Or probably you didn’t study enough, don’t you think that even mentioning it in quran is amazing, how can a human in the desert know this ?
God cannot be argued into or out of existence. Logic is an unreliable tool for discovering truths. In formal logic, every rule of inference begins IF A------. IE the conclusion is true if and only if the premis is true. There are exceptions, but I honestly forget what they are. I’m sure some one here knows.
This atheist demands empirical evidence for the existence of god and for any claims about attributes he/she/it might have.
Now this a problem for believers of all stripes. So far all claims about god in recorded history have been unfalsifiable . IE No one has managed to prove or disprove any claims about any god.
Thank you for your response.
No, there is already a proven and effective method we (mankind) use to solve the mysteries of life, and that is the scientific method. There is no “mind collapse” because the human mind has proven itself fully capable of encompassing grand thoughts. We have visualized the tiniest of particles, we have visualized grand galaxies, and powerful super massive black holes.
Mind collapse applies only to the ignorant.
The only limitation any person has is the one they place on themselves.
And we answer one question at a time, that is the mark of a rational and sound mind. We also do not answer a mystery with a bigger mystery.
I can not accept your assertion that the quran answered the question of special relativity, big bang, and big crunch 1,400 years ago. My reasoning is simple. Those details were uncovered only when scientists recently did the hard work and revealed them in the last hundred years. If it was truly in the quran, then scholars would have revealed them 1,400 years ago.
Lastly, the part, verse 104 chapter 21 : Surah Al-Anbya - 1-112 - Quran.com is incredibly incorrect. Dark energy is accelerating the expansion of the universe, in fact recent studies have revealed that different parts of this universe are expanding at different rates.
I don’t think it was mentioned in the Quran.
If true, yes of course…
By ‘true’ I mean scientific discovery or knowledge before it was generally known by the educated.
Muslims have been making such claims for decades at least. As far as I’m aware, not one of the claims stands up to scrutiny as ‘amazing’.
Please quote the sura showing what you mean.:
We know when and how the Quaran was actually written. We know Muhammad did not write it. We know Muhammad was born in Petra. We know all the original Mosques face Petra.
" Who wrote the Qur’an? You may think the answer to this is obvious: Muhammad wrote the Qur’an. And the crucial difference between Muslims and non-Muslims is whether they believe he was inspired by God to do it. But if you did give that answer, you’d be completely wrong." Who really wrote the Qur’an? | Psephizo
“The scribe Zaid was charged with the job of locating all the parts and compiling them into one volume. And around 20 years later, under the third caliph Uthman, the same scribe was charged with gathering all the variant versions that still existed, determining the correct one and burning the rest.”
" What do modern scholars think of this story? Not very much, as it happens. There are all sorts of potential issues with the traditional Islamic account, which is derived from sources only compiled centuries after Muhammad. Perhaps the most significant, and worth leading with here, is that there is mounting evidence that the Qur’an, or at least the bulk of it, predates Muhammad."
There are NO scientific discoveries in the Quaran that a 4th century goat herder could not figure out.
It’s not far from a sharp shooter fallacy, only instead of drawing a bullseye around the result he wants, he’s interpreting it to mean what he wants. It’s standard apologist tactic, in all religions.
That usually depends whose using the term, and which particular archaic superstition they’re trying to justify their belief in.
Bottom line is none of them can demonstrate any objective evidence for any “first cause”, and their arguments are woeful and irrational, as yours have been.
I’m both, they’re not mutually exclusive you see.
Not particularly, but then I haven’t decided its origins are divine beforehand.
Do you believe Mohammed flew to heaven on a flying horse?
Do you know what a sharp shooter fallacy is? It’s a kind of selection bias. Look it up.
- based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
For example, I HEAR and CONVERSE with the OVERLORD. Therefore He exists based on the empirical method of using sound to express not only thoughts and ideas, but also the very claim we have to a personal existence.
Two observations atheists can’t account for.
1). Provide empirical evidence that a little voice inside your head exists.
2). Provide empirical evidence that said little voice is actually you talking to your self.
Poor Ratty…
Demonstrate that I have a little voice inside my head. I have a brain that languages its’ environment and when not engaged in the external world engages in languaging the internal world. Easily demonstrated by producing language. That’s what brains do.
Me talking to myself? What is this “me” you speak of? And how does one find “myself?” Surely if I am “me” here and now in the next stroke of a computer key, the me that was, is no longer the me that is. How does one talk to a self that is no longer present in the here and now? How does one touch a toe into the same river twice? Your question is senseless.
Really? I didn’t know that,but am not surprised. I remember being surprised to see how much of the Quran is lifted from the Torah.
These days nothing surprises me when it comes to the invention and cobbling together of the holy/revered books of pretty much all faiths’ holy books. Most if not all seem to have existed orally for differing amounts of time.
Christianity? Depends who one reads. The christian tradition claims the Pauline epistles and the gospels were written down as early as a few decades after the putative death of Jesus. There are some evangelicals who claim the disciples wrote the gospels which bear their names.That seems to be due to a purblind, bloody minded ignorance.
The mythicist Dr Richard Carrier contends that christianity is based on a synthesis of Judaism and the Greek mystery religions. If that’s true the stories/myths could predate the alleged time of Jesus by centuries and different geographic locations and cultures.
Prove it. Why should I believe you? How does it language the internal world?
No Self? Who’s doing the talking? What’s the mechanism? Demonstrate the mechanism. I don’t believe you.
Fragments of an ancient Quran discovered in Birmingham University in July may predate the prophet Muhammad , thus undermining core beliefs of Islam , UK researchers told The Times on Monday. Scientists at the University of Oxford carbon dated the artifact and found it to have been created between 568 CE and 645 CE.
Birmingham and Oxford Universities should step up security…just saying.
…oh, three year old news…stand down.
Apart from the fact that you give me no reason to believe there is a little voice in your head commenting on your so called “internal world” - you deny any affiliation with said little voice.
Is that the consensus of members here? Ie. that the little voice in their head is a random artifact of the brain - and not, instead a reflection of their inner most self?
What is the general consensus on this point, if I may ask?
Can you demonstrate this evidence to others?
We’ve done this already rat, it’s a subjective anecdotal claim, not remotely objective empirical evidence.
And no one has to demonstrate a contrary claim or belief, that is the very definition of an appeal to ignorance fallacy.
They don’t have to account for them, since it is your claim, it’s entirely incumbent on you to demonstrate sufficient evidence to support it. A subjective claim for personal experience, that can’t be observed or measured by anyone else doesn’t represent evidence, else what’s your criteria for disbelief?
I can fly when no one else can see me. I observed this, ipso facto I have empirical evidence.
Come on now, you don’t really believe I can fly do you?
Fallacy: Appeal to popular opinion. Not everyone here has the foundation in Buddhist thought that I do. You either provide evidence for the “little voice” in my head or withdraw your claim. There is no “voice” there. VOICE: the sound produced in a person’s larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song. There is no voice in my brain.
First off Rat_spit,nice to see you again bud. It’s been a few weeks, I hope you are OK and having fun.
As to the questions, it is not on atheists to disprove your statement, first you must prove that those voices in your head are coming from an external source.
You must first support your claim. I don’t have to disprove anything.