Are you a lifer?

At least the British PARLIAMENT isn’t an international pedophile ring run by ONE man who protects his pedophile clergy!!! Ha.

Contempt, fine. Outward expression of bigotry, limits on freedom of speech. inane over reaction. NO! You need to reel it in and stop posting bigoted, narrow-minded, ignoirant, drivel that is of the same quality of Christian attacks against atheism. YOU ARE ACTING EXACTLY LIKE A CHRISTIAN with your zealot bullshit.

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Let Us Prey

Dear Andy,

See what Cog just said? Pay attention, because what he said is true. Believe me, you have made it ABUNDANTLY clear at this point as to how much you detest Christians and Christianity. We get it. No mystery AT ALL as to how you feel. Understood. Reading five-by-five. Message received LOUD AND CLEAR. And considering you say you were abused by that system in some fashion, then I would say you are justified in holding that resentment and scorn. Fine. No problem. The problem you are apparently not seeing, however, is in how you are dealing with it. You say you want to change the minds of Christians and make them see how foolish they are for believing in the bible nonsense, right? Okay, cool. Consider this for a moment, though…

As you should already be well aware, atheists are already seen as the absolute lowest form of life by most every major religion. Atheists are horribly immoral. They are baby eaters… Dark agents of their Lord Satan… Satan worshipers… Evil… Malicious… Hateful individuals who are angry with God. Simply SAY the word “atheist” around any group of Christians (in particular), and those are the FIRST THOUGHTS that pop into their minds. They can’t help it. Strictly reflex, because that is what most of them were taught since birth. Meaning, they ALREADY EXPECT an atheist to be rude, angry, demeaning, and hateful. Therefore, if you confront a Christian in such a manner, you are actually VERIFYING WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TAUGHT. As such, you are JUSTIFYING why they should repel and ignore anything you tell them. In other words, HIGHLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. You simply make them dig in their heels and cling to their faith even tighter.

And like Cog said, that really makes you no different than they are. You are here doing all this bitching and ranting about how intrusive Christians are by blatantly smearing their beliefs in everybody’s face, and getting hateful when anybody challenges their faith. Yet, you admit you do the exact same thing to any Christian who might make some type of religious remark to you. Pot-kettle much?

For what it’s worth, here is my take on the whole thing. Yes, religion is responsible for some horrendous shit throughout history. No doubt about it. And, yes, I too have endured some amount of “mental suffering” as a result of my religious indoctrination. But guess what… I am NO LONGER CONTROLLED BY THAT. I escaped. I am free. I have “seen the man behind the curtain”. As such, my mind is much more clear now. I have the luxury of no longer being burdened with the threat of hell. I am also very much aware of what keeps most people shackled to their religious chains. And coming at them with an expression of contempt and yelling insults while wielding a roaring angle grinder to cut away those chains will simply make them cling even tighter to the chains that keep them imprisoned. Most will even panic and fight you tooth and nail to keep you away from their chains. So, tell me, what have you accomplished, other than giving yourself a sense of pleasure and smug satisfaction at having terrified Christians the same way they try to terrify others?


I am happy for you that you have overcome and “escaped” your “mental suffering” as a result of your religious indoctrination and that you are “no longer controlled by that”. I’m pleased to hear you report that your “mind is much more clear now” and that you now feel “free”. That must have been quite a psychological ordeal for you.

Did you receive professional help? I hope so. Some people get so beaten up by religion that they can’t help themselves. I guess I was lucky. I was like a Jew who escaped a Nazi prison camp. Except there was no barbed-wire to keep me locked inside—only irrationality, and coercion. Unlike the other duped inmates in that “prison camp” I saw right through the poisonous fairy tales the clergy was feeding us all.

You can’t beat a rational mind with a stick. I was an atheist before I hit puberty.

After seeing “the man behind the curtain” my mind was clear too. But unlike you, I couldn’t forgive him. He is a monster who preys on vulnerable victims. He eats your mind and soul and spits out what’s left—an indoctrinated zombie.

You and I are the rare exceptions—we escaped before he could chew us to pieces. The difference between you and me is that I can not feel “free”: Not while this monster is on the loose, busy chewing up countless new victims every day.

I make no apologies for my anger and contempt for religion and for religious people who help feed their monster. However, I have (often enough) set aside my contempt and have tried to help indoctrinated victims with patience. I have calmly presented cogent arguments…but to no avail. Worse than blinded, these victims are victims of themselves—They seek delusion and embrace it. They are much like masochists who seek to be “punished”.

So, I have come to realize that the only people who can treat theists’ illness is not a wise philosophers, but an expensive psychologist.

Well, I don’t know how soon you escaped, but it took me over forty years with a trail of horribly bad decisions and damaged lives left in my wake as a result of the doubt and indecisive thinking instilled by my Christian indoctrination. Did it “chew me to pieces”? No, not exactly. But it most certainly caused me a great deal of internal turmoil over the years. And, no, thankfully, I did not require any psychiatric assistance in my journey to freedom. All I required was somebody to patiently and calmly answer my questions and enlighten me with information to which I had never been exposed.

And guess what… Those who are fully vested in their faith and do not question it WILL NEVER BE REACHED. You are WASTING YOUR TIME in even trying to explain it to them. You might as well go pound your head repeatedly against a brick wall. Because no matter how true… no matter how logical… no matter how rational… no matter how calm and sincere you may be, there is absolutely NOTHING you can say to them or show them that will make so much as a scratch on their faith. On the contrary, it will more likely make their faith STRONGER and more resolute. And it is not that they are “masochistic” (although, granted, there ARE a few like that out there). It’s just that most of them actually take great comfort in believing there is an all-knowing “protector” watching over them and in control of all that happens. Think more along the lines of Stockholm Syndrome.

