Why atheists don't believe in God?

Sorry you feel that way.

Hookers and blow table?

Can you demonstrate that heaven involves anything else?

I actually thought people would be courteous and civil instead of obscene.

Can you demonstrate that heaven involves these things?

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Allow me to explain.

Do you remember your first post? Here:

Why did you say that?

I suspect it was because you knew that people normally come here to harass. And in some respects, that’s what you’ve done.

Ya’ see, you have a lot of preconceived notions that you aren’t even aware you have that inhibit your understanding of atheism. It gets very frustrating to explain this over and over and over and not seem to make any progress.

That’s why language. It’s out of frustration.

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But I don’t insult you or use obscene language.

And I am not insulting you or using obscene language, but not everyone subscribes to that rule. It goes both ways. Plus one doesn’t have to be insulted or cursed at to feel threatened. This is the internet, after all. One needs a thick skin!!

That seems like an insult to me, it’s certainly not civil or courteous, even if it is bs. I also find it odd that you don’t find the notion of torturing people obscene, let alone for all eternity? You and I must have very different ideas of what is obscene, obviously.

Is that courteous? It’s unevidenced and irrational nonsense obviously, but nonetheless.

By claiming without any objective evidence whatsoever, that we are going to be tortured for all eternity? I have to admit, it did not sound like a compliment.

You also have left a raft of questions and objections to your use of fallacious arguments go unanswered, I don’t find that very courteous. I don’t have any problem with vituperation per se, but evasion in debate I dislike intensely.

As for being uncivil and discourteous:

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For what it is worth: your telling us that proof is something with a magnitude is insulting (and obscene) to me. :woman_shrugging:t6:


I wonder if he even understands what a howler of an own goal that claim is, or why? Leaving aside that “our” existence came into into being through evolution of course.


Christians have a long, sad, and sometimes even violent tendency to police others speech. If you @davidc.guthrie find that post obscene I wonder how you manage to read your own Bible with it’s talk of incest and sex slaves and it’s preoccupation with people’s sex lives.


Define obscene.
Define courtesy.

In my book, telling someone they are going to your god’s hell for eternal punishment for not paying homage to it is discourteous and profoundly obscene. Eternal punishment because its existence is not convincing?!
How dare you admonish anyone here for saying anything! YOU, sir/madam are the one who is tossing about threats of this hell of yours on those who have not found your assertion for your god’s existence compelