“Always look on the bright side of life…” So not me, I am afraid–not even when I was an often sad kid. Wish I were that way.

Disagree: When these people are confronted with their statistics, they break down. Every time. I have yet to see them hold their own in a debate.

Catch up on the new information…

When you look at the professions women choose, the work habits of men, and the occupations men choose, your wage gap vanishes. (It is illegal to pay a woman less!)

Now let’s look at education statistics… and where we are headed for the future.

How are you going to know when you have arrived?

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This is true but asserting women “Deserve” jobs is completely fallacious. No one “deserves” anything. If a company hires an incompetent man over a qualified woman, that company deserves what it gets. I don’t believe any modern company is looking for the best match. Any woman attempting to enter a job market populated mostly by men will have a tough time. I don’t think that is anything but natural. Many do make it. Any idea what top female models make? What does a top male model make?

#1. Jennifer Kendall $22.5 million #1 Sean O’Pry $1.5 million
#2 Karlie Kloss $ 13 million #2 David Gabdy $1.4 million
#3 Crussy Teigen $ 11.5 million #3 Simon Nessnem $1.1 million

Now should they be paid the same or are there good reasons for the pay disparity? I am asserting that the playing field is equal. Any man going into a largely female-oriented business is going to need to deal with the fact that he may not earn as much as his female counterparts. “That’s life.” He is not worth as much to the companies. This is also occurring in the recent issue with the female soccer teams. It’s a joke that the women want to be paid as much as the men. Women don’t watch soccer and men don’t watch women play soccer. The women’s teams are not worth endorsement dollars, advertising, or much else. Most of these equal pay for equal work arguments in the modern era fall flat on their face.

I don’t like Jordan Peterson or much of what he says, but he is spot on when it comes to Equal pay for equal work.

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I respect that you feel strongly about gender and wages, Cognostic, but please understand that I started this thread to get a perspective on what happened to me and atheist perspectives. Perhaps gender and wages should be its own thread. This is the only thread I have.

The original context was my saying that I am a feminist and stand up for women who, like my mother and sister, have been treated unfairly because of their gender. That was in the context of my talking about what I do in the classroom, which was my way of introducing myself. I do not understand why you are posting all this other material/videos.

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The system will not allow me to edit. I have rewritten the above message. Please consider this response and not the one before it.

I respect that you feel strongly about gender and wages, Cognostic, but please understand that I started this thread to get a perspective via atheist perspectives on the situation I described and how to help myself. I would not have posted on a message board for the first time in 15 years, let alone a board I do not know, if I did not need some perspective.

Perhaps gender and wages should be its own thread. This is the only thread I have, and if all discussion is on gender and wages I will have posted and made myself vulnerable for nothing…

The original context was my saying that I am a feminist and stand up for women who, like my mother and sister, have been treated unfairly because of their gender. That was in the context of my talking about what I do in the classroom, which was my way of introducing myself. It is fine to say that you disagree with me; I encourage you to do that. But I really need for the thread to stay on topic otherwise. I really need to get some atheist perspective.

It was a response to another post. and linked to assertions in your original post. You’ll find the people around here have opinions they are willing to express and defend. Myself included. You seem to have a good grasp of reality and understand people have different opinions. That seems to be a major move in a very positive direction. ‘We are back on track’

Did you miss the main component of my previous response?? Previously, in your first post, you said

My post directly addressed this issue. I called you out on THIS STATEMENT and said you were “LYING TO YOURSELF.” I could not have been more clear.

In your next post, you told me

So, I did not misunderstand. Your first post was clear and now you are moving the goalposts. You assert that you are mourning your mother in some ways (Obviously. I expected this. I also expected that your anger at this man is a part of your mourning.) So, I am back to my original question. Does that mean you are using this man’s confrontation as a reason to avoid the pain of actually dealing with the pain of mourning the loss of your mother? Have you given yourself permission to go ahead and mourn the loss of your mother?

Blaming your OCD for focusing on this man is another smoke screen. He’s done nothing that we have not seen sleazy Christians do regularly. (No one asserted all Christians were like this. Stop defending them. Some are pushy assholes, just like some atheists that wander into this site. Stop blaming the OCD and look beyond it.

You are an educated man? Why would you say something so absurd? You don’t get the opinion, actions, or behaviors of others, “under control.” The only thing you ever have control over is ‘you.’ People get the freedom to act and behave as they like and then you have the freedom to respond. You control ‘you.’

HE’S an ASSHOLE. How difficult is that to understand? How about this: Who else was around you? Why didn’t someone else in the room step up and say something to this man? Did you feel all alone? Why would someone treat you this way? Whatever is going on, it is not this man. It is a life pattern. It is something you have not dealt with in your life and it suddenly hits you at a vulnerable point. If you stop blaming the man and blaming your OCD you might discover something much deeper.

Your responses to the situation are too simple for the pain you profess to be feeling. Do you have a friend you can sit with and share your pain? Do you have a support system? Have you reached out to an atheist forum because you have no other means of support in your life?

