Why do you think

Oh damn. I did it again. I responded seriously to a frigging troll of a post. Damn ! I gotta quit doing that.

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Utter tripe .
There are no benefits in atheistic materialism . There is no meaning , no purpose , nothing but blind pitiless indifference . Live by the philosophy you espouse and stop with the lies .

Please help me understand how you know this.


Blind pitiless indifference… :thinking:… Hmmmm… I kinda like that. It actually has a nice ring to it. I have to admit, you may have a point there, Sid. Too damn bad, though, that I’m so blindly cold-hearted that I don’t give a shit one way or the other. I mean, why should I care, since my life is so useless and without meaning? Now, if you’ll excuse me, please, I have to go throw big rocks at a litter of newborn kittens near my house.

(Edit to ask directions to nearest tall building.)

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LOL… There is no Atheistic Materialism. There is materialism and there is atheism. Some atheists may be materialists, I don’t know. I tend to think of myself as a methodological naturalist. The time to address the supernatural is when there is evidence for it. My guess is that you are using the philosophical definition of materialism: a person who supports the theory that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications. I’m not sure how anyone would know that for certain. I do know that if you assert something spiritual, or something beyond time and space, actually has existence, you have adopted a burden of proof.


Did you mean to label your posts as utter tripe? If so kudos, it’s the most accurate claim you’ve made on here.

My life has whatever meaning and purpose I choose to subjectively give it, just like theists, except I don’t indulge myths or superstition to achieve this. I am neither pitiless or indifferent, though ironically a deity with limitless power and knowledge. that allowed, let alone created, a world with ubiquitous and unimaginable suffering would rationally be both, or be unimaginably cruel and sadistic.

Your last sentence seems apropos, as many of the acrimonious claims you aim at people who don’t share your unevidenced beliefs seem about as un-Christian as any I’ve seen. I wonder why it bothers you so much, that those who don’t share your unevidenced belief in archaic superstition, can and do live happy fulfilling lives?

Is it because you don’t have a heart, you know how the superstitiously minded love to make an erroneous connection between emotions and the cardiovascular system. :grinning:

Pish posh, you’ll be telling me there is no global cabal of atheists next, I’ve seen you slink off to those monthly meetings, I better get an invite soon… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Shhhhhh! Dammit Sheldon, you are going to get your application revoked. This is public! Damn man, you gotta know better than this!


My atheistic materialistic lips are sealed, but not indifferent or pitiless I hope.

The first rule of atheists club is…we don’t talk about atheist club… :sunglasses:


Nope. It’s because I’m just too much of a damn materialistic atheist to give a fuck. I’m afraid Sid has finally made me see the light… (Or, maybe, the darkness? :thinking:) Anyway, regardless, it all means nothing to me, so what’s the point? Hell, the only reason I stay around here now is to show people how pitifu-… uh, pitiless I have become. Not that it really matters, of course. It’s not as though I care about what anybody else thinks, because :notes::musical_note: “…in the end, it doesn’t even matter…” :musical_note::notes:

Well, there use to be, of course. But then Sid had to come along and fuck it all up by reminding us there is no point in it all. @Sid Gee, THANKS, Sid. :roll_eyes:

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Like Saul on the road to Damascus, only in reverse, there is no light, and never was any light.

I’d say I see your point, but that would suggest there is any point. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grinning:

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Yes, your post is, just like all the other posts you’ve soiled this forum with.

Well your strawman caricature of atheism doesn’t apply, certainly not in my case, so your assertion is rendered null and void on that ground alone.

But even if we entertain for a moment, that your strawman caricature wasn’t something you pulled out of your rectal passage as part of the pursuit of duplicitous apologetic fabrication, I can tell you one immediate benefit of being suspicious of mythology fanboy assertions - it provides you with a better functioning bullshit detector.

Correction, there is no “meaning” or “purpose” built into the fabric of the universe. But, as I keep reminding you, human beings are perfectly capable of deciding that their lives have meaning and purpose, an elementary distinction you continue mendaciously to ignore every time I present it.

