All things Bright and Beautiful.........Oh really?

Wait…you mean that green stuff wasn’t bile and demon semen? Damn, I must really be gullible…

Edit to screw bed down

Question. Are you a member of Westboro Baptist Church?

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And what happens if I reject your “LOVE” What happens then smart ass? "ANSWER THE QUESTION.’


Like drowning the entire planet, or torturing a newborn baby to death because it had been conceived out of wedlock? Maybe you and I have a very different notion of rage, and how it can be pernicious.

Or the (admittedly vapid) threat of torture if we don’t let you tell us what we should believe. Your vapid saccharine snake oil salesmanship makes my stomach churn.

He said, confrontationally, on an atheist website that no one made him post on. :wink:

Oh fuck me, use a spell checker ffs, it can’t be healthy for a man my age to laugh this hard. Mass delusion ffs, I think you just broke every irony meter on the planet there… :rofl:

Does this “one” understand that full stops come at the end of sentences, not in the fucking middle?

I’m dubious, can you demonstrate a shred of objective evidence? Try asking this deity to magically correct your grammar for a start.


I’m given to understand that church’s congregation are all “members”.

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Projection much, mythology fanboy?

If I had been paid £10 for every time one of your ilk posted some palsied and duplicitous misrepresentation of scientific postulates, in a vain, futile and ultimately infantile attempt to dismiss said postulates, I would now be able to retire to a 200 foot gin palace in Monte Carlo harbour on the proceeds. Likewise with respect to every time I encountered a mythology fanboy, who misrepresented my rejection of unsupported mythological assertions as being grounded in alleged cognitive and/or ethical deficits, instead of proper critical appraisal thereof.

You and your fellow mythology fanboys assert this, but more often than not, fail to support said assertions with action. Instead, over the past 14 years of dealing with your ilk, I’ve experienced outright lying about several topics on the part thereof, blatant instances of hate speech, and much else that leads me to be glad that I was never infected with your brand of mythology fanboyism.

Indeed, among the numerous canards I’ve had tossed in my direction in the arena of discourse, are these well-worn and repeatedly destroyed examples of recycled dreck:

[1] “You only deny my god because you want to sin”;

[2] “It takes more faith to be an atheist”;

[3] “You can’t be moral without my god”;

[4] “Prove that my god doesn’t exist”;

[5] “You don’t understand the bible/hermeneutics/exegesis”;

[6] “You’re taking it out of context”;

[7] “You’re angry/emotional” (when presenting facts that destroy the assertions of their favourite mythology);

[8] The usual variations on the assertion that we purportedly possess a range of cognitive or ethical deficits, because we don’t treat unsupported mythological assertions uncritically as fact;

[9] Assertions to the effect that the OT laws were superseded (followed by demands to conform to said “superseded” laws, but only the ones that purportedly “validate” various bigotries);

[10] Assertions to the effect that accepting experimentally tested and validated scientific postulates is the product of “assumptions” or “presuppositions” (blatant projection ahoy!), or worse still, various brands of wilful mendacity (again, blatant projection ahoy!);

This is typical of the output of your ilk - recycling of decades-old garbage that was pointed and laughed at by astute primary school children the first time it was wheeled out.

As for your description of the Internet in terms of mediaeval superstition, this is beneath deserving of a point of view, especially among those of us who actually use it for constructive purposes.


[quote=“Old_man_shouts_at_cl, post:43, topic:3583, full:true”]

Before I dismiss your puerile rhetoric as outright trolling, and for the THIRD time of asking…will you reply to my post?


No no no… God made you imperfect, you silly sod. Your imperfections are to serve as a warning to the Christians of what could happen to them should they not follow the holy text. And don’t try to pull the ole, "I’m perfect in my imperfection,’ BS. NO! You are imperfect and imperfect is imperfect. You are not even imperfect in your imperfections.


Thanks for making that perfectly clear.

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@skriten @Old_man_shouts_at_cl @Cognostic

I’m obviously dealing with a bunch of perfect perfectionists here who cannot fully appreciate my imperfect perfection. What you don’t seem to understand is that if Gawd made me imperfect, it means he made me PERFECTLY imperfect. And that is very difficult to do. Thankfully, Gawd is all-powerful. You all are just jealous because Gawd made you completely perfect without any imperfections, meaning he didn’t bother to take the extra time to bless you with any imperfections. So, don’t hate the player. Hate the game… (sticking out tongue)…

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So….there is an argument that since Graud is perfect, and he has a plan, which is also perfect, then any perceived imperfection would indeed be perfect in its imperfection.
Where the problem arises is with one such as yourself not making themselves constantly and permanently available to the Christian communities to provide the necessary contrast for eternal salvation. I am still working out the details of how this aligns with the problem of evil in the world, but I assure you, the answer is forthcoming because I prayed on it…

Edit sincere preyer

Oh, damn. My bad. I swear, I thought Gawd was suppose to be leading them to me.

