Are all religions, just global cults?

Thanks for the link! Awesome. Yes, they are the same :grinning:

I had forgotten the list again in Deut. 5:6-21. They’re the same as the ones in Exodus. Were these the ones Moses broke?

…the ones that were broken? Because he was shocked that the Israelites had already crafted a false god and were worshipping it. No one had seen those ones yet, just him and god.

I got to reading further in Deuteronomy and stumbled onto the ones god gave to go into the Ark.

Deuteronomy 10

…so I went back to Exodus.
OK find the same passage (good, they correspond).

Exodus 34
BUT … the 10 Commandments aren’t the same. The ones going in the Ark (Deuteronomy 10). Here…

I don’t “get” it? Is god’s memory faulty or is it Moses? And if it’s Moses then why is that what went in the Ark? And if it’s in the Ark, it’s that important then why do we know only the “broken” ones? And if Moses wrote down the wrong ones, then why is god letting them walk around with the wrong ones?

Never mind, I re-read it. God changed his mind, I mean he did the writing with his own finger. But then, we’ve been following the wrong ones and the prophets keep writing down the wrong ones…

I guess you can do that when you’re a god - I do that and I’m a human. Makes sense.

Listen. Not to be mean, but if you “telling” me something is going to guarantee my ass goes to hell versus NOT telling me and I can ask god these questions - WHAT IF you don’t tell me - that’s more loving.

I pick dis-belief.

Now…I’m in no way trying to be mean…sincerely (well today is Halloween :ghost: and I’m dressed as a “good guy”)

My old religion believed that if I didn’t tell the message (an unbeliever or a baby or people born before Jesus or people in China, etc) this gave them a way to being saved (so to speak - directly in god’s hand).

Other Christians I talk to feel the same way.

So I stopped talking. I mean why tell a Muslim my message if that means “he/she heard it, rejected it and now is destroyed or hellfire by god” - I thought, hmmm :thinking:. Maybe if we all stopped telling each other stuff, we all get to go.

What if that’s the way it works?

What if there is no hell or heaven at all?

Boy oh boy
… god is sure a toughy to figure out…

To be clear,

  1. I have not made a treaty with anyone in the Middle East

I haven’t had an opportunity yet though to break their altars… (I can smash a pretend one, does that count, like maybe symbolically?)

  1. God’s name is Jealous. I’m not suppose to worship any other god, but I’m in disbelief so I haven’t worshipped any gods since leaving a lie (which I’m sure is part of your message?). I mean Satan is the father of lies so I’m at least on a path to what is true (god wise).

(Back to treaties - I’m OK on this, no worries)

  1. Do not make idols. Good here.

  2. Festival of Unleavened bread. Do crackers count? Oh wait - coming out of Egypt… hey is that like Passover and Easter? I celebrate Easter with chocolate and Bunnies :rabbit:

  3. My firstborn, a young man :man: belongs to god? OK. Now, redeem… hmmmm break its neck.
    Every womb. Like human wombs? Oh boy, I’ll just wait on this one, ask god if I just do the cats dogs for now, and the human, I’ll ask later (IF I get to heaven)

  4. A day to rest… I’m good on this one :+1:

  5. Another few Festivals … no problem

  6. No yeast with blood :drop_of_blood:. :+1: I’m good

  7. The best to the Lords House (I’ll need an address)

  8. Never have boiled a baby goat in it’s mother’s milk :milk_glass: :+1:

I’m set!

That makes you very superstitious, seeing as there’s no empirical evidence for any of them.

Your beliefs are based on faith, which is ‘belief in things not seen’, another term for superstition.

The Torah is the mythology of Judaism. The Quran is the mythology of Islam. There’s actually good evidence that much of the Quran was written before Muhammad was born.

