Aren't we all agnostic?

I don’t always remember what it’s like during the episode, as my memory is extremely fuzzy.

I’ll have flashes, of doing things, and I remember at the time it seems perfectly sane, but when you look back at it, you realise it was far from it.

It isn’t frequent this occurs, it’s usually when I am under a lot of pressure, dealing with something big that I can’t control, or when I haven’t slept for days.

I have friends around me, who watch out for me, one of my friends said I talk differently, and I am really dismissive.

False memories of what people have said is another one, arguably the most damaging.

These issues are a more recent development, I am pretty sure it is the drugs, which is why I am going T total for the foreseeable future.

Need to find solid ground. 🫨

We are slowly creeping off topic aren’t we. :rofl:

Nope. You’ve thoroughly dragged me through the mud on that one, Shelly. And I’m better for it. It’s better for me not to try to convince anyone that my internal universe is a representation of the external universe. I’ll stand up for my beliefs, but I won’t be trying to demonstrate them objectively. I’ll hint at things. I’ll insinuate this and that. I’ll stand as a representative for all voice hearers as someone who is deeply affected by voices and still appears to conduct himself rationally (rat - ion -ally).

Or a computer program run by the United States government :wink:

It does. But, if you were to take the same things I do, you would also see a decrease in brain activity. Yes, my particular physiology is causally related to the level of voice I hear. That is incidental. If you stop adding fuel to a fire or you douse a fire with water the flames go out.


Microsoft word?

:sweat_smile: Couldn’t resist.

Edit, finally found the perfect profile pic!

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Hmm. For me, Coffee exasperates my delusions. And fogs my overall coherence making recollection harder.

Symptoms of mania, I think?

T total? Was is Das?

It would seem so. I’m just killing time before work anyhow. No need to dive too deep.

I don’t touch the stuff, not a fan of hot drinks in general, much rather a cold refreshing glass of orange juice, or water.

:man_shrugging:t3: I’m not well versed enough in psychology to give it a reliable diagnosis, I have appoints in the works, now that I am not high, I can actually organize such things.

Without inebriation, or not taking inebriants. (Not getting high or drunk.)

I will be sleeping before long, I feel like my eye lids have suddenly become weighted.

Well. My point is this. We now live in a world where it is almost possible that a computer program can imitate humans in any venue (over the web) and we wouldn’t be able to detect it. Moreover, let’s say we were playing chess with such a program. It might annihilate us and we would only be led to assume that the person on the other side of the screen was a superior chess player.

I deal with beings of superior power, intelligence, patience, etc.

Hypothetically, it may all be in my brain. But then, who am I? I control my limbs, my reflexes, etc. But my brain is controlled by a power higher than me? One that exists in my brain? But I am just the controller of the limbs and the reflexes? And everyone else is different?

Neither is ratty but he diagnoses himself anyway.

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There’s nothing quite like peace of mind. I hope you find it.

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Have a good rest :wink: :sleeping:

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Self diagnosed borderline genius … :smirk:

OR cheating? There’s many possibilities here.

That is what you believe, but we haven’t confirmed that.

Why can’t you be the controller of limbs, reflexes and everything else occuring in your brain at once?

When it comes to reflexes, I am not entirely in control there, not ‘conciously’ I use the word loosely.

That’s kind of what reflexive action means.

Anyway, I shall depart before I drop my phone on my face. Until we meet again. :sleeping:

We’ll make time for that :wink: for now … it’s time to make some chedda :cheese:

So let’s see then…what could it be that would encompass those things? I had it on the tip of my tongue…no that was the Möbius “biscuit”
Hmm…could it be…SATAN???
Edit (Those who know don’t say and those who say don’t know)

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Hey there, Wily, you’ll have to forgive our dear Ratty. He may have a few “moments” now and then, but he’s a good guy in general. Plus, he’s fun to have around. Give it enough time, and our loveable Ratty will grow on you like mold.

@rat_spit Love ya, big guy. :two_hearts:

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Well. While the rest of you gang bang @Sid ”Butters”, I’ll tell ya’ll a high tale about the humour of our Lord.

