Why do Christians WANT to read the Bible?

I agree. If anything, this illustrates the evils of religion, that it will pull people down to the lowest level on morality.

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William Lane Craig also defends the death of innocents on the command of his god by insisting all the precious little souls of the victims would be taken directly to heaven. How convenient, no need to further bother worrying about the morality involved in the suffering incurred by divine orders to dash baby brains against rocks, or suffering a god’s unmericful punishment for sins committed by your great grand father. The lack of compassion is overwhelming and there is no mention in the Bible about any of this. One has to wonder where WLC gets his material.

Noone doubts or can deny our history of cruelty and injustice of past and present societies. Its obvious existence is proof we have all failed as a moral species, but the greater disturbing issue is that this god of the Abrahamic faiths fails to be specific in ruling against select acts of barbarism and cruelty.

It insists that for a Jew to kill another Jew is to murder their god; Muslims believe the something similar in treating other Muslims. Jesus supposedly taught we should all love one another equally but he warned about spreading his teachings amongst the Gentiles. Ok, so murder is wrong if it is committed to another of your ‘group’ and everyone else is fair game, but nowhere does this moral deity say “it is wrong to own another human being”. The question is why.

If this god is eternal, omnipotent, unchanging, the epitome of love justice and morality and had any influence in this reality at all, it could have ignored the temporal social circumstances prevaiing in any age and demanded that no human enslave another, no woman be raped and no innocents be slaughtered. The silence is immoral whether it created us or no.

Instead it busily details legal rights of slaveholders, the specific compensations to fathers of rape victims (and not the victims themselves - typical treatment of females as chattel in patriarchial societies) and there is a total silence over the deaths of innocents generally, be it drowned children of the Noachim age who never had the chance to learn to swim for 40 days and nights, the plague-ridden doomed Egyptian babies, and the accursed kiddies of the Canaan lebensraum genocides, etc etc. WLC was the first theist apologist I ever heard even acknowledge their cruel fate.

The problem under discussion here is not that these cruelties are a facts of history and current life, but that this omnipotent god of love and peace and human kindness is silent on them and indifferent to the realities of human suffering of those it does not favour. On the matter of slavery it is supposedly in its power to alleviate or eliminate this practice, instead it remains as silent as all the actual slaveholders down through history and even today allows it to prosper and generate global enterprises worth billions of dollars.

In the end, it would not matter anyway because like murder, even if it was written in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran, the divine denial of slavery would only be ignored along with murder, rape and infanticide. We can be a savage species like all others but this god is a powerless silent imagining.

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So what?

Read your bible. Some simple minded believers claim it’s innerant. It’s also taught that god’s laws are for all time as they were given to Moses… All 613 of them.

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That sounds like an incredibly subjective opinion.

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…er, from an expert, or so he said.

Like too many theists, he seems to hold the opinion that civilization, writing, and the hallmarks of a gentle and advanced civilization did not come until jesus.

Next thing you know, some theist will proclaim that jesus invented the internet.

Given they think their deity has limitless knowledge it seems reasonable to ask why Jesus invented fuck all? Even the golden rule wasn’t an original idea ffs.

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A long time ago; we had a Christian here so ignorant: they were under the impression Jesus wrote the Bible.


Sheesh, Imagine that. Everyone knows that Jesus was an Aramaic speaking Jew. The bible was written in Greek. Dumb Christian theists. Jesus dictated the bible to Greek scribes and they wrote it down. Why isn’t this just obvious to anyone with half a brain?

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Indeed. And in English. Fair enough, seeing that Jesus was English.

I thought he was an American author?

Almost everyone here.

Most christians I’ve run across are unaware that Aramaic is not a hebrew dialect ,having its own written form…

Be willing to bet many believers think Jesus and his mates spoke Latin.

Really? I didn’t know that. Especially since neither it seems neither Jesus nor any of his apostles spoke Greek and were probably illiterate in their own language.

Much is made about “the Greek of Matthew” in the gospels, as people get him confused with the apostle Matthew. Much is made of the belief that Matthew was a tax collector, so would be literate in Greek . Confusing ain’t it.

Now, I don’t remember where or when I read this ,so it may be taken as hearsay: That Matthew was probably one who collected taxes at toll stations, and probably illiterate in Greek (at least).

He dictated it in Aramaic and the scribe translated it into Greek. Wow! It’s just not that hard to understand.

Of course and no it isn’t, or wouldn’t be if it were true…

Just a tiny niggle: At that time many scribes were illiterate. They could copy but not read. One reason for the Bible becoming riddles with errors.

Rather than express doubts, I guess I should simply accept everything you’ve said on faith. After all, who am I to question 2 billion catholics plus a few proddies?

Jesus fuckin’Christ people!!! Hello!!! How many Christians believe Jesus is God??? WHO wrote or “inspired” the bible? GOD.

Of course Jesus wrote it! Duh :roll_eyes:. And if you are thinking “He couldn’t have physically wrote it…” Well, no shit, Sherlock! Bosses dictate letters through their secretaries all the time, and get the credit for writing it (when is the last time the secretary took credit for writing the letter the boss signed???

Damn secretary! He probably added that bit in the bible about Celebrating Christmas and giving gifts to co-workers.

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That’s what happens when the boss doesn’t sign the letter :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’m suppsed to sign the letters? Damn secretary told me it was not longer necessary as everthing is electronic.

Yep. I read it. Bullshit from start to finish.

I have a personal question for you. Seeing as you’re part of a blind belief system.

If I asked you to explain your lack of belief in the other deities such as Athena (Greek), Thor (Norse) or The Aten (Egyptian), do you think your lack of belief in those gods is the exact equivalent to an Atheist like myself and others explaining their lack of belief in the Christian God?


Well I can answer that, no it absolutely isn’t, as he has decided to believe in one deity to the exclusion of those others, based on subjective anecdotal claims of personal experience that the adherents of many of the others make identical claims for. My disbelief in any one of them is based on the same standard as my disbelief in all the others, and indeed of any other claim I withhold belief from, that no objective evidence can be demonstrated for the belief.

I read a book by an American author who happened to be an atheist, living and working in Norway. He marvelled at how clean the country was, how prosperous, how happy and content and helpful the people, and how law abiding giving how little police presence was usually to be seen, and of course that it was a predominantly secular country.

There are of course theists in the country, but generally most people were “cultural Christians” in that they were atheists but adhered to some of the cultural aspects, they meticulously maintained churches, enjoyed religious holidays with some religious traditions, but solely to keep contact with their past.

However he interviewed one young woman who believed in Thor, she was representative of some of a younger generation who were exploring earlier deities from their culture.

Now to my point:

When interviewed she gave exactly the same anecdotal claim for personal experience of Thor as @Drich, and many others have given here.

yet not one of those theists has ever been able to offer any objective difference between their beliefs, they simply choose which deity to believe in, though some of them make a point of claiming the religion sought them out of course, but that seems unlikely, especially as @Drich claimed you have to believe first and then the relationship will happen.

As someone else pointed it’s a marketing ploy that seems to be universal in many religions.

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