Aren't we all agnostic?


LSD dirtied up my pineal gland :frowning:

In hind sight, I shouldn’t have done it three times. I had a really fun time the first time. The second time was a disaster. And then, of course, I reasoned maybe third time will be fun again. It wasn’t.

Yeah it’s fun, up until the point it isn’t.

After that, good luck having a nice trip.

I guess there is a lagg on when you guys can see the display pictures then? I’ve been changing them about quite a bit.

Aww :relaxed: that one is much better. Reminds me of my pet family. My cat is such a butter tart. We let the rats roam free and they scare him!

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Now you have to be nice to me, or it’s back between my teeth! :rofl:

Wait! I am nice! Oh … let me guess … pre-emptive warning? :joy:

Okay. Okay. I’ll try :sunglasses:

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You know, if you stare at the white walls long enough they begin to breath. Stare at them a bit longer and the sharks teeth begin popping out here and there. If you have an axe, you can try to catch one. These rare animals have never been studied in captivity. They hide in the walls. They are all around us. Yet, most people don’t see them.

Oh SHIT! I blew banana out my nose.

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Does this also apply to the walls of alien spaceships during abductions :thinking:

I have a mortgage, a wife of 15 years, a decent automobile, a nice job I enjoy that pays well, side projects and hobbies, close family ties, good friends, hikes through the woods on the weekends, mushroom picking with my in-laws every once and a while - all while keeping everyone under the spell that I’m a charming, funny, polite, relatable, and good looking 41 year old man.

I’m doing better than most actually normal people. Oh. And I’ve got a hike to Machu Picchu planned for the fall. So, stick that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Monkey (I know you’re jealous. The first thing I’m going to do when I land in Cusco is eat a Guinea pig. Ahahahhahahaha!)

My “confessions” of insanity on this venue are just that - an avenue for me to express this dark, inner world I experience to actual people. You should be honored that I chose your “ilk” - you insufferable, heretical, non-believers.

I’m kidding. I like you guys so much because you’re rational. And don’t buy into the garbage of religion. I was once like that for a long time. I like to think I maintain some sentiment and sanity by hanging around you (guys and gals). And I like to think that I inject just enough insanity into that oh so rational world view you all so fortunately hold.

A little give. A little take.

Edit: “cock fuck” is a little too vulgar (even for me)

Well, I had rat in Thailand and Racoon here in Korea, but I hear Guinea Pig is a lot better. Probably not at tasty as pig snout, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. I’m single for a reason. I have spent a lifetime travelling the world. Still, I’ve not been to Machu Pichu. So… I have to admit a little envy. My penis is still bigger than yours.

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I now have an image, of a rat with a penis bigger than that off an ape.

That rat looks more like an appendage to the penis, rather than the other way around. :rofl:

To be fair, Cog (the monkey) claimed to have a larger penis than myself (the rat). Now, no “objective” evidence of this has been provided and thus it remains a subjective claim. That is, unless Sheldon cares to divulge the dick pics Cog has been sharing with him over Insta. :rofl:

Gawd … tasty :yum: those all sound good!

Edit: dam 🦫 I guess that makes me a cannibal.

Now was that “rat ala skewer” by chance. Nice and crispy, I bet. :yum:

Guiea pig is indeed a very tasty meal. I had a friend (really I did) who bred guinea pigs, of course because of genetics a fair percentage were born as plain brown ones. So he fed them, fattened them and then we ate them.

Better than rabbit, tastier than chicken, and, nicer than croc.
And, as a hungry actor cheaper than all of them. My kids learnt cute can also mean tasty.


You know, it’s a damn shame. I haven’t really ever eaten a single exotic animal. But I really am looking forward to the Guinea pig.

Ah. Well. I’ve had rabbit stew. On a monastery with some pervy monks. True story. I’ll share it some other time. My twelve hours of “hunting and gathering” have ended. My wife will now allow me back inside the apartment where I can use the bed to take a nap.

I had a lovey python for years named Zanzibar. Brough a gerbil home one day to feed him and one of my daughters (about 6 at the time) asked if she could name the gerbil. I told her he already had a name…Lunch.
This is why my kids are the way they are :crazy_face:

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I draw the line at eating dogs, you meanies.


Uh, I’ll have you know that “Poodles and Noodles” are delicious…Basenji burgers aren’t bad either…
Edit (throw another pooch on the Barbie)

Okay, okay….we’ve devolved…please return to debating the original subject. :innocent:

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Sorry, I haven’t had breakfast and all that talk about deliciousness was just too much…
I’ll try to behave…:innocent:

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Okay, fine. How about mildew or fungus? Your choice.