Why do Christians WANT to read the Bible?

@Sheldon > What a truly asinine statement. The very act of owning another human being negates any possibility of dignity, and Exodus 21 claims it is ok to beat them, even to death, as they long as they last more than 48 hours after the beating, that doesn’t sound like it affords much dignity to me, and I am not an omniscient and omnipotent diety with limitless choice, who could have explicitly and emphatically denounced slavery as egregiously immoral.
maybe that is why… because your intelligence is so limited you are not able to see the problems that could potentially rise with slaves who do not have the threat of a death beating over them.
Maybe i should preface that with you are in no position to speak downward about slavery as your whole life from the foundations of the nation you live in, down to your current use of technology, and even the produce you eat are all produced by modern day slaves. And because we will not acknowledge them as slaves in this modern day they live and work without restrictions/rules concerning their treatment. At least with God there is no lying to one’s self about the practice of slavery.

So we are clear modern life, your life is not possible without modern day slavery, and because you pretend there are no slaves making your life possible… they can be treated far worse than what God allowed the hebrews in the OT to treat their slaves.

Are you claiming there is any context when buying and owning slaves is moral, or owning their children as slaves, let alone beating them, even to death? That’s obscene.
without the modern day slave trade billions would die. as there is no government assisted living in the third world countries these slaves live and work.

What has that to do with the revolting actions the bible claims a deity advocates and encourages and even indulges? No one is claiming evolved apes are perfectly merciful are they, unlike religions claims for the biblical deity, which simply aren’t supported by many of the narratives in the bible, and Exodus 21 is an obvious example. for those who can self examine and seek to improve my statement bring attention to the forward/progressive laws that pushed society as a whole into a time where slaves received rights and protection under the law of God, and how much better God’s law paved the way for a civil society, rather than remain in your planet of evolved apes.

Tell that to the prisoners taken in ethnic cleansing wars that the bible claims a deity encouraged, and the sex trafficking of female prisoners.
again you show a very limited ability to work outside of your current life philosophy. There were no rule no laws concerning any of this. so your charges your indignation mean nothing. not in this time. why? because without stuff like this the human race is said not to survive. we were too tribal too xenophobic and without the bio diversity that came in warrior conquest we would have died out as inbred monkey/apes along time ago.

No, as it is an irrelevant red herring, as no one is claiming their ancestors were omniscient and omnipotent deities with limitless mercy. Do you really not see the comparison is nonsensical?
actually it is very relevant as it is an apples to apples comparison. otherwise how stupid are we to judge a modern society again one out of the bronze age? do you really need your ego stroke so thoroughly that your only way of feeling superior is to compare yourself to a tribe of people who wandered the deserts? Meaning if you want to truly have an apples to apples comparison of which people were progressive forward thinkers in their time who had laws thousands of years more advanced of everyone else (including your cave dwelling ancestors) then that is what needs to be judged and compared, or rather how modern jews treat slavery. only an intellectually dishonest person would look at the rules given to a bronze age people and play pretend they have any relevance now.

Oh please, I’d love you to try and pretend you can evidence that ludicrous claim. While I finish laughing can you tell me why you think rape is wrong, beyond blindly obeying divine diktat?
That’s not so difficult. the greeks romans babylonians egyptians all partook in the right of ‘taking the spoils of war.’ the taking women/young girls was a very common reason for war especially after a blight or drought and births rates were down.

Not to mention in that time women were property of the father or husband. a woman could not say no to her owner. and if she were violated by someone else the father/husband need only be compensated. Inorder for rape to be a law. the victim must be first considered a person.

at that time like it or not (this has more to do with your planet of evolved apes than God) women were not considered to be on par with men. again not a god thing but a your grand pop thing.

God through the jews made the first movements towards women getting rights.

And this justifies the barbaric and sadistic actions of the biblical deity how exactly? A deity that according to the bible feels it is ok to torture a new-born baby to death over 7 days, just because it was conceived in an adulterous relationship. again book chapter and verse please.

Noah’s flood, I asked for BCV for a reason… You have build a strawman here in place of the story of noah as it is written. because the bible doesn’t say children were swamped by the flood. it say the exceeding wicked men and all other living things. As man was not the only target of the flood. remember the bible records these ‘demi gods’ who man worshiped and child sacrifice being apart of said worship even after the flood to the idols of these ‘gods.’ There was an evil on this earth that has never been before or since in that generation. consuming children would be a valid reason for a flood in my opinion.

[quote]King David’s baby being tortured to death by god, [/quote] again bcv… sounds like another straw man…

god explicitly giving his self proclaimed chosen people the right to sex traffic female prisoners if they were virgins, and slavery slavery slavery slavery slavery slavery…to name a few off the top of my head.[/quote] which again was the standard operating procedure for the planet of the evolved apes, everywhere but here where god did not make this a rule but a one time event. for the very reason of staving off extinction of a whole tribe of people.

Why would you say that, that same deity encourages its adherents to rape prisoners of ethnic cleansing? It seems ok with rape when it suits. what a world you must live in with the constant use of

evidence of what?

