Why do you think

So that’s a no then. :roll_eyes:

*Oxytocin is a hormone that’s produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland .

If it’s comedy you want then watch Ray Comfort extol the virtues of a banana, and infer design from it, now that’s comedy gold I promise you.


Well, I don’t wonder. And I think religion does mean something. It means I have to endure having it effect laws, watch it kill people, see it steal money from the poor, scare children, belittle women, and do many more awful things…


Not really, I chalk it up to being a microbial meaningless automaton swirling through a cavernous galactic void of cataclysmic energy. Much like an ant trying to comprehend being inside of a blender before meeting a rather mundane and slightly predictable ending. It’s really quite soothing to realize as much as you might perceive to “know” means exactly nothing to anything other than your surrounding microbial automatons.


Serotonin to name another. You might be able to provide an interesting take on this Cali?

Why is it that molecules like DMT and psilocybin are so similar to serotonin in structure and also have such a profound mental effect on us?

The overwhelming feeling that “everything is connected” … is this a function of the affinity of the psychoactive molecules to bind to our serotonin receptor sites?

Is it simply mimicking the “positive” mental effects of serotonin on a wider scale? :thinking:

Well according to the resident chemist it’s all the fault of Oxytocin, or there must be another chemical that causes all that .

Yeah, well I prefer to be a free range ant on the outside looking in .

That would require ‘love’ to still be the same phenomena irregardless of humans…

If we never existed or was wiped out, love would have to continue to be a constant.

Which it wouldn’t.

It’s simply a word we call a particular emotion that is no more then a chemical reaction within the brain.

No different to hate or indifference.

Animals show ‘love’ or affection too, this is perfectly in accordance to biology and nature.


There is a reason why when a loved one dies you no longer feel ‘love’ from them, also a reason why we grieve.

Because ‘love’ is intrinsically linked to each individual and can be manifested emotionally and/or physically.

This is why it stops when a particular person dies… I wonder why?!

Well if a dying star can produce all the elements that make up a human, like carbon and nitrogen… can create a planet from an accretion disc, form vast black holes etc…

Yeah I think creating a simple chemical ‘feeling’ within a moderately evolved primate would be fairly simple.

Well if we cease to exist then we wouldn’t know anything , including whether Love still existed or not .
So which chemicals cause a belief in God ?

On an individual basis when one dies they are no longer capable of love or manifesting that emotion, so it a phenomena that resides on that particular person… no need for any supernatural phenomena.

Probably similar chemicals that drive people to want to feel looked after, to be a part of a group, a sense of belonging.

It’s perfectly normal for humans to do so, for centuries they’ve looked to God, Thor, Odin etc…

I’d imagine some sense of fear of death and what comes after…

The delusional nature of the belief, doesn’t stop it being pernicious.

Basing belief on personal preference is one of religion’s major flaws.

Now for the sixth time of asking, how as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity?

It appears you can offer neither rational explanation nor any objective evidence for this claim.

It does for me . Chemicals don’t do it man

Why would chemicals create a falsehood - God ?
What other falsehoods are chemicals creating ?

Schizophrenia, hallucinations… all sorts.

My neighbour who recently died had dementia, she was adamant her husband had been taking her shopping for groceries yet she was perplexed she had none.

He’d been dead for years.

The mind is capable of far more then you likely can imagine.


Open your eyes and look at the trees. Animals are biologically inclined to form, groups for survival. Those that do not form groups, bond, in some ways have generally gone extinct. Humans are not the only animals that develop strong bonds (We call it love) with others. Prairie Voles, Geese, Gray Wolves, Sandhill Cranes, (many species of birds mate for life.) Crows, Beavers, Laysan Albatrosses, Marmosets, California Condors, Macaroni Penguins, And literally thousands of other animal species MATE FOR LIFE There is nothing unique about the human species doing the same. Were it not for our ability to form attachments, bonds, work together, we would have ended up like the other 8 species of humans, (extinct), It is a biological function of the human brain, and that means chemicals, to project feelings of love.

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How does repeating the claim help?

Now for the seventh time of asking , how as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity? You clearly have nothing.

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Chemicals alone don’t. Oxytocin alone doesn’t do it. I’d suggest you get ahold of, and read, a couple of good books by neuroscientists about how the brain works. Fascinating stuff. You would be in a much better position to understand emotions and to participate in debate with something far more substantive than “love does it for me, man.”

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Whattttt, butttt, god done it is well informed mun, innit? What you don’t understand is that god is like, really really smart mun, way smarter than people like, who is, lets face it, dumb.


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Since I can see, hell we can all see, the way this is going lets cut to the chase:


#7 How as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity?

#8 How as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity?

#9 How as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity?

#10 How as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity?

#11 How as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity?

#12 How as you claimed does the existence of love remotely evidence any deity?

Now that’s a round dozen, so all that remains is to ask, do you have even a shred of integrity? Can you muster enough to admit this claim was entirely subjective, and that you can neither evidence it, nor rationally explain it?

I think I know the answer, but I like to keep an open mind, not being religious and believing in immutable absolutes.


I leave comedy to mythology fanboys. Who keep providing it in quantity.

Your excuse for a response to my post is laughable.

You are aware that scientists have learned a great deal about human brain chemistry?

Oh wait, you wasted your time treating the unsupported assertions of a goat herder mythology uncriticially as fact, instead of learning some genuine facts.

By the way, one chemical that’s implicated in aggression is adrenaline. Did you sleep through the classes where such material was presented?

In other words, all you have to offer is either personal incredulity or “my mythology says so”.

There’s an evolutionary explanation for this, in case you never learned it.

Basically, children that obeyed their parents in our distant past, had a habit of not being eaten by predators, while the ones that didn’t, and wandered off on their own whim, ended up as lunch. Oh wait, we have a demonstrable selection pressure for childhood acceptance of whatever adults tell them.

Unfortunately, the flip side of that coin, is acceptance of fairy tales about fantastic magic entities, if those fairy tales are presented to children as fact at a young age. Hence the infamous Jesuit aphorism, “Give me the child until the age of seven, and I will give you the man”.

The pernicious effects of this flip side are evident in your flatulent attempts to deny verifiable fact, in favour of mythological assertions, and your infantile attempts to belittle said verifiable fact.