Why is premarital sex a problem?

Nature. Nature is on our side. Sex is natural.

Bullshit. You love that your god idea, Mr. Mythological Fanboy (:butterfly:), allows you to spew hate and threats. The hate is real. The threat is imaginary.

…blah blah blah :unamused: BTW this was pre-Christian. Do you follow all the pre-Christian laws too???

I prefer getting my moral/ethical advice from Spider-Man

Shitttt…. YOU are stupid!!! Please refer to:

No. You have ranted. Assertions. An old book (there are plenty with all kinds of gods). YOU made a CLAIM so you NEED to prove it (Jesus fuckin’Christ you idiot, this is not how the world works)…

Besides, I’m still working on disproving @Old_man_shouts_at_cl fucking dragon :dragon: claim and am currently under obligation to worship it until I can disprove its existence

That’s because you’re refusing to take your meds. :grimacing:

It’s in his head - from old book/myth stories.

He hasn’t demonstrated, evidenced or established anything BUT…


It is against forum rules to just preach and spam.
This is your 1st warning.

In all seriousness, when you make a claim - it needs to be dealt with on the ONE claim first (no pre-suppositions allowed unless accepted by the person/s you are debating). YOU’VE made one claim/assertion after another without stopping to breath in your self-righteous judgement.

SO IN all fairness for a new theist I’m going to reel you back.

This was your FIRST claim. :arrow_up: THIS thread is about “pre-marital sex”. Stick to the topic. Back your claim.

I would point out that sex can hold massive significance to some women - and men

a child in the bargin is the result of sexual activity and is the result if the woman chooses to have the baby (reproductive health right)

men are animals so are women :woman_shrugging:t2: WE are the species of animal known as homo-sapien