Why do you think

Is looking up the numreous peer reviewed scientific papers devoted to this topic too much like hard work for you?

Why do mythology fanboys always demand to be spoon fed, instead of doing their own fucking homework?

Oh that’s right, they’re hoping to come up with fake “gotcha’s”. Which isn’t going to happen with a scientifically literate audience.

Some of us have done more than “briefly look into it”.

Cue ex recto apologetic fabrication in 3 … 2 … 1 …

In the case of organismal genomes, try testable natural processes. For which we have evidence, as opposed to a cartoon magic man from a pre-sacientific mythology. And don’t try to squirm out of admitting that said cartoon magic man is the only candidate you have for your merely asserted “mind” here, no one here is fooled by any attempts at dissimulation you might want to launch.

Oh, and as for canards about “information”, they’re covered under Canard #23 in my exposition on creationist canards. While you’re at it, you can also look at Canard #20, which covers bullshit about “design”, and I cover more on the dishonesty of “design” apologetics here.

Look, learn once and for all, that some of the ex recto apologetics you’re bringing here, are now more than fifty years old, and were destroyed shortly after they were first erected.