You wrote a statement for which I was asking some clarification. Your reply said that I have issues. I iterated the question. Your subsequent reply said it was a stupid question.
Do you typically respond this way when someone asks for clarification about something you said?
I still find unclear what you meant by saying that to use atheist as an identifier requires religiosity. Additionally, I now find what appears to me to be a resistance to providing clarification rather confusing.
It really isn’t that difficult to just answer a simple question.
I think then there would be nothing but atheism, we just wouldn’t have a word for it.
For clarity here, I do understand what you’re saying, if theism didn’t exist as a concept then neither would the lack of it, but we would all be atheists, we just wouldn’t know it.
The spice. Funny story. As I’ve mentioned here before, I had an interstellar love affair with a princess from House Atreides. She used the spice to cross time and space, and she appeared to me in a vivid blue outline. ‘Twere two star crossed lovers.
Poor, poor, Ratty
" The phrase “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater” originates from a German proverb, “das Kind mit dem Bade ausschüt
ten,” which translates to “pour the baby out with the bathwater,”.
The earliest record of this phrase is in 1512, in Narrenbeschwörung (Appeal to Fools) by Thomas Murner, which includes a woodcut illustration showing a woman tossing a baby out with wastewater.
But then, why would a rat know or take the time to look up such minutiae?
Well, I was closer than you were! You said it was “American”! Das shlangenhaur ist einen sheinegeschlaft mit diesen Frauenmunsch! Put that in your google translate and process it!
You can argue until the cows come home if you wish. Religiosity is a self-delusion that a person has a good buddy UP THERE. The absurdity to beyond bizarre.
The epicness of people who get religious propaganda forced on them constant who then claim normal people are “brainwashed”. Religious should at least get brain rinsed to clear out the cobwebs and dust accumulated in the many unused areas of their brains.
It is actually religious people who are brainwashed by idol figures and religious experts, for reasons of safety in the afterlife.
It can be seen that religion is actually a teaching from each region which functions to bring order to society. they use the excuse of “God’s commands” and also “heavenly salvation” to people who are afraid of non-worldly things.
This is what makes some religious people very indoctrinated and crazy about their own religion, to the point of justifying any means in the name of “God”.
There is no scientific consensus on the concept of brainwashing. The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Task Force on deceptive and indirect techniques of persuasion and control (DIMPAC) was rejected by the APA’s board of social and ethical responsibility for psychology in 1987.
What is the difference between indoctrination and brainwashing?
Broadly speaking, indoctrination can refer to a general process of socialization. In common discourse, the term often has a pejorative valence to refer to forms of brainwashing or for disagreeable forms of socialization.