AlGodRythme: Does God Exist - Part 1


It’s amusing when posters think they can bluff their way past logic, or pretend that their ignorance of logic, means their claims are not irrational. Like a child imagining it can escape the wrath of a parent by covering its face. The irony is palpable…his language skills are sufficient to come here and argue for a deity, but fail him when presented with objections. He has time to waste on irrational analogies, that conflate human creations, with unevidenced deific creations, but no time to even acknowledge posts explaining these use a false equivalence fallacy, he entitles a thread positing does god exist, posts multiple claims that a deity does exist, clearly thinks a deity is possible as his profile states he is a theist, then lies he is not here to argue for a deity…

I am simply struggling to believe he has any honest interest in debate, but I suppose time will tell all. Meanwhile I shall throw on my deerstalker hat, and grab my magnifying glass, and go look at previous exchanges with this poster.

Yeah, I have read his first half dozen posts, and they are all dishonest and evasive, he doesn’t answer questions, reels off unevidenced claims, and tries t reverse the burden of proof using argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacies in the form of loaded questions.

Here is one example of him shamelessly evading Nyarl’s legitimate request he evidence a claim:

Oh dear…now take a look at this…


Shamelessly dishonest and evasive…not only no attempt to answer after asking for clarification on the question, he then posts a mendacious straw man, and he can’t spell existence to boot.

It went from bad to worse after that, he became more and more dishonest, I should have checked before bothering this time, oh and he’s likely a Muslim, I found this:

Aha, Holmes you astound me…

This may explain why he is so closed minded anyway.