What part of “a feature present in small parts of the universe ISN’T a feature of the universe as a whole” do you continue to ignore, to facilitate your peddling of apologetic lies? Here’s a clue for you: ∃ is NOT the same as ∀. But mythology fanboys tend to have trouble with this concept.

The irony is, I do. A part thereof being not to lie before a global public audience. Another part thereof being to strive to be as consonant with FACT as possible.

The only one lying here is you. Oh wait, you routinely resort to strawman caricatures of important concepts, the peddling of manifest traducements of those who challenge your evidence-free assertions, and a level of apologetic gymnastics that would have left Nadia Comaneci in her prime nursing strain injuries.

Is there is no meaning or purpose then there would be no meaning or purpose and you wouldn’t be deciding your life has meaning or purpose because it had never existed . You are just a collection of chemicals in a certain mode and you don’t decide anything , you have no free will . Live by the philosophy you espouse and stop the lies

Ah, it’s @Sid’s weekly troll. There is no evidence that life or the universe has any overarching purpose or meaning, whereas humans subjectively add purpose and meaning to their lives. No amount of lying by you will make those ideas the same or even similar.

I have decided your claim is wrong.

What objective evidence can you demonstrate that your deity exists outside of your imagination? If you had any integrity or objective evidence, then you’d have at least tried to answer this by now, so lecturing others on lies is pretty hilarious.

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Sigh….oh @Sid, you’re beating an already dead horse.
I suspect the first word in this quote was meant to be if, not is.
We’ve already gone over the distinction between meaning existing in the universe and the universe as a whole having meaning. Here’s an example: trees are in the universe but the universe is not a forrest. Do you finally get it?
The mind is an emergent property of the brain. The mind (if sound) creates and assigns meaning to things. Meaning is simply an attitude.

I thought you only sought for objective evidence to demonstrate anything credulous why then are you contradicting your philosophy of life with a subjective meaning in life? Why the great discontinuity?

Who is the one making up feel good myths and lies to make themselves feel better?

The Bible has historical evidence, science points to an intelligent design and it reveals more and more that the likelihood of life is extremely small, how is this overcome with mindless random chance?

What techniques are you using for this measurement?

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What is the probability, and more importantly: how did you calculate that (can you show your work; or should we assume you just made that up)?

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I only believe claims that can be supported by sufficient objective evidence if that is what you mean?

I am not claiming the subjective meaning I give my life is objectively true, or that the meaning exists outside if my subjective perception. If you want to assert your deity exists only in your imagination, as a subjective desire then that would be comparable.

Theists clearly, since they cannot demonstrate any objective evidence to support their claim any deity exists. The atheists here have all acknowledged that the meaning they attach to their lives is entirely subjective.

For what? Please cite it and what you’re claiming it evidences, as I am dubious.

I don’t believe your unevidenced claim, and neither do most scientists apparently, since atheism is far higher among scientists than in the general populace, and it rises even higher among elite bodies of scientists.

93 percent of the members of the National Academy of Sciences, one of the most elite scientific organizations in the United States, do not believe in God. Now if science indicated a designer, who is more likely to know this, them, or you?

Since life already exists, then the odds against it seem somewhat moot? Perhaps you can demonstrate how you calculated these odds? Then explain what conclusions you are drawing and why?

If you think the odds against organic life are high, when it can be demonstrated to exist as an objective fact, then that infers the odds against a deity which you cannot evidence objectively at all, must be far higher. You seem to be violating Occam’s razor here.

Well that’s a straw man fallacy of course, since no one is claiming that the existence of life is “overcome purely with random chance”. Though we do have objective evidence that random chance being involved in natural processes has still produced immense complexity of course, whereas there is no objective evidenced that any deities or anything supernatural is even possible.

You seem to be repeating the same argument from personal incredulity over and over again?


Can someone catch me up? Tin Man? Old man?

I’ve not been on for a few days, are we still at science can’t explain love? :rofl::rofl::rofl::vulcan_salute::vulcan_salute:


Nope, we have now descended into the “probability of life happening spontaneously” argument. The one that Calli demolished so well a couple of weeks ago.

Usual amateur creatard apologetics drivel.

We are reaching the bottom of the secondhand grab bag of “gotcha atheists”, so expect a flouncy departure from the princess any day.

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