Why do you think

Gracious me , I’ve said in more ways than one in more posts than one that the “quantitative” - mass , charge , spin etc are the only things that are the purview of science. The “qualitative” - devout- cannot be measured and are in the eyes of the beholder . Devout to you may not be devout to me .

Still repeating this bullshit, despite it having been shredded repeatedly?

Oh wait, scientists have even found a molecular basis for this.

I’m also waiting for you to ask yourself why fish developed advanced pair bonding and parental care behaviour tens of millions of years ago.

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Provide the peer reviewed PROOF to back up that claim .

Given your repeated duplicitous summary dismissals of peer reviewed scientific papers when they’re presented to you, this is weapons grade chutzpah on your part.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, did you forget this post, in which I provided a peer reviewed scientific paper, demonstrating that our ability to think arose in part from a retroviral infection that occurred 400 million years ago in Sarcopterygian fish?

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Provide peer reviewed PROOF that lifeless inanimate matter produced consciousness, and while you are at it provide how Consciousness benefits a blind pitiless meaningless purposeless lifeless universe

That paper on the Arc gene is pretty telling in this regard. Though it’s obvious you never read it.


While I’m thinking about my reply to that I’ll throw in another one of those amazing goat herders who I suspect had a far greater knowledge of chemistry than yourself . Maybe there’s more to goat herding than meets the eye , ya think ?

“God is Truth. There is no incompatibility between science and religion. Both are seeking the same truth. Science shows that God exists.”

“The observations and experiments of science are so wonderful that the truth that they establish can surely be accepted as another manifestation of God. God shows himself by allowing man to establish truth.”

–Sir Derek Barton, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, as quoted in Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life, and Homo sapiens.

He doesn’t he can keep his bs beliefs to himself, so can you, you both chose not to.

That’s still a lie, plenty of objective evidence has been posted. You however have failed to offer one single word to evidence your claim that love is evidence for a deity.

Imaginary you mean, they don’t exist, as you yourself admitted early on, the request for objective evidence can’t be answered.

I never mentioned proof, this is a silly theistic straw man lie you keep peddling.

You want a peer reviewed paper to demonstrate that human brains cease to function, and that consciousness disappears the same time? Now that’s fucking hilarious, and coming from someone who can’t offer one shred of objective evidence a deity is even possible or for any of his claims. Not only that but every time objective evidence is posted, you lie that it hasn’t been, so what would be the point anyway, to someone as dishonest and closed minded as you clearly are.

Why, you’ll only lie it hasn’t been presented as you’ve done every time. Besides no one has claimed this, it is you who came here champ, so why don’t you provide peer reviewed PROOF that an unevidenced deity using magic produced consciousness? Oh that’s right you don’t have shit…you are funny fair play.

That’s the game he is playing, constantly demanding evidence he then lies hasn’t been demonstrated, while refusing to offer a single word to evidence his magic sky fairy.

Which god and why? Oh sorry I forgot you make unevidenced claims then run away pretending you’ve said something profound, when your bs is just vapid meaningless unevidenced platitude, like that one.

BS, the creation myth in your bible makes several claims that are incompatible with scientific facts, the Noah flood myth is utterly falsified by the geological evidence that no global flood has ever occurred, the Exodus myth despite decades of archaeological searching has been demonstrated to be a complete myth. How about a grown man living inside the belly of a whale for months, lets have a peer reviewed paper "proving2 that, your unevidenced bs is getting funnier and funnier.

More bs, religions aren’t seeking the truth, they are claiming that it was handed to them millennia ago, and that it is immutable, that is the very definition of closed minded. Science bends it’s findings to the evidence, religion bends all facts to their belief, and your posts have proved this again and again.

I don’t believe you, and if it does how come atheism is massively higher among the scientific community, especially among elite scientists.

" Larson and Witham (1998) found that 92% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject a belief in God or higher power."

So either 92% of the elite scientists in the NAS, don’t understand science, or you’re talking through your arse with yet another appeal to authority fallacy, misrepresenting the subjective unevidenced religious beliefs of a Nobel winner as if that lends the claim scientific gravitas, I think we all know where the safe bet there is.

He’s expressing a subjective unevidenced belief, and you’re using another appeal to authority fallacy. Line them up all you want, they remain irrational by definition.

How does love evidence any deity? You still can’t answer this, quod erat demonstrandum…

Yawn. Did he find any genuine evidence for his cartoon magic man? No he didn’t.

Your fake resort to “quotes” fails on that ground alone.

Oh by the way, if mythology fanboy assertions about consciousness needing some special magic brand of “god sauce”, were something other than the products of their rectal passages, then vast swathes of neuroscience research would have been impossible to conduct by definition. Including the research described in two interesting scientific papers I cover in detail in this document:

Oh look, more evidence that testable natural processes are responsible, not a cartoon magic man from a goat herder mythology.

Got some actual substance to bring to the table, instead of your usual tiresome bullshit?

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Oh, ffs! This is the fourth time. HOW DO YOU DEFINE DEVOUT?

@Calilasseia provided the peer reviewed proof you requested. When reminded of this after you asked again, a more appropriate response would have been, “oh, you’re right, my bad.” Not some random quote.

