Akiane's Story Proves Atheists Wrong

Here is the stupidest thing Christians believe… “The Bible is a Book.” The Bible is not a book. It was never intended to be a book. It is an “Anthology.” It is a collection of books that was written over a period of 390 years. Even after that the books were jostle, rewritten, interpreted, and switched out. King James is a terrible translation from all the evidence I have read and yet it is or has been pretty much the standard. Most of the authors of the new Testament are anonymous and we have no original versions. A BOOK? My ass. The fictional character, Jesus, isn’t even the same character from one book to the next.

Pretty sure the same goes for the Torah. IE It’s an anthology, much of it [if not all] was probably around for centuries as oral tradition Of course that’s assuming they didn’t just pinch and make it up most of it over a short period

true most of the religious people are because they have been raised up in religious societies or parents. but the story of that girl who draws god is funny, no offence , but really make me laugh a lot

If Jesus taught Akiane to draw and if her final painting at age 8, ‘The Prince of Peace’ is the result of Jesus’s direct instruction when she was age 4, then we could infer that Jesus is a exponent of the ‘photographic hypo-realism movement’, which sort of defines the ‘David’ school of classical European art that the modern art movements (Dadaism, Cubism etc) rebelled against after the mid-1800s and which enjoyed a resurgence in the 70s and 80s. with the introduction of air brush technology and techniques.

But Akiane does not mention Jesus anywhere in her life story on her site. Nor her parent’s atheism. Or their conversion to Christianity at her instigation.
But such is the ‘special’ art of Henry_Shymex.

Regardless, I was wondering what Akiane’s artistic style might have developed into had the Jesus of Henry’s fantasy had been more involved in Surrealism (Magritte and Dali etc) or Fauvism (Mattisse, Derain, Modigliani).
What if Jesus had been heavily into Mort Drucker or Sergio Leone?
Matt Groening?



That’s the style I was “inspired”
To copy…

I loved MAD

True story. In grade 10 art I did my “own” but used that style. My art teacher hated it. Tried real hard to fail me.
He couldn’t! I took my art and argument to the school councillor and principal… my art teacher was very careful after that in his “word” selection when he handed out “year end” BIG grade projects… lol

Me too. Almost as much as I loved Penthouse. As a 16 year old, reading Penthouse was my second favourite past time. I could actually engage in both at the same time. :innocent:

Not me. How in the hell can you hold the oil, the Penthouse, the Mad Magazine and your dick while reading all at the same time? You would have to have four hands… or monkey feet… oh… never mind… I just figured out how to do it.

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Oil? My goodness you’re self indulgent. :innocent:

I wish it was just “self”!!!

Here! Try the coconut :coconut: oil! It’ll be fun (he says) blah blah blah - convinces me…



I got stuck in the tub once when I was bathing, but not since I started using oil. That was what the fire department used to get me free. Well, that and the Jaws of Life. You know. I have never worried so much about death as when the Jaws of life were… (REMOVED BEFORE MODERATORS COULD GET TO IT.)

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I actually prefer Sorbalene. Cheaper than oil, also good for the skin and doesn’t stain clothing.

Off Topic: On my last O/s trip, I had a stop over in Kuala Lumpur . Brought my then girl friend some good quality silk (she sews) On feeling it she said “Ohhh, penis silk” .Truly, I swear.

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We have completely stepped outside my frame of reference with “penis silk.” I have sat in front of client and discussed all sorts of sexual behaviors, likes, dislikes, desires and devices, but in all my years, I have never heard of “penis silk.” I had to google it and now my eyes are bleeding! I found images for penis pouch silk, and now I am feeling woefully inferior, inadequate, emasculated, uninformed, and the onset of a horrific attack of agoraphobia The world is no longer a safe place. I’m gonna go play with my bananas.

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Had to be explained to me too. Seems a personally invented term. It means that the silk (or other material) is as soft as the skin of penis. Really obvious once it’s explained .

I just haven’t held than many penises I guess. I defer to your expertise in the subject matter. LOL…

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Wot? Does yours have callouses?

Yes, my brain is refusing to process that phrase as well, thankfully.

Hold on Boomer, I’ll check!

Parting the Leaves of the Banana tree and poking my head out
“WHITE!!” “WHITE!!” “Does my penis have callouses?”

Well - after you peel the banana… and eat the banana :banana: and like a good monkey :monkey: listens to my instructions

he puts the peel on the skin

I haven’t really looked past the “penis peel” to the skin

If it does, THATS OK :+1: we’ll compare. I have a few … well here, you want me to show you???