I was a schizophrenic taking medication and I decided not to take my medication. After three days of laughing uncontrollably (we can talk about that later) I fell into a catatonic state (I won’t go into that on this occasion).

So, here I am, locked away in an isolation room, trying my best not to move or breathe for fear of eternal repercussions. The room fills with a thick fog of darkness and I lose consciousness.

When I wake up, I’m somewhere else. The walls are moving around me and forming a box. The cage door is moving into place and I start to see something like a foam appearing from under the door.

As I watch it carefully I see that it is made of tiny little people; little gnomes carrying pitch forks and shovels. And they’re slowly, slowly coming down the floor towards me. I notice that I’m on a mattress on the ground. But other than that, my attention is fixed on the little, tiny people moving my way at a snails pace.

They reach the drain in the floor. And they slowly falls into it, as if spelunking down it. My attention turns to the industrial strength toilet in the northwest corner of the room. Somehow, the toilet is aware and somehow it informs me that under no circumstances am I allowed to lift one foot off the mattress onto the floor. In fact, the toilet telepathies, if I do, It will send a rocket out of the toilet bowl which will fly through the room, go right up my ass, and transport me through a little red light in the southeast corner of the room.

That light is a portal to Hell. And for the first time I am cognizant of both the reality of Hell and the unwavering certainty of the deal that has been made with the toilet.

I agree, naturally. I am dressed in my hospital gown. And I look on the floor beside the mattress where I see:

  • a juice box
  • a yogurt
  • and a banana

Assuming this to be the very last items I will ever eat, I make the idiotic mistake of eating all of them as quickly as I can. I ask the toilet if I have been taken here to die by starvation. The toilet informs, by thought transmission, that I will not leave this place until I have reached enlightenment.

“Oh,” I think. “I have plenty of time then. I think I’ll take a rest.”

And I lay down and quickly fall asleep. When I wake up, I’m back in the hospital isolation room, where my mother is in tears begging me to move my limbs. I acquiesce. I have been keeping still for over 24 hours. And there is a terrifying idea in my head that if I move off the mattress my fate is sealed in that other realm I was just in.

But, I figure that, since I’m not actually there, there won’t be any harm in my moving. And, at the very least, my mother would stop wailing over her youngest child. So, I move.

Years later, I realize that - of course! Food would be brought to me every day. And then I wonder, “But how will I piss, not being able to leave the mattress for fear of eternal damnation?”

The drain in the floor! Of course! And, then I think, “but where will I shit? How will I shit? On the mattress? That’s disgusting. Maybe I’ll squat over the floor? Still gross.”

And, then it dawns on me. Had I simply trusted in God, perhaps he would have come to me. He was a toilet, after all. Perhaps He loves me so much that … yada yada yada. That’s the joke :grinning:

To this day my fear of Hell lingers and the thought that I will return to that room after death haunts me.

This is how fucked up my illness is! This is the extent to which I “hallucinate”! So … fucked … up.

I draw the line at MOULD!


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I wish I could hug you, that sounds like a terrifying ordeal.

I also feel like I have a better grasp on your position on this topic now.

I honestly can’t say I have any real issue with your belief in god/Satan/Mara.

Any rope when you are suffering like that is worthy of grasping. (Just as long as it doesn’t keep you in a cycle.)

Hmm :thinking: Ropes and suffering? Thanks for the “advice”!!! HA!!! I’m joking.

But thank you for your sympathies. I’ve been through a lot and my cheese has yet to fall off of its biscuit.

The unfortunate reality is that there is 1 % of the population out there who are just like me. And many will sit out their days in supported living with no real purpose in life to distract them from the voices and the suffering.

I messed up the punch line:

God stuck me in a room for eternity without a way to take a shit.

That’s the “funny” part. He’s a funny Guy.


Eek gad! No! Is that … is that a rat in his mouth? :open_mouth:

For shame!

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I had an acid trip like that, except it wasn’t god stopping me from pooing, it was that every time I tried poop, I’d get distracted.

Four hours roll past, and I realized I’ve spent most of the trip on the toilet, when I didn’t even need to go toilet.

Drugs can be very bad.