Ah, well that’s because it is another part of the plan … just as your imperfections empower perfection, so too, you failing to fulfill your predestined purpose sanctifies the “plan”.
So fret not my mechanical manifestation, forgiveness is just an archaic mumbling session away…(whatever you decide to do is pre-approved)

Edit: be a fissure of men

One would think an omni mature being would rise above ridicule and even laugh along with it. Why do theists believe their god is so utterly childlike and prone to insult?


“One would think” what your really saying here, is “One would hope”. These are the musings of the indignant child who stubbornly resists the authority of the parent. This disconnection many feel from God Is created by insecurity in believing that they are incapable of pleasing him, therefor -why try?-. As sugar addict continues to lie to themselves in order to keep gorging themselves with sugary foods, so does the sinner who believes that the only pleasures in life come from sin. It is a fallacy that there is some need to please God in order to gain his favor. As our loving father he seeks only to help us to live i the comfort of his eternal love. And contrary to the belief of many, all he seeks in return is our love . That’s it! Easy! Beautiful. I live every day complete free of resentment, chemical crutches anxiety, shame, because each day I reveal myself and my life to him in prayer. And each day he provides me miracles that guide and enrich my life . If ever I am in question about life or it’s purpose, I turn to the instruction manual he gifted us and it breathes understanding and light into my consciousness . There is only one bridge to God’s love. And that is to love Jesus Christ for his ultimate sacrifice. Look at the act! You can’t make this up. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Your not being duped people. There is no conspiracy. Only a loving creator that has gone above and beyond to prove his love to you. God bless you all today in your endeavors . May you find personal peace and happiness today!

Nope, he is an atheist, so that’s an absurd assumption, whereas the observation about the deity theists imagine is real, is a logical extrapolation of those characteristics and the theists almost comical over reaction to atheists on an atheist’s website speaking their minds. Also the word your is a possessive pronoun, not an abbreviation of you are.

No, this is an argument from authority fallacy. Theists would need to demonstrate sufficient objective evidence for any deity before you can rationally claim there is any authority to be resisted, your reasoning is weak, ill conceived, and rather ironically extremely petulant and disrespectful. Not to worry we’re used to it.

The same unevidenced assumption again, that a deity exists other than in your imagination, your claim about sin is demonstrably meaningless to atheists, the motivation is simply a dishonest rationalisation you need to cope with atheists and atheism not sharing your unevidenced superstitious beliefs, because you seem unable to grasp that fact in any rational way, so again your argument is very poorly reasoned because your thinking is facile.

So you need the crutch of superstition to avoid those pitfalls, while others do not. The hilarity of you claiming to live free of resentment is also palpable, all one need do is read some of your histrionics posted here to see this is demonstrably untrue. You clearly bitterly resent atheists for asserting their doubts about your beliefs, as you have said so multiple times on here.

Demonstrably untrue as it quite clearly has been made up, without any objective evidence to support it. Though I personally find the idea of torturing anyone to death repulsive, whatever the motive. I also find the notion of vicarious redemption utterly repugnant. I alone am culpable for my actions, as it should be, the good and the bad. Anyone who needs the saccharine promise of eternal bliss, or the threat of eternal torture in order to avoid deeply pernicious acts like murder or rape is just a shitty human being devoid of empathy. So again this is very weak and poorly reasoned by you.

Your is a possessive pronoun, and how you do love reeling off your unevidenced platitudes, you will need to demonstrate some objective evidence to support your beliefs here, or they’ll be lent no credence.

Thanks, but I am an atheists and therefore don’t believe in a deity, so your platitude is meaningless. Odd you would say this on atheists site, as you must realise it has no meaning to us? Happiness is a state of mind, and subjective of course, as is peace of mind, for example I don’t need to delude myself in superstition or imaginary deities for either. Just as well really, I find neither at all compelling.

One more time then @Richeydale67, what objective evidence can you demonstrate for any deity?


lol he can’t prove the existence of any sky wizard. I love how he downplays atheists to being conspiracy theorists when @Richeydale67 is the one who believes in childish fairy tales.

Holy shit, Richey, that was BEAUTIFUL! Almost brought a tear to my eyes. :cry:

To: Everybody

Well, I’ll be damned! Listen up, folks! This guy is GOOD! He almost had me converted there for a moment. @Cognostic Cog, ol’ buddy, looks like you have some stiff competition. Gonna have to up your game during future sermons. Hell, we ALL need to shift into a higher gear if we are gonna counter any of Richey’s highly compelling words of eternal salvation. Trust me, I recognize talent when I see it. Don’t let down your guard with this guy. You’ve all been warned.


What form of proof was used?


Actually, what I experience on reading the output of mythology fanboys like you is despair, to the effect that grown adults can produce such dreck in all seriousness. But let’s continue on, shall we?

