Are all religions, just global cults?

Ok, you’re betting on that, good luck with it then, i wouldn’t risk 40 or 50 years for infinity. you know all what you have to know i’m not a preacher, besides you’re calling me a lier, so go search for yourself.

didn’t you know in christianity before you turn atheist about those who use to mock ?

I didn’t call you a liar :lying_face:

What you said was lie! Wait … NOW you’re a liar :lying_face:

Oh fuck - you were doing great until you did that.
Oh well :pensive: that’s between you and your particular god idea :bulb:

Can you send me $40-50? I’ll repay you a million, ($1,000,000) in 2 years! Imagine what you could do with a million dollars! WOW

And it’ll only “cost” you $40-50 now!

My life, my time is more valuable than that!

Ohhhh :blush: Mormons offer up being a god ruling your own “creation” or are you “assigned” an area … I can’t remember. Anyway, they are offering me more from their god … unless - damn I got an offer to keep coming back to earth!!! :earth_africa:. I get to pick parents, and lessons and my “purpose” and learn from it - die - go back and pick again!!! Sounds great! Hmmmm, so many offers, how to choose…hmmmm


yeah i apologize, you didn’t say it or i don’t remember where, sorry, and by the way even if you did something god didn’t tell us to do, he will reward you for your good attention, god doesn’t think like us, and he doesn’t give excuses. one of the commandments is that god is not like us, we always think of his behaviors like we think of ours.

God is who ever created this world, there is no my god and your god, do you understand what i mean here ? there is nothing called god of islam and god of vikings or god of christians, we share one god who created everything, the offer is from who created everything.


Now I’m confused. I thought you agreed with my assertion that god does think like humans. I asserted it a few times in my conversation.

Now an “assertion” is just a statement that can be accepted, rejected or questioned for clarity. If it’s not questioned, then usually the other person goes forward with an “it’s been accepted”. I did. BUT you maybe didn’t know or notice that.

That’s OK, I miss stuff too :+1:

So, to be clear…

Are you asserting the above?

Can we talk about this because I had said some things opposite to that and now I’m confused :woman_shrugging:t2:

I do this too lol :laughing: lots in common. I think of something, then think of another. I usually land up with “edited to add” all the time in my posts.

So everyone is right? Cool :sunglasses:

i said that because you said “God changed his mind”, humains change their minds because they don’t know everthing so they make mistakes, god knows everthing, so he is perfect, which means he doesn’t think like us, he doesn’t say things and then forget, and changes his mind.

If he knows everything? Then didn’t he know he’d have to change the rules and then why give the rules because he knew they’d break them anyway. And then if he knows everything, he knows what I’m going to type here next … and he’s not stopping me. He’s funny. His knowledge given to us is limited, confusing and it appears to be OK because everyone religious is worshipping him and that’s what he wants…

BUT then he wants us to behave. If I’m behaving (depends I guess on whatever a person thinks is good behaviour) “good” - he’s OK with that too…

I think I’m perfectly fine with all that.

Just so you know, I don’t claim that “there is no god” - just because there is no demonstrable evidence doesn’t mean it won’t turn up. BUT because there is no demonstrable evidence I don’t believe “in god”. Make sense?

It’s like a jar with marbles.
No one has opened it yet. Some one says “Hey! There is an even amount”

I say “Really - demonstrate it”

I don’t say “NO! It’s odd! (I don’t know)”. You know why?

Because they haven’t been counted yet. Or ever. Or maybe never will be counted.

So I wonder, “Why are you so sure they’re even? You have no reason to think that!”

I like to be reasonable.

owg how you like to bring that up even though i have explained it a thousand times, i said you can have an argument for god’s existence but you can’t have an argument for the sins. when you go to him tell him i didn’t find you that’s it, why would he punish some one for not knowing ? but if he tells you why then did you harm this or that guy or what ever just for example, what would you say ? do you understand ?

i don’t know if what you’re saying is true, and i don’t know which part is true and which is wrong, it’s a mess down there, done by people not by god, god give people complete freedom, if he takes the freedom why would he punish then. he has the wisdom, i don’t know what his plan is.

if you’re gonna test some one you have to leave him free and then judge him, if you keep intervening it’s not a test !

