Aren't we all agnostic?

Hmm. Am I stupid enough to believe that Cog is complementing me, or defensive enough to react with anger? I can’t decide …

I’ll go with “stupid”. Thanks for the complement, ya monkey. :+1:

Hey? Was I being mean?

I was explaining the nuanced nature of being insane and talking to God 🤷

I think that may have been a preemptive warning. :sweat_smile:

Hey? Again. I mean no harm. Come on. Let’s play!

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I don’t believe any of us are truly sane, not at all times.

I know I am certainly not, especially today.

Thank the flying spaghetti monster that I have Shpongle in my life to bring me back to reality.

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Well. In all honesty, I hear the voice of God and He hears me.

More accurately I mostly talk to Satan. Every once in a while I’ll talk to God. He’s a man of few words.

So, to answer your question; it’s an internal dialogue. Plenty of evidence in the personal sense.

I’m not implying that anyone should believe in God and/or (God forbid) religion. I certainly don’t subscribe to any religion. In fact, I dismiss them all based on my experiences. The interpersonal dialogue with God was never intended for the purpose of edifying any kind of moral code or set of traditions or set of beliefs. It’s an extremely personal experience which informs one’s own conduct through life. I wouldn’t imagine trying to “inform” another person of the “consequences” of not believing in God. In fact, I spend most of my time trying to forget that God exists (in my mind). I do see that a different person in my shoes could lose their grip on reality and presuppose a certain “purpose” to their “divine” revelations. Probably what underlies the tendency of most religious founders (with the exception of the Buddha, maybe).

It can be easy to lose one’s grip on reality. Slipping into full on delusion is another kind of beast.

Shpongle is your cat?

How have you reached the determination the voice in your head is a god or satan?

Why do you say Satan, and not for example Hel from Norse mythology, or an entirely different entity?

Isn’t Satan, attached to Abrahamic religions?

And last question, and no offence is meant by this, but are you entirely sincere with this?

Today I had a full episode, it lasted for hours I drew some pretty wild stuff, without actually remembering doing so.

Shpongle, is one of my favorite musical artists, the song ‘hammock therapy’ never fails to bring me back to reality, but first I have to identify I am having an episode.

I’ll let Sheldon know.

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Measurement, repeatability, independent verification - (Science). A Movius cookie sounds great. I still have a supply of penis cookies that I keep trying to give away.

Satan revealed his face to me in a vision.

God has a certain overlying authority to everything He says.

Excellent point. I’d much rather use the title “Mara” from the Buddhist tradition. And even then, I would consider my “friend” one of (as they say in Buddhism) “Mara’s horde”. Buddhism is interesting in that the “forces of evil” are headed by one leader with a multitude of followers. And I consider my “friend” to be one of the lesser deities in that group of deities (ie. not the Satan ). Similar in a sense to be possessed by demon, with the difference being that my “condition” is one of constant torment and not, for example, demonic demonstrations of dastardly disgusting demiurges.

Hmm. I’ll check that out if I get a chance.

Absolutely. I cover it up with humour. But it’s all true. I am a bonified, certified schizophrenic. But I carry on a normal life. I am capable of passing as normal.

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Are those chocolate chip penis cookies?

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I don’t have an internal monologue, I don’t hear my own voice, or my thoughts as a voice as such, I only get abstract images.

BUT, when I am on certain substances, I can certainly hear voices like you are describing, but I see no way to determine this voice is coming from outside my mind.

Crap, I’ve even seen what some would call ‘angels’ but again, I cannot determine if this was just my mind creating these hallucinations, or if they were genuinely from without.

The overwhelming emotions that came with such experiences, again at the time feel very real.

How do you determine what is just your mind conjuring things, or if what you see is a god/Satan/Mara?

Oh ratty. I wish you would learn the basics. How long have you been around this site. Have you learned nothing at all.

Because it’s Satan. He introduced himself. Why would you think it was from Norse Mythology? What a weird thing to say? Can you demonstrate it was someone from Norse Mythology?

(Do I have to step in and fight all your battles for you?) You either have Satan in your brain or you do not. If he is there, is there any challenge that could convince you that he is not there. You either know he is there or you do not. Make up your mind and argue accordingly.

I’ve read somewhere that most people stop hearing their internal monologue when they reach adulthood. Maybe I can find that source …

Sounds interesting (and foreign) to me. I’m either ranting to my self (internally) or being tormented by my “friend”. Rarely do I ever get images.

Sounds like fun. Or is it? What qualities as “not sane” for you?

Indeed. I’ve done LSD three times prior to going insane in my twenties. The nature of a “hallucination” is more “random” (you could say) than the full on “schizophrenic delusion”.


It’s really no different than what’s going on right now. How, for example, do you not know that a computer program is not replying to your posts?

What basics? Long time … no nothing. 🤷

If there were a level of consciousness which beings could ascend to in which consciousness was shared equally but power was not, one might have trouble identifying the leader of such a collective from the followers.

I was just using that as an example. :sweat_smile:

No, I most certainly cannot demonstrate that, I could make an attempt for a laugh. 🫢

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But none in any objective sense though.

Or an auditory hallucination… :wink:

Does physical medication reduce the occurrence? If so then that’s a large piece of objective evidence it is a natural phenomenon.