The religions are ‘in group/out group faiths" The religions themselves are bigoted. The perspective, I am saved and you are going to burn in hell for not believing in a god is a position of bigotry. The idea, ‘We were all born into sin, but I am forgiven because I believe in Jesus, and you are not forgiven." is bigoted.’ "If you surrender to Jesus and believe in my religion as I believe, you too can be saved.’ is bigoted. Then you would be wrong. It’s demonstrable.

You brought up women’s wages and the wage gap… but asked me not to address it again. So out of politeness, I gave you the last word.

Hello Mark, and welcome to AR. If you highlight an text in a post, then a quote icon should appear, click on it, and the text will be quoted with a link to that post, and you can write below it in a response. You can go back and do this as many times and for as many posts as you like, even from other threads, but be careful to make sure you post in the thread you wanted to if you leave it to get another reference.

FYI if you click on the post number you can jump to any post using the prompt, and of course hitting the END button on your keyboard takes you to the last post, and hitting the HOME button takes you to the first post. That’s enough for now, and you can figure the rest out as you go along.

I am sorry, Cognostic, but this is not going to work. I respect you for trying to help, for posting at length, and for being honest. That is a credit to who you are.

But calling my diagnosed OCD a smoke screen is unfair–as well as dangerous for someone like me. I went through many years of therapy learning how to manage OCD and autism; I know what the symptoms are and how they work. I know what I need to do to handle them, which is why I came here for an atheist perspective to add to my mental arsenal re: my autism. Unless you are a medical professional, you cannot assess my diagnoses (and even if you are, you assess them based only on my writing).

Further, as someone with OCD and autism, I am not neurotypical like you. Neurodiverse people like me do not respond to stimuli in the same way as neurotypical people. We often misinterpret, get confused, do not know how to respond, overreact, underreact… I truly do not know how to respond to you. You come on far too strong.

As a new person on this board, I have no right to judge or get angry. I do not know the board and what is considered normal here. I do know that on my atheist board from almost two decades ago (which no longer exists - I checked), no one would have addressed me this way. I also know that when students come to me with problems, I listen more than I speak and show empathy. Isn’t the tone of my posts a clue about how I address others and wish to be addressed?

If If I continue to post, I will only get nasty, which is unacceptable. I truly do not know what to do to get my message across that you are hurting me as much as the Christian did with your dismissing of all I say. I must withdraw, and I will not be checking the board again.

I am sorry this did not work out.

No one called it a smoke screed. You are using it as a smoke screen. Do you do this often? Do you just naturally blame stuff on OCD and then accuse people of not understanding? You are struggling to keep this Christian guy and his comments important to your life and worth worrying over. No one minimized OCD. No one is as powerful as a sick person. People who are sick oftentimes use their illnesses to manipulate others. "How can you expect me to do this? How can you say that about me? How can you expect this or that of me? Can’t you tell I am depressed, I have OCD, I have PTSD, I was once traumatized by a priest, and on and on and on.

Do you think you are feeding me any information that I do not already know? Do you imagine for a moment I have not dealt with your ilk my entire life? Are you trying to play the victim card after telling me you are high enough functioning that you can speak 3 languages and are an English professor in NY, a writer, and a voice-over artist? OCD or not, you have the intelligence and skills. Your story of victimization does not make any sense. It sounds more like manipulation and attention-seeking.

Sure you do. That is a normal human reaction. Normal around here is to simply go ahead and speak your mind. (Addressed you what way? Challenged your inconsistencies? Now you are butthurt because of the actual things you have said?) Your inconsistency is not my problem. If you go back and re-read what I have posted, I have been in complete agreement with you the entire time. The Christian was a jerk. I fully supported the idea that he was out of line. Were I there, I would have stepped up and called him out on his bullshit. Now, what is the real issue… ‘Your reaction.’ The incredible importance you are assigning to this common event. An event that occurs often in the lives of non-Christians regularly. (What is really going on? You did not like the way you dealt with the situation. You felt that you did not deal with it well? What makes it so important? What makes it triggering? Why are you here? Stop blaming OCD. Get real with yourself,

Waaaaaa! I want empathy, not truth. Have fun with that.

No one is hurting you. You have been supported from the first post to the last. You have been invited to stop feeding yourself excuses and engage in actual self-exploration. In doing this you may discover something about yourself and the way you interact with the world around you. Is that a normal thing for you to do? Do you avoid conflict by running away? Is that what you did with the Christian guy? You wished you would have stayed and stood up for yourself more instead of feeling ‘attacked’ and basically run over? (It’s a question, not an assertion.) Why do you refuse to look at your reaction and instantly go to blaming OCD or lash out at me? These are all your patterns of behavior. These are the standard ways you deal with challenges from others.

It worked out just fine. You want to run away. And if it continues, you want to get nasty. Anything to avoid dealing with what is really bothering you. Why is that?

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seems to me you got bullied

Personally I love bullies; you can do horrible things to them and other people tend not to care.

Howdy, Mark! Welcome to the AR. Sorry I’m late to this, but the past few days have been a bit hectic, so I haven’t been able to get on here as much as usual. Pleasure to meet you. Truly sorry to hear about your Mother, by the way. It’s never easy losing a loved one.

