Why do you think


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Haha I donā€™t have to demonstrate anything mate
Consciousness is at the core of who humans are.
You believe we are nothing more than matter , chemicals, that were produced by lifeless inanimate matter that is random , blind, indifferent with no meaning and no purpose and miracle of miracles viola! we have life, meaning , purpose , love , beauty , art , science . Talk about fairy tales and unicorns , you lot have it in spades.
Neuroscientists telling us that the brain produces consciousness is nothing more than telling us a radio produces the music .

Thatā€™s ironic coming from you. We didnā€™t drink the Kool-Aid. You did.

Oh my, @Sid, you really are quite incredulous and suffer greatly from the logic fallacy of the same name.
This is what Iā€™m hearing from you. Please correct me if Iā€™ve not distilled it properly.
You believe in your god specifically (no others) although you cannot fully describe it. You believe in this god because life exists and a book says so. You think a lot of what scientists have uncovered so far is bullshit. Not all of it though, just the stuff that contradicts your beliefs. Howā€™d I do?

I think you gain a lot of comfort in believing that your god considers you to be special enough to create, that your life isnā€™t because of the crap-shoot of reality. Personally, I consider myself quite fortunate to be able to experience living despite the odds against my existence. I find it stunning that abiogenesis followed by evolution has brought us to the point at which we can create art, music, science, etc. and enjoy it. I find that because of the evolutionary tip toward having emotions, I get to love. Wow! What a wonderful turn of events! That you are so needy you must have a parental figure in your life to love and care for you is, well, sad.


Blind assertion. Like so many others youā€™ve posted here.

No, we accept the relevant postulates, because scientists have provided the hard experimental evidence for those postulates .

Your specious attempt to equate this with your uncritical acceptance of unsupported mythological assertions, is precisely that - specious.

As opposed to ā€œMagic Man did it by waving his magic todger about, and meant for us to kiss its arse for eternity?ā€

Just because youā€™re incapable of understanding how testable natural processes can achieve the requisite results, doesnā€™t validate an imaginary cartoon magic man from a goat herder mythology.

Which is pretty much what your favourite goat herder mythology amounts to.

No, what we have in spades is actual learning on the matter, provided by people whose neurons were working properly. Unlike "Magic Man did it ".

As opposed to mythology fanboys like you telling us ā€œMagic Man did itā€ being nothing more than telling us the music appears by magic?

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Canā€™t more like, you still have failed to offer any evidence or explanation as to why you believe an evolved emotion like love evidences a deity. If you want to deny scientific facts, while indulging vapid superstition crack on, but itā€™s clear youā€™re holding an empty bag, and have no interest in debate.

If you want to peddle your superstitious wares, try praying them to us, if that works then weā€™ll talk.

All of those things exist champ, youā€™re the one adding inexplicable magic from an unevidenced deity, Occamā€™s razor applies, slashā€¦

Speak for yourself.

Again then, youā€™re the one adding unevidenced magic and sky fairies to those things, no one else.

What a spectacularly stupid claim.

It is the product of a functioning human brain, and it disappears every time the brain dies, forever. I guess if you believe in sky fairies using magic, one could imagine thatā€™s a coincidence, but your rationale is risible nonetheless.

If my consciousness existed independently of my brain, then Iā€™m curious why it didnā€™t exist before my brain started functioning, and why it disappeared so completely when on all three occasions I received a general anaesthetic. In case your brain isnā€™t functioning well enough to work out the inference, a supernatural consciousness that existed independently of a physical brain, disappearing due to the natural physiological effects of an anaesthetic is laughable.

But then, appeals to mystery and magic always are laughable.

Iā€™m still baffled by how @Sid can sit here and throw taunts and jeers and call that a good witness for his religion. You do such a disservice to the humble polite theists I know who keep their religion to themselves. I actually have quite a few theist friends, and they would all likely agree you are not one of them. Your arrogance and pride alone strip away any shred of respect anyone could have for your arguments. Not that your arguments are even convincing in the slightest. Youā€™re holier than thou baloney is super cringe.


The only thing you are close with is being able to fully describe God . The rest is just all your imaginations .

Go on then , post up where Iā€™ve mentioned my so called religious beliefs

Post them up then, you seem to want to play games and keep cherry-picking what you do and donā€™t believe in. Do you accept the Bible in its entirety? Or what holy book is your book of choice to read?

Well, I made these guesses based on what youā€™ve written. For instance, you chide posters for citing the work of scientists in reference to your beliefs, and have done so several times. Why do you do this, yet do it using a device made available because of the work of other scientists?

Itā€™s in your profile that youā€™re a theist, and you claimed that ā€œloveā€ was a sufficient reason alone for you to believe in a deity.

The fact you wonā€™t expand on that is hardly anyone elseā€™s fault, and has been abundantly clear from the start that the reason is you know you have naught but an empty bag, which is why you keep trying to focus on other peopleā€™s lack of belief.

Not believing your claim a deity exists requires no evidence, the burden of proof is yours, as you are the one making a claim. The creationist propaganda is simply risible.

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How does an evolved emotion like love evidence the existence of a creator? Such emotions clearly have a survival benefit, and evolution can already explain itā€™s existence, so what have you got?

Now, if THAT isnā€™t the Irony Overload Statement of the Year, I donā€™t know what is. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

What flavor was it? My favorite flavor is grape. Is that why they ā€œdrinkā€ the blood of christ in the catholic mass? Maybe itā€™s really godā€™s Kool Aid.

The term was coined from Jim Jones. Presently it is often used in reference to describe obstinate and devout religious folk that are delusional. Another one that can be used is "Red Pill and Blue Pill " which is borrowed from The Matrix.

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No,youā€™ve already made the claim about me posting about my religious beliefs . All I am asking is for you to back up that statement by posting the comments you claim I have made

If I remember correctly the only choices available were either Atheist or Theist . Iā€™m not an Atheist so that only leaves ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

Youā€™ve lost me there mate . Be more specific.