Why test? Why not just make it the way you want to. When I make a meal I try to make a good, tasty nutritious one. I don’t sprinkle some areas with poison and tell my kids “Hey! Don’t eat that or you’ll die” just to see if they’ll listen to me… that’s weird. Or worse don’t tell them at all or worse just poison the whole lot just to see who lives…

I guess as a human I talk to, just like you to other humans to decide stuff. Like I don’t want you to steal something I might say “hey, this here - I worked hard for this and bought/made it, it’s for my use”. And you might agree because you have stuff that’s yours- so we say “let’s not steal from each other”.
If someone does, then we might talk about how to fix this…do they pay us back, why did they do it (were they hungry and needed food - so we might have a little talk with them and help them so they have food and don’t do it again) or the guy might just be greedy and steals from everyone and we say “hey!!! You selfish dimwit - you need a timeout and put him in a cage for awhile” (but, we’ll still feed him and let him go to see if he’s learnt anything)…

I like communicating with people.

he didn’t make any poison ! give me an example.
the poison has been done by people not him.
he created some harmfull things like fire for example, but it has so much benefit too, it depends on how you use it.
there is nothing in nature that only hurts or useless.

god has plan of doing it on earth, those who put him in the prison are god’s creatures, did you forgot about that ? god can make people free and at the same time his agents on earth. he is capable of anything. he created destiny in the first place and know how to do the impossible, without violating people’s freedom

you’re gonna keep going on and on with this, i’m not sure if i can keep going, it’s taking too much time.

I mean it as an “analogy” not “like god made real poison”.

What I meant was what I originally stated … I don’t “test” my kids like through food…with a SEVERE consequence (like poison) BUT if I fail a god “test” I go to hell (very SEVERE)

Can he make me his agent? If it’s all destiny and god knows then I’m exactly the way he made me and doing it all like he wants and then he must have made me to go to hell, if that’s what my destiny is by him… damn … I see what you mean… my brain hurts :brain:

Also I don’t believe in god- but say I told you that god revealed something to me, would you believe me?

And if it depends…what does it depend on? Like, what if he does it just to make me a believer? Then would you listen to my message?

me too, if you don’t want to fail don’t heart other people, and if you did, then repair it, and if you couldn’t repair it, then repent to god from it.

are you seriously asking me this ? i’m not a priest, who does false magic. other than that everybody who own something can do what ever he wants with it. god does what is good for them.

i’m starting to get tired, but you’re giving me things that i can’t ignore.
God knows what you will do, he doesn’t make you do it.
if i know something it doesn’t mean i’m forcing you.

Very reasonable responses!

Good - because believe me - we’ve had folks on this board that tell us that god is delivering his message to us DIRECTLY through them. Hmmm :thinking: if I want those types of messages, I’ll visit a psychiatric ward.

I wrote this last year to a male chauvinist (Christian). He was one who thought god was actually in him and he had messages… I told him god told me (oh and god was a woman)…the following is what I wrote him

Firstly, men are incapable of understanding her message. She created them first as a prototype for the next best thing (think upgrades)…and she gave them a penis because it’s ugly to remind them they were the first trial run.

Eve lead the way to knowledge and was given the ability to actually bring forth life (unlike men who hold only a potential and a contribution).

However She (sorry, I forget to capitalize, but she told me that’s ok because she’s humble and doesn’t give a fuck) saw that men were waving their parts around and decided to give them a further reminder…circumcision - the woman’s was “perfect”

Men were given the job to “support” the woman so she could lead the way, advance society, because of female curiousity and relentless quest for knowledge, but alas “man” took this to mean she was to just cook and clean.

Her genetic line was intact, no questions raised as to the “mother” but again, men took it to mean the offspring were “his” and the woman only property to produce it (hence concubines and many wives).

She’s forgiving though and nonetheless patient with the male version of herself, for she contains these same “male” qualities. And like her, we her female counterparts, are just waiting for the male side to recognize her infinite wisdom.

Once that is accomplished she’ll move us forward with her “plans” - but she’s just been waiting, for what, thousands of “earth” years, and “man” is starting to somewhat “get” it, depending on the culture.

I thought [according to the Christian mythology] god made everything. That is what the bible says.

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what did he revealed to you ? if he revealed that i don’t do crimes, and if i didn’t i will go to heaven.
then i actualy want to go to that place, i don’t want to cease after i die, the message is coming with something good either way. all people want peace in this world, it’s not too much to ask, the evidences will only make me feel more certain.

if he revealed to me that i should kill someone without a reason, then he has to give me a hell of an evidence, because it’s wrong. if you gave me the evidance then i will kill, even if it’s wrong, because it’s coming from god and because i have the evidance. god own all creation and he has right to end the life of anybody he wants.

by poison i mean evil actualy (that’s what i enderstood from @Whitefire13 's context in the sentence) but poison is useful as harmful, it depends on how you use it. you can make medicine with it. i know you know all this, you just making me talk for nothing just so you can argue, or you don’t read what has been said, you just came in the middle of the discution and started saying what ever.

I think this guy is a schizophrénic pervert.
Tell him then before god created the idea of “women” what was he ?
I believe god has nothing to do with gender, or for those who doesn’t understand, he is genderless.