I am a Christian and I am doing a little research on atheism. What I would like to ask is what are the top reasons why you are atheists. I am not here to persuade anyone to believe differently, I am just looking for honest answers. Thank you!
I’ve just never believed in magic; and religions (Christianity included) always seem to come down to some magical claims. I take the magical claims of religions just as seriously as I take the astrology advise in the local newspaper: it is wishful thinking, at best.
Thank you for your input
I’ve never had any gods and and do not find any of those I’ve seen presented thus far compelling.
My top reasons are that there are things that happen that shouldn’t, things that don’t happen that should, and no evidence that anything is interfering with that.
I have seen no objective evidence demonstrated that a deity exists, or is even possible. often the claims are unfalsifiable, and I disbelieve all unfalsifiable claims.
If you’re doing research then we’ll need to agree upon a study reimbursement before I become a study participant.
Religion stuff is big and greedy business in my country, don’t ya know?
Until then: What, me worry about gods??
Just a little survey for me and my Church group for personal knowledge only. Not writing a book or anything. I’m not educated enough for that.
There is no evidence of God’s existence.
Please see my reasons in other threads, as I get tired of constantly reiterating the same points over and over again, but I’ll give a few highlights here.
Briefly, if God exists, then where does God come from? If we decide that God has always existed, then why not skip a step and assume that the Universe has always existed?
I don’t understand why it seems so easy to believe that God has existed infinitely into the past, yet find it so impossible to believe that the Universe has existed infinitely into the past.
If the complexity of the Universe seems to suggest a watchmaker . . . then this must mean that the watchmaker (ie: “God”) must be much more complex, so how come God’s complexity does not neccessitate an even more complex watchmaker . . . and so on, in an infinite regression.
It is much simpler–in accordance with Occam’s Razor–to suppose that there is no watchmaker.
Believing in God is not a harmless pursuit. All of the horrible shit done in the name of God (like genocide, or the violence in the Middle East, for example) means that I should question God’s existence just to qualify as a decent human being.
God is the Uncreated Creator.
Ah, well then. Clear as a bell on that.
Anyway, which Creator Created the Creator?
well duh he was uncreated because…well because, ummm…oh, wait… it is the only way to shoehorn a third century theology into modern apologetics.
It just “is”, the same argument 4- 7 year olds use…“just becos”. And, for the same reasons.
From what information did you draw this conclusion?
I don’t believe that. I am unconvinced.
Revelation 22:13 NKJV
More like psilocybin 1:1 -100. That Mad John of Patmos certainly had a few trippins heh…
I hope you realize that quoting the bible at an atheist is futile. Atheists don’t believe the bible is true.
Circular reasoning fallacy.
Do you believe the identically unevidenced claims in other religious books?
I am the beginning?
Beginning of what?
So, your god began and then began every thing else?
The end?
End of what?
Your god will end?
Why do you believe this is true?
Have you anything to corroborate it?
In my opinion I have nothing to say on the subject.