And the bible did not advocate for human rights. The bible advocated slavery, genocide, torture, all manner of nasty things.


not as they are written today. but in the bronze age these law when compared to all other societies were progressive and far forward concerning human rights.

and if you want to be called a hypocrite i would also point out we still advocate slavery so long as we do not use the word openly. we tolerate all forms f slavery just can not speak of it as modern life is 100% dependant on slavery. we still practice genocide the islamic state is the world most recent victim, we openly employ torture to anyone labled a terrorist. i should dare to say there isn’t much you can point at back then that we still do not do now in the name of preserving our way of ‘modern life.’ and i suggest try sourcing the news some place other than state run media outlets.

Holy cow, Adam and Eve had children. They had children. Who do you think they had sex with in order to have children? what the problem is? adam and eve where not brother and sister. they were not clones… in fact we do not know what their relationship was outside of husband and wife as we do not have any tech that could duplicate this result.

I referenced the Hapsburgs and many European royal families because all of them, EVERY ONE were devout theists. But they were screwing their cousins, aunts, sisters and brothers.

So? do you not understand the difference from theism and the laws written in the bible?

Mohamad or joseph smith was also a theist, and he too did things the bible did not approve of… Theism is not religious practice. religious practice is not the same as following the rule of the bible.


Once again, your assumption about me is bullshit. Do you understand that I check multiple news outlets, from the BBC to Moscow Times to Korea Herald to Al Jazeera to get the news and different perspectives.

What non-state owned news outlets do you source? Newsmax? The 700 Club?

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Ok I’ve been pretty patient, but I have had enough of your ad hominem. Be as rude as you like about my posts, but if you are incapable of having a debate without resorting to personal insults, then I will happily reciprocate. Consider this your very last warning on the matter.

No, the problem is that the deity claimed to have limitless power knowledge and mercy, is wholeheartedly endorsing slavery, with a set of truly barbaric laws, and encouraging primitive humans to commit mass murder in ethnic cleansing wars, and traffic women and girls who were virgins as sex slaves. It even tortures a new-born baby to death. Were it real I should want nothing to do with such a deity, luckily there is no more objective evidence it is anymore real than Zeus or Thor.

I am a mere evolved ape, yet have managed to denounce slavery as an egregiously immoral evil, whereas the deity in the bible only managed to wholeheartedly endorsed it.

Is that a yes or a no?

White Christian planation owners cited Exodus 21 as late as the middle of the 19th century, in order to justify owning slaves, so that is again a truly asinine statement. Though of course your desperate piece of sophistry fails to remotely address the contradiction of a deity with limitless mercy endorsing encouraging and performing acts of egregiously cruel barbarity.

This glaring contradiction of course was best expressed by Epicurus.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

And that has what to with you claiming the biblical deity dislikes rape? When in fact the bible shows that deity encouraging it?

Oh ffs, are seriously claiming that comparing the morality of a deity claimed to possess limitless mercy, not to mention power and knowledge, with that of evolved humans, is a like for like comparison? I fear I’m going to wear out the word asinine if you keep posting things as breathtakingly stupid as that.

No one is doing that, though the irony of you objecting after claiming that comparing the morality of a deity claimed to possess limitless mercy, not to mention power and knowledge, with that of humans is a like for like comparison, is pretty fucking hilarious. Those primitive humans are at least the same species, and can be demonstrated to be real.

What the fuck are you blathering about you arrogant dim-witted cock? And for fucks sake stop mixing your verbiage with mine in the same quote, and use your fucking shift key and a spellchecker you pompous ignoramus.

I did warn you about your ad hominem, enjoy.

You really are a desperately odious and arrogant cock.

More unevidenced sweeping bombast. And once again you have failed to grasp the point, I suggest you scroll up and read the Epicurus quote again, if he can’t explain it to you then I’m certainly wasting my time.

Only to someone too dim-witted to see the relevance is not the morals of archaic Israelites, but is in fact about the morals of the sadistic and barbarically cruel diety depicted in the bible, the one which whose followers claim has limitless power intelligence and mercy.

Ok I have to ask now, is English your first language? I asked why you thought rape was wrong, beyond blindly obeying divine diktat? Nothing in that response remotely answers my question?



Another unevidenced claim, and another truly idiotic one at that. have you ever read a book other than the bible?

Oh I’m sure they just swam around for a fucking year, jesus wept. And again you leap away from context like a frog on amphetamines.

Then you have no moral compass whatsoever, what an utterly moronic and egregiously immoral things to say. Your opinions are a living testament to why I dislike religion.

To quote Voltaire:

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

Your last statement amply proves Voltaire’s maxim is true.

Then you don’t know the bible as well as your arrogant claims to be an expert suggest, do you.

2 Samuel 12

15 …the Lord caused the son of David and Bathsheba, Uriah’s widow, to be very sick.

18 On the seventh day the baby died.

The claim you made, that I took the time to quote in my post and which therefore immediately preceded that request of course? Good grief.