Er, no, what you are seeing is the presentation of salient points, that destroy your mythology-based pretensions. Salient points that arise directly from taking the assertions of your mythology at face value. Strange how said assertions rapidly become ludicrous when this is done, isn’t it?

Complete bullshit. You and your ilk have never demonstrated that there is anything to be “connected” to in this regard. Your cartoon magic man has only ever been asserted to exist, and within the pages of a Bronze Age mythology littered with manifest nonsense at that. A particularly hilarious piece of nonsense, being the farcical assertion that genetics is purportedly controlled by coloured sticks.

This assertion was found to be a risible lie by a 19th century monk, whose landmark scientific research not only taught us how genetics actually operates, but laid the foundations of modern genetics as a properly constituted scientific discipline.

Apparently your cartoon magic man, if it ever existed, was not only too stupid to present basic biological facts correctly, but was also insufficiently “omniscient” to foresee the emergence of said 19th century monk and his diligent scientific experiments.

Given that your favourite goat herder mythology asserts that your cartoon magic man has “perfect foreknowledge” of the future, failing to take note of the work of a 19th century monk falsifying this assertion is an epic blunder.

It’s as if the Bronze Age nomads who invented your cartoon magic man, never thought it would have to deal with people possessing real substantive knowledge.

But I suspect you’ll run away from addressing this embarrassment for your goat herder mythology, just like so many other mythology fanboys before you.

This is merely one example among many, of the absurdities lying within your mythology.

Oh look, it’s the tiresome resort to the “you just want to sin” bullshit, that I mentioned in my list of canards above.

First of all, “sin” is an imaginary offence against an imaginary cartoon magic man, erected for purposes of political control. It has NO basis in reality. The idea that, for example, wearing textiles composed of two different fibres constitutes some heinous brand of moral abomination, as asserted in your sad little mythology, is laughable. Likewise, eathing aquatic molluscs or crustaceans, is also laughably asserted within your sad little mythology to be an “abomination”, though I suspect you’ll find a good many rich Christians enjoying the odd spot of lobster thermidor at high class restaurants, or downing oysters with their champagne.

On the other hand, over 200 pages of your nasty little mythology are devoted to gleeful depictions of genocidal Lebensraum wars, and sex trafficking of underage girls as rape slaves. Said instances of genocidal Lebensraum wars and the sex trafficking accompanying some of them, are asserted within the pages of your mythology, either to have been directly ordered by your cartoon magic man, or given silent assent thereby.

The idea that an entity condoning or ordering these actions, is in a position to declare as “sins” wearing the wrong collection of fibres, is a warped joke. If you can’t recognise both the absurdity and iniquity inherent in this, then you might want to remove your doctrinal blinkers.

Indeed, in direct contradiction to any laughable assertion you want to present, despite the above, that your imaginary cartoon magic man purportedly constitutes the source of “morality”, I will also mention here that I have a nice little list of “pastors” and other “holy men”, who featured in the news after being arrested for playing “Hide The Sausage” with 12 year old girls (or in the case of the Catholic priests, 10 year old boys). Several of the individual in my list were also arrested for getting frisky with farm animals.

Now I have a lot to say on the matter of ethics, in case you’re stupid enough to post more canards on this topic, but the above should be sufficient to warn you against venturing into what will be fatal terrain for your assertions on this matter. Not least because if you do make that mistake, I will derive a huge amount of pleasure from delivering the requisite ordnance.

Quite simply, “sin” is the duplicitous business of asserting that perfectly normal human behaviours are purportedly deserving of draconian punishment, for purposes of political control by a self-declared “elite” that further asserts it has a hot line to an imaginary magic man in the sky. It’s a scam from start to finish.

Now let’s move on to the rest of your feculent dreck …

Your mythology asserts otherwise in numerous places.

I wonder how much “eternal love” was felt by those rape slaves mentioned in Numbers 31:18? Who became rape slaves after watching the fanboys of your mythology butcher their parents in a genocidal Lebensraum war?

Likewise, I wonder how much “eternal love” was felt by all those people who ended up being sent prematurely to their graves by murderous mythology fanboys, during 1,500 years of European history?

If you read your mytholoy properly, without the crimson doctrinal blinkers, the real central message thereof is “kill all who do not conform”, an exhortation presented in several places therein as purportedly constituting a “virtue”, and which was implemented with inhuman glee by past mythology fanboys.

Yawn … sanctimonious panhandling …

Your so-called “instruction manual” was written by piss-stained Bronze Age incels, who were too stupid to count correctly the number of legs that an insect possesses, and who thought genetics was controlled by coloured sticks. It contains zero input from any fantastically gifted magic entity, and certainly not any entity that was genuinely involved in the instantiation of the observable universe.

Merely asserted to have happened, and within the pages of a manifestly primitive mythology at that.

The only dupe on display here is you.

Care to explain that bit about genetics to us all, namely, why your cartoon magic man, if it ever existed, blatantly lied about this topic?