i’m answering only to good points, and that’s a good one i think.
people pretend a lot of things.
those priests have to give the proof that god told them what they claim, if they didn’t then they are just pretending as i said to control people and to drive them to what they want.
i’m talking about the god who real created the universe, who ever he is or what he is.
if you killed my child for example does it matter who i’m or what number i am ? all that matters is you are gonna pay now or latter.
you already know that law forbid killing so you have no argument when i come after you.
the priest can tell you the message but he is no body, just an other humain like all of us, if he does something bad he is in hell longer than anybody, telling me the message doesn’t involve forcing me to anything, the matter is between me and god, the priest is just a messanger.
why are you engaging your background distorted knowledge on me, i didn’t say what ever you put a list of !!
i think since you don’t feel bad about doing wrong stuff, you’re problem is not god’s existance but you’re a fanatic, and it’s what made you choose this descision in the first place not because of doubt, you’re mocking everything all day, sound pretty much like a fanatic.
if you don’t fear someone you wronged than you are a reckless person.
Well, my understanding is that law … is from Jehovah -
Or Jesus … Allah …
Numbers 5: 11-31 I took pictures (attached) btw in vs 21 “ may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.”
Clarify please… like are
YOU suggesting you are “god” or “tapped” into it somehow??? Is this a “one on one threat” (giggles)…
Now I’m confused??? Oh wait - are you telling us what god told you like he does with his priests
COG. - we need a strait jacket over here!!!
You can’t afford betting on god’s existence if you did a crime against god’s creation, i’m repeating myself here.
if god exist you’re dommed, you’re gonna have to pay for the crimes.
if he doesn’t then you can probably call it win.
it’s a dangerous betting, that’s why religion is about in my opinion, to make pieace with god and pay the Warranty of your actions, if you think you don’t have them, then you never know what illusiuon made you think that. if you’re pretty sure that you’re healthy and you have done nothing then i would say good for you, you will see, probably you’ll end up in heaven for the great good you did.
I “bet” in the end, I’ll land up dead
In fact I’m soooo confident, I bet my life on it.
You previous comment was good but this one is trash.
when people want to proove them selves so bad, they start missing the point, and even missreading
i was giving an example !!!
when you do something wrong the matter is between you and god no body or priest should get between.
where in hell am i saying that i’m god no wonder you’re an athiest, you’re blind and all over the place.
Actually I’m not blind. I wear glasses, though.
There is an obvious language barrier or “writing barrier”
- if English is your second language I’ll keep that in mind and double check.
So did I get “rid” of one or three gods and their books?
I’m just curious.
Which heaven or hell do I need to worry about? …or look forward to?
EDITED TO ADD “when you go after” someone who killed your child - aren’t you committing a crime? How are “you” going after them? I’m confused-operation with the police/investigators - is there a trial first (when you get them) to ensure you “got” the right person? How’s this work?
Well sorry then, didn’t mean to mock you, you’re right my english is my seconde language, i’m an arabic muslim, stop sending bible stuff please. i thought my english is sufficient.
You’re missing the point, i’m giving an example, and you’re talking about coming after who killed my child is a crime, that is an example, the reality is that god will come after you. are you saying that god is committing a crime by coming after who killed his creatures ? this is a waste of time.
you start asking eather question not hitting the point or doesn’t matter details.
how is a trial is something that matters ? the point is what are you going to do if god does exist.
Glad we understand there will be a “language” and a cultural barrier (but I’m sure, with effort from us both, we can break it down).
I grabbed a Bible, know it well because it was read to me, I was raised on it from birth.
Likewise, I assume you were raised with the Koran? Or Quran… not sure which spelling you prefer (it’s like the bible, some say
Old Testament- some say New - I say “potato you say potatoe”)
Does the Mosiac Law have any meaning to you?
Of course, muslims believe in muhammad, moses, jesus, abraham, adam, Sulaiman and more as all equally prophets of one god, everyone of them has a message for his own people, each one of them sent to warn his people of punishment of their corruption.
i would like to stick to the subject i have posted, this is an advanced subject i think for an athiest.
No I think I’m good, knowledge wise. I’ll let you know if it gets advanced.
So, the one god is OK with Israelites aborting babies via Moses,
Is Mohammad OK with abortion too? If it’s done a certain way, like through a priest?
if you believe that abortion is bad and you’re doing it, you probably get punished.
if you think it’s ok, you probably have an argument in front of god, as i said all depends on what you believe. there are a lot of people in the past that killed and believed that they had right, god doesn’t punish untill you get the message and you believe in it, it’s a matter of conviction.
i’m not a preacher but i would say mohammad is against abortion and against fornication in the first place.
i’m blaimed for what i say, not god.
the priest is no body but a messanger ? the messanger can do nothing but to deliver the message. the miracles are done by god not by any messanger. and those miracles are part of the message.
You keep entering the magical world of “IFAGOD” If a God This and If a God that. Go fuck your “IF.” Either demonstrate there is something to worry about or go the fuck away.
If you go home tonight and your mother is fucking the neighbor and your father is dancing naked on the roof, whacked out on PCP what are you going to do? (THIS IS EXACTLY THE SAME SORT OF FUCKING QUESTION YOU ARE ASKING US. ) The only difference is this; I bet I can prove you have a mother, a father, and a neighbor. Hey!!! It’s more likely your mother is fucking your neighbor and your father is dancing naked on the roof while whacked out on PCP than it is that I will meet your magical God thing. Can you demonstrate any possibility of it existing at all???
If your parents are fucking neighbors and doing cocaine, I’m gonna laugh my ass off. You should check on them. It’s dangerous betting that they are not. It is, after all a possibility. If they appear normal today, tomorrow might be the day they lose it. Be careful… be very careful…
OK sounds reasonable from a one god perspective. I know as a human I change my mind and work with new information and adapt to my kids needs. So god changes his mind and adapts awesome.
I was thinking to find “common ground” in law.
The Jews follow mosiac (to the letter) and the Christians say Christ’s law was based on mosiac but don’t follow mosaic BUT they do follow the 10 commandments.
Since they’re from Moses, do you (as a Muslim) follow the 10 Commandments. Some Christians don’t at all. I get confused what role they play with Christians.
Have they been “replaced” by Mohammed or are they apart of “law” (? Is this a correct term for you) for your god to judge you by?
i have heard that people always speak what has happened to them, your comments are a mess of hatred and anger, you have to do something about your background.
if you had a car on top of your head, and it has 50% chance of landing on you, would the “magic if” matter now ?
Quran says that moses told his people that a prophet will come after him called jesus and jesus told his people that an other prophet will come after him called muhammad.
if a muslim doesn’t believe that jesus and moses are prophets of god he’s/she’s not a muslim.
we follow quran, and the 10 commandments are in quran.
so yes Christians and Jewish people have to follow the last message, everything is from god, but people love to stick to what they have been born with, i can’t feel what is like to change your born with religion but i’m not judging !
Oh I agreed. It was hard to leave the Christian religion I grew up with. My family disowned me - but I did it because I love “what is true” more than my family.
That’s a different story.
Ok - just let me repeat back (language purpose and to be clear). Moses got the 10 Commandments from god. I was taught they were so important that they were carried around in the “Ark of the Covenant”.
Does the Quran use the same 10? Can you list them (you can quote from your scripture, I don’t mind) or are they the same as Moses wrote
That I learnt from the Old Testemant?
What if they aren’t male?
I edited it he/she. was that the only thing that bothered you ?