… (long slooooow whistle)… Yikes! Looks like you had one helluva day with that Christian Warrior wanna-be. Having read through the thread, I saw that my ol’ buddy @Cognostic has pretty much done all the heavy lifting regarding your situation. And as much as it pains me to say it, I have to admit I agree with his eval. Also, as usual, several others have provided you with some sound advice and different perspectives. That being said, please allow me to offer my own personal spin on the matter. This will apply not only to your most recent “antagonist”, but also to those like him you might encounter in the future. Simply put: Be Happy.

Yep. Just be happy. Whenever somebody like that approaches you and decides their god has “put it in their heart to witness His glory to you” (Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!), simply put on that happy face and proceed to kill them with kindness. And one of the most effective ways I have found to do this is to ASK THEM QUESTIONS. Keep THEM on the defensive. Remember, though, be happy when doing this. Keep a smile on your face. Keep your voice/tone cheerful. Act as though you WELCOME their intrusion upon your personal life. The overall goal is to have THEM walking away flustered and annoyed, while YOU remain carefree and relaxed. Bottom line is: WHY allow somebody like that to ruin YOUR day (or, in this case, make it WORSE)? Call me crazy, but I view folks like that as “comedy relief”. Yes, I know it was your Mom’s funeral, and it was naturally a stressful and very unhappy event. Therefore, it stands to reason you were not exactly in a “jolly” mood. Which is all the more reason I would see a guy/gal like that as a means to cheer me up a bit and lighten the mood somewhat.

See, what it boils down to is that it’s all just a matter of perspective. If you already have it in your mind to be “hurt” and “upset” by somebody who is trying to “push their religion on you”, then - guess what - chances are pretty dang good you will walk away angry and/or “depressed”. On the other hand, if you “train your brain” to accept such encounters in a more positive mindset and look at it from a perspective of “humor”, chances are you will walk away happy, while at the same time planting “seeds of doubt” in the individual who made the mistake of approaching you. Psy-ops, dude. Simple mind games. Personally, I sometimes go out HOPING somebody will approach me wanting to engage in such discussions. Hell, depending on the person/circumstances, I will even give him/her a chance to change his/her mind about wanting to have such a discussion with me. (Hey, it’s only fair that I warn them, right? :innocent:)

Anyway, what I just suggested is only a general overview. Obviously, there are multiple factors to consider. As such, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Meanwhile, hang around and get back into the swing of things. I think you will find we have a pretty good group of regulars here. Make yourself at home, but never accept any “chocolate covered” peanuts from Cog.

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Exactly! And it always helps if you remember they are just talking bullshit. There is no foundation for anything they say. Like the land of the Lotis Eaters, they have swallowed the holy wafers and sipped the holy water. They are wearing their God glasses and can not see what is in front of their faces without attributing it to some Godly miracle. Pitty them.

ENTER THE “ABCs of RATIONAL THOUGHT” If you have not heard of these before. Seriously look into it.

A = An activating event = The Christian Preaching at you.
C= The consequence of that event.

In life we often believe that A causes C. This is never the case. As Tin has pointed out above and as I should have clearly stated previously A never causes C. There is an interveaning variable and that is B

B = Your belief system. What you believe about that situation?


There was an event that happened, and you responded to it with a belief system that might have been useful to you at one point in your life but was no longer useful to you at that point. You responded with an anger reaction.

Any time in your entire life there has been one reason and one reason only that you have been angry.
You did not get what you wanted.

When you were young and shit your pants and felt discomfort you screamed because you wanted to be changed. If your mom did not change you, you streamed some more.

When your mom told you, you could not have a cookie and you wanted one you got angry.

When you were told you could not stay up late and you wanted to watch a movie you got angry.

When you were called names in school you wanted to be treated with respect and got angry.

When the kid pushed you on the playground you wanted him to stop and you got angry.

When the lady at the supermarket is digging through her coin purse and you want her to hurry, you get angry.

When the jerk in the car in front of you cuts you off, he should drive better and you get angry?

Anger is always about wanting something that you can not have. Anytime you are upset or angry it is about trying to control something over which you have no control. What you do have control over is YOU.

The best thing you can do in this situation is learn from it. Come up with a plan for the next time. Think it through. How will you deal with it when it happens again? How can you use this experience to become stronger, more intelligent, and a better human being? How can you use it to FACE YOUR DEMONS, deal with your own issues, and then grow.

I wish you luck. (Good job Tin!)

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Thanks. Although, in all fairness, I can’t really take all the credit. It’s entirely possible I may have read some of that stuff in a fortune cookie or two over the years. Probably got stuck in my brain on a subliminal level or something and somehow worked its way out during a Freudian Slip. Ain’t psychosi-… uh, psychology fun?

Talking Freudian slips:

An old couple are having dinner, and the man says:

“You’ve ruined my life, you blood sucking shrew!”

“Sorry, I meant please pass the salt.”


Oh come on now! You mistake kindness for hostility. @Cognostic was just trying to help you. I’m sorry if you didn’t come here to listen to the truth. But that’s what you got.

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