No amount of professional psychiatric sessions is ever gonna help. Because a person first has to ADMIT he/she has a problem and must WANT to be “cured” before there is any chance of that being remotely effective. So, quite bluntly, it is rather ludicrous that you even suggested that.

Bottom line is, save your breath and your energy for those who are doubting and questioning. THEY are the ones who need wise and reliable guidance. THEY are the ones you can actually reach. Those who are firm in their faith and beliefs without any doubts are like Hydras. The more you try to hack away at them, the stronger they become. Certainly you must see the futility in doing that.

Right. That sums up my view of theists. That’s why I seldom waste my time trying to reason with them. They are duped fools who wish to remain duped. I’d pity them if they weren’t so self-righteous and obnoxious. That’s why I loathe them and their miserable, tyrannical religion.

So we’re right back to where we started. Except, now you appear to be sympathetic with my disregard for these ignorant, meddling sheep.

I’m outta here. What a waste of time.

Nooooo…! I have massive potential for growth! I am the acorn that becomes the mighty oak!..

Well that’s a fucking respite from self aggrandizing memes.


Holy FUCK God really does answer prayers! Where in the hell did I put that cross.

Oh fuck Tin! You put your little tin butt into the fray now. Hold on tight, the wrath of Andy is about to put you in your place. The snarky little post is on its way.

BULLSHIT! An excuse you tell yourself to justify your juvenile bullshit and socially unacceptable behavior. NO ONE CONTROLS YOU. You are 100% responsible for your own shit. Each and every time you have been angry in your life it has been for one reason and one reason only. Like a baby who is told he/she can’t have a cookie, you are angry because you can not get what you want. Someone calls you a name and you get angry, you want. them to treat you more respectfully, how dare they. You are driving along and some asshole cuts you off. Fuck that bitch, doesn’t he know you are in the lane. You want him to be more aware, to drive more safely, to get out of your fucking way. You are in line at the supermarket and the fucking chashier has decided to tell he life story to the lady in front of you. You want her to hurry up and do her fucking job. It does not matter, your anger is always about wanting something. The key to ‘getting over it’ is to STOP WANTING SHIT YOU CAN NOT HAVE.

You can not have a different life. Grow the fuck up. You can not control other people. Grow the fuck up. You can’t stop people from expressing their beliefs or opinions. Grow the fuck up. You don’t get to control the lives of others. It does not matter how many tantrums you throw. Toss yourslef onto the floor, kick, scream, shout about how unfair everone is being, whine, cry, call people names, and it does not fucking matter. The only person you are in control of is YOU! No one has to listen to your bullshit. And no one is going to listen to it besides another bigoted, like minded, immature, (Did I just say immature? Someone spank me!) mouthy, inapropriate, socially unaware, atheist professing, god hating wanna-be.

Welcome to the world of atheists… This is a message that you really need to hear. YOU are in control of YOU. Stop blaming other people for your SHIT.

What you could do is begin to educate people. You mentioned you liked teaching. What the fuck kind of a teacher walks into the classroom and begins calling the students stupid? What kind of a teacher walks into a classroom and tells the students what losers they are because of their beliefs or what their parents have done or how they were raised. What in the fuck kind of teacher do you think you are? Right now… you are a SHIT teacher. The question is, are you going to take a serious look at yourslef, your message, and your actions. You don’t have to be a shit teacher. This is only a CHOICE you are making.

What in the fuck makes you think you are rational? Do you even have a clue what the word means? Rational people do not talk the way you talk. It is not rational to spread hate, to make inane assertions. To ignore facts and evidence and continue posting the same shit. To ignore your supposedly fellow atheists when they tell you that you have crossed way over the line. YOU ARE WRONG AND IT IS TIME TO GROW THE FUCK UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE A HURT CHILD WHO HAS BEEN TOLD HE CAN NOT HAVE A COOKIE.


But… but… but, Cog… Andy is GONE now… :disappointed_relieved:… What am I to do? Now how am I ever going to learn how to be a True Atheist? Who will teach me to channel all my anger and scorn to direct it toward those who DARE think differently than I do? Who will teach me to hold firmly to my seething resentment at having been a victim of religious indoctrination? I had such high hope. But now he has gone. :cry: I blame myself, really. I should have been a better protege. Maybe I wasn’t eager enough. Maybe I should have learned faster. I should have been ANGRIER!.. (deeeep heavy sigh)… But it’s too late now, and I’m stuck being just a regular dull so-so atheist. I’m not worthy! :sob::weary::sob:

Watch Barney. That’ll do it!

I’m with Mr. Dawn. Your only hope is to lock yourself in a room, tie yourself to a chiar and watch 6 months of Barney.

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:joy: fair play, made laugh that did. “Bunch of other shit” brilliant…

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You sick bastard. It’s all fun and games until somebody suggests watching Barney. Shit starts getting serious real quick at that point. Might want to watch your step. Getting mighty close to stepping over that “No Threats” line.

Edit to add: That goes for you, too, Cog. I saw where you supported the Barney suggestion. I might have a strong case with the Mods should I choose to pursue it.

Pray to God he’ll help you accomplish your goal?

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Well, you know what they say. Pray in one hand and shit in the other, see which on fills up faster.


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