Oh the quotes are very far from random, he is quite deliberately cherry picking Nobel winners for quotes where they espouse their subjective religious beliefs, as if their scientific achievements lend some gravitas to their unevidenced superstitious beliefs, it is the very definition of an appeal to authority fallacy.


Ah, the usual mythology fanboy double standard at work … where peer reviewed scientific papers are summarily dismissed because they don’t mention his cartoon magic man, but fatuous “quotes” and ex recto apologetic fabrications purportedly “prove” that his cartoon magic man is real.

I’ve been observing this brand of mendacity for 14 years.

Where is this lifeless, inanimate matter, you speak of. Are you completely unaware that the building blocks for life have been found on asteroids traveling through space?

Building Blocks of Life Found on Samples Collected From an Asteroid

Your building a strawman with your assertion. The fact of the matter is, the right chemicals for life are out there, all around us. Atoms are not living and yet they are the substance you are made of. Your argument is inane.

Assuming the universe is blind and pitiless, consciousness has nothing to do with it. You are implying that consciousness has a motive. Consciousness is as blind and pitiless as the universe itself. It is an event. An outward manifestation of life forms. What makes you think it has a goal? What makes you think consciousness itself is a goal? You are just attributing erroneous assumptions all over the place.

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It didn’t, consciousness evolved. Only your religion’s creation myth claims consciousness appeared instantly using magic. Also we have objective evidence for all the things you say can’t exist…without something no one can demonstrate any evidence is even possible, an unevidenced deity using magic. So that’s Occam’s razor violated again, like it’s your first night in prison.


@Cognostic … I’ve been aware for some time of peer reviewed papers, documenting the evidence that key molecules have been found in interstellar gas clouds. One paper even documents an experiment in which the amino acid glycine was synthesised in the laboratory under the requisite conditions. Ammonia and ethanol condensed onto dust particles as cometary ices, will undergo ultraviolet photolysis and the resulting radicals will react to form glycine.

Scientists have now found molecules such as pentose sugars, simple lipids, and even nucleotides in space. If these molecules can be synthesised in that environment, the much milder conditions on Earth pose no problems for the chemistry of formation thereof.


As an example of the sort of work that has ben conducted, with respect to the chemistry of interstellar gas clouds, I turn everyone’s attention to this paper:

Racemic Amino Acids From The Ultraviolet Photolysis Of Interstellar Ice Analogues by Max P. Bernstein, Jason P Dworkin, Scott A. Sandford, George W. Cooper and Louis J. Allamandola, Nature, 416: 401-403 (28th March 2002) [source is here]

Note that this result was obtained nineteen years ago as I write this.

From the paper:

The authors explain their experiments thus:

That’s quite some result.

Basically, the authors replicated the conditions within an interstellar gas cloud in their apparatus (15K temperature and high vacuum) into which their reactants were carefully introduced, in the form of solid comet-like ices refrigerated to similar temperature. Those ices were then irradiated with ultraviolet light similar to that emitted by stars (the wavelength being determined of course by the usual spectroscopic analysis). After a suitable period of time, the material was carefully transferred to both gas chromatograph mass spectrometers and high-performance liquid chromatography analysers, to determine if any new molecules had appeared in the irradiated material,

The authors report above that indeed, they found important precursors (namely N-formyl glycine, cycloserine and glycerol) prior to hydrolysis, which yielded glycine, serine and alanine (among other products) after hydrolysis. Note also that the authors took special steps to eliminate contamination, one of these being the use of isotopically labelled starting products labelled using 13C (a rare but stable isotope of carbon), and found that the products were also isotopically labelled at the end of the test, ruling out contamination as a source of the molecules in question.

Now, this result dovetails nicely with earlier work, involving spectroscopic analysis of interstellar gas clouds, via which means glycine was detected therein.

In addition, the authors mention that the products could be synthesised in enantiomeric excess (favouring L over D amino acids) if the ultraviolet radiation is circularly polarised. Further experiments in this vein no doubt have taken place, but I’ll require time to find any relevant papers devoted to this.

Finally, the authors conclude with:

Yet to read this one in full, but again, we have laboratory experiments demonstrating the requisite result:

Enantiomeric Excesses Induced In Amino Acids By Ultraviolet Circularly Polarised Light Irradiation Of Extraterrestrial Ice Analogues: A Possible Source Of Asymmetry For Prebiotic Chemistry by Paola Modica, Cornelia Meinhert, Pierre de Marcellus, Laurent Nahon, Uwe J. Meierhenrich and Louis LeSergeant d’Hendecourt, The Astrophysical Journal, 788: 79-89 (10th June 2014) [Full paper downloadable from here]

No . I’m just pointing out the amazing depth of intellect and knowledge that can be found in a goat herder.

No, you’re playing your usual duplicitous game of apologetics. Just because someone with scientific credentials issues sycophantic noises about your cartoon magic man, doesn’t mean it exists, especially if said sycophantic noises are bereft of proper evidential support.

Ex recto assertions don’t point to intellect and knowledge, they point to ignorance.

Genuine intellect and knowledge is exhibited when someone engages in the diligent labour required to convert an assertion into an evidentially supported postulate. Which has never happened with assertions about cartoon magic men from pre-scientific mythologies.

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