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Oh dear, forget the context of human history, it has no relevance, as the deity depicted is supposed to be omnipotent and omniscient, and have limitless mercy, thus the period of human history it chose to communicate it’s barbaric and sadistic laws has no relevance. unless you’re claiming a deity alleged to be perfect changes and improves its morals?

FFS, it could write in thousand feet tall letters of fire in the sky, rape and slavery are wrong don’t do it, and make it seen by everyone around the globe. instead it focuses on a primitive tribe of Bedouins, and gives them laws that are by human standards of just a few millennia later barbarically immoral.

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I don’t argue with people who defend slavery.


Also infanticide, he claimed drowning children is morally acceptable behaviour for an angry deity as well.

I agree. If anything, this illustrates the evils of religion, that it will pull people down to the lowest level on morality.

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William Lane Craig also defends the death of innocents on the command of his god by insisting all the precious little souls of the victims would be taken directly to heaven. How convenient, no need to further bother worrying about the morality involved in the suffering incurred by divine orders to dash baby brains against rocks, or suffering a god’s unmericful punishment for sins committed by your great grand father. The lack of compassion is overwhelming and there is no mention in the Bible about any of this. One has to wonder where WLC gets his material.

Noone doubts or can deny our history of cruelty and injustice of past and present societies. Its obvious existence is proof we have all failed as a moral species, but the greater disturbing issue is that this god of the Abrahamic faiths fails to be specific in ruling against select acts of barbarism and cruelty.

It insists that for a Jew to kill another Jew is to murder their god; Muslims believe the something similar in treating other Muslims. Jesus supposedly taught we should all love one another equally but he warned about spreading his teachings amongst the Gentiles. Ok, so murder is wrong if it is committed to another of your ‘group’ and everyone else is fair game, but nowhere does this moral deity say “it is wrong to own another human being”. The question is why.

If this god is eternal, omnipotent, unchanging, the epitome of love justice and morality and had any influence in this reality at all, it could have ignored the temporal social circumstances prevaiing in any age and demanded that no human enslave another, no woman be raped and no innocents be slaughtered. The silence is immoral whether it created us or no.

Instead it busily details legal rights of slaveholders, the specific compensations to fathers of rape victims (and not the victims themselves - typical treatment of females as chattel in patriarchial societies) and there is a total silence over the deaths of innocents generally, be it drowned children of the Noachim age who never had the chance to learn to swim for 40 days and nights, the plague-ridden doomed Egyptian babies, and the accursed kiddies of the Canaan lebensraum genocides, etc etc. WLC was the first theist apologist I ever heard even acknowledge their cruel fate.

The problem under discussion here is not that these cruelties are a facts of history and current life, but that this omnipotent god of love and peace and human kindness is silent on them and indifferent to the realities of human suffering of those it does not favour. On the matter of slavery it is supposedly in its power to alleviate or eliminate this practice, instead it remains as silent as all the actual slaveholders down through history and even today allows it to prosper and generate global enterprises worth billions of dollars.

In the end, it would not matter anyway because like murder, even if it was written in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran, the divine denial of slavery would only be ignored along with murder, rape and infanticide. We can be a savage species like all others but this god is a powerless silent imagining.

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So what?

Read your bible. Some simple minded believers claim it’s innerant. It’s also taught that god’s laws are for all time as they were given to Moses… All 613 of them.

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That sounds like an incredibly subjective opinion.

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…er, from an expert, or so he said.

Like too many theists, he seems to hold the opinion that civilization, writing, and the hallmarks of a gentle and advanced civilization did not come until jesus.

Next thing you know, some theist will proclaim that jesus invented the internet.

Given they think their deity has limitless knowledge it seems reasonable to ask why Jesus invented fuck all? Even the golden rule wasn’t an original idea ffs.

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A long time ago; we had a Christian here so ignorant: they were under the impression Jesus wrote the Bible.


Sheesh, Imagine that. Everyone knows that Jesus was an Aramaic speaking Jew. The bible was written in Greek. Dumb Christian theists. Jesus dictated the bible to Greek scribes and they wrote it down. Why isn’t this just obvious to anyone with half a brain?

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Indeed. And in English. Fair enough, seeing that Jesus was English.

I thought he was an American author?

Almost everyone here.

Most christians I’ve run across are unaware that Aramaic is not a hebrew dialect ,having its own written form…

Be willing to bet many believers think Jesus and his mates spoke Latin.

Really? I didn’t know that. Especially since neither it seems neither Jesus nor any of his apostles spoke Greek and were probably illiterate in their own language.

Much is made about “the Greek of Matthew” in the gospels, as people get him confused with the apostle Matthew. Much is made of the belief that Matthew was a tax collector, so would be literate in Greek . Confusing ain’t it.

Now, I don’t remember where or when I read this ,so it may be taken as hearsay: That Matthew was probably one who collected taxes at toll stations, and probably illiterate in Greek (at least).

He dictated it in Aramaic and the scribe translated it into Greek. Wow! It’s just not that hard to understand.