We poor unenlightened atheists just live to be patronised by ignorant religious fanatics who find their way to our forum. :rage:

PS: It’s ‘atheist’

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you can’t stop crimes by not telling the criminal the message just to save him, what if this crimes was against you ? by saving him you’re hurting other innocent people. which is worthy of helping the criminal or the innocent ? help the criminal by telling him the message (we do have prison for warning crimanls not to do crimes) and telling him how to heal him self from it.

quran explaines how you can stay from the sins, and you’re gonna get rewarded for your patience. would you not trade 100 years on earth vs eternity in heaven ?

anyway, a person will be judged by as little as he knows. and god says that he is merciful to his creation more are they for them selves.

even when you say, i’m going to hell no doubt, he’s gonna find something so little to help avoid the punishment. he only doesn’t help people who doesn’t repent and keep on their crimes.

i know that all of this is in the context of “if god exist” which is 50%


No, I don’t believe you until I know that somehow (if) god isn’t forgetful.
I’d hate to go a diving into a book that carried on the same contradictions and confusions as the Old and New Testaments.

Imagine doing stuff and (if) god said “well,’there I meant for you to do this part instead - didn’t you know?”

This “reward” is it god’s promise, like his reputation is on the line? Is it like a promise or prophecy that he’s given before?

*starts flipping a little ahead”. I’ll stick with Moses, for now, cause he was the first to write this stuff down. I’d like to see how it holds up, you know him being a prophet and god’s promises being fulfilled.

Is that OK?

If not I understand - did you know about the 10 Commandments?

Sorry, just re-read your post. I like to do that.

Do you mind sending me $100 buck now.
I’ll repay you one trillion ($1,000,000,000,000), say in about 2 years time?

Seriously, you send me a hundred now - I mean how could you not??? Imagine a trillion dollars …
2 years

Sorry to be a noodge. Mosaic law contains 613 Commandments, (mitzvot) all found in the Torah.

The main difference today between Mosaic and Sharia law is the Jews have moved on from the seventh century, whilst some muslims have not.

I had never actually read Sharia Law, so today I did and was horrified at the utter cruelty and misogyny. IMO it beggars belief that any Muslim advocating Sharia law can claim women are equal in Islam, with a straight face.


A sample of Sharia Law:

• Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (See Compulsion).
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
• A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
• A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death (see “Islamophobia”).
• A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
• Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab (see Taharrush).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls’ clitoris should be cut (Muhammad’s words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34 and Religion of Peace).
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband’s consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man’s.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Mathematics in Quran).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be “Halal.”
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

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What has this to do with abortion?

I know no such thing, and your unevidenced assumption that fornication is synonymous with abortion is absurd. Why would I care what is claimed to be forbidden by unevidenced archaic superstitions?

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for any deity?

Given the bible depicts a deity that commits indiscriminate mass murder, even torturing a new born baby to death, why would I care, even hypothetically what it thinks?

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for any soul?

Did all the babies that the bible depicts your deity murdering have souls? Why is murdering babies indiscriminately ok when your bible depicts your deity doing it, but terminating an insentient blastocyst wrong when humans do this?

Evidence, not evidance (sic), and your question is asinine if you can not demonstrate any objective evidence for any deity.

Is your shift key broken? Another is one word btw.

You mean your archaic superstition claims it is forbidden, I don’t share your belief, which is frankly absurd.

Existence not existance (sic) ffs run a spell checker, and there is no risk unless you can demonstrate any objective evidence for any deity.

I can’t imagine a clearer example of your superstitious belief being based on wishful thinking.

Rubbish, you have no concept of human morality if you believe that.

This demonstrably wrong, there is plenty of peer reviewed research disproving this absurd lie that theists like to arrogantly espouse.

One word champ, sigh.

Well done, that’s priceless.

Since superstition is defined as excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural, then that is precisely what religions are. That’s axiomatic.


Yet you can, without a shred of objective evidence, that’s ironic.


Cranks - the 10 in the Ark being the 10 written by gods finger - the others were verbal, or inspired - otherwise WOW :wink: poor Moses would have been dragging down a pyramid of tablets.

If you believe incest is bad, and you are doing your sister, you should be punished. I love stories that begin with “IF”. Anything is possible in the magical land of “IF.” As long as we are worried about “IF” we need not deal with what is real.

So what ‘IF’ you were boning your sister? If you think it is okay would you argue it in front of your father? A lot of muslims in the past liked doing it with kids. Thighing was a very common practice that Muhammad practiced regularly. Do you think Muhammad is in Hell? That kinky pervert!

So you are talking about a god that you claim to not know anything about ie who he is or what he is, yet you do understand that he has condemned sex, considers abortion a punishable offence against himself, and that he hates atheists for not understanding what you do, despite your admission you don’t know who or what he is. Further you claim to know that every atheist favours abortion.

If you fear someone you claim you do not know for actions you have not performed then that would seem to define you as a paranoid delusionist.

What evidence can you provide for the existence that your punishment-happy god exists?

Quite right. Moses apparently kept receiving laws for many years.—After all, he lived until he was 120. Makes sense, a lot of those laws read as if they’d been invented by a senile old twit.

Because they wandered around the desert for 40 years, Moses would have been 80 when he confronted Pharaoh. Ever looked at a map and worked out the distance from Egypt to Canaan? A travel agent reckons its 843 km. Believers claim it’s over 5000 MILES. Even so, 40 friggin’ YEARS?

Oh, then for hesitating when god told him to do something, Moses was punished by god by being denied entry to the promised land, which was in fact the Israelites ancestral home anyway. Seems every time I turn around I’m confronted with more evidence that YHWH of the Torah was a dead cunt.

Apart from the likely probability that not only did the Exodus never happen, Moses is probably a mythical figure.


Yah, I’ve come to lean heavily in this direction. So some man writes a bunch of rules and says “god says” … then when you get down to it - “god” is very “human”

Forgetful, angry, jealous, … loving, kind, poetic…

My guess on (if)“god” forgetting OR at least the differences??? Uh, these 10 don’t have “murder, theft, etc” - so when you’re about to go off and commit genocide and steal shit from others, take slaves and baby kill … YOU make sure the people you’re leading “with god’s blessing” - a very physical Ark DOESN’T tell you to NOT murder NOT steal…

you have to care because you’re killing god’s creation (don’t give me a pain, i don’t mean you it’s just a figure of speech) , you ask questions you know there answers.

again, you ask questions you know their answers, because abortion is killing god’s creation.

you didn’t understand ! if god doesn’t exist, ok i know there is nothing to be afraid of, right ? in the other hand what if he does ? wouldn’t the guy who killed the baby gonna pay ? shouldn’t he be worried, if this guy stand in front of god, is he gonna tell him, ohhh… sorry i didn’t think you would exist ?
it doesn’t matter, you can have an argument for your atheism but what about killing the baby ? killing the baby has nothing to do with believing in god or not, it’s a diffrent story, it’s like telling a father of a child you killed, sorry i didn’t know the child had a father, he’s gonna say ok, but you gonna pay for killing my child, right ?

it’s a wast of time with you guys, you never go near the point.

I’m sorry, I can’t comment right now. I am busy watching porn and thinking about fornicating.

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I step on a bug :spider: … hit a cat with a car … murder my neighbor for his stuff … go to war (to defend of course) … god doesn’t care

In fact there is no demonstrable evidence for god (unless you have it)

Abortion is removing a fetus. A POTENTIAL human. UNLESS GOD says it’s OK???(man says god said and man does abortion). You somewhat addressed this in my previous post.

Demonstrable evidence for god please. Otherwise, it’s just one guy telling a gal what to think and what to do… (yes I’m female)

Neither did you.

YOU didn’t address my posts. YOU haven’t convinced me of anything.


I’m ready - don’t finish … here give me a second… I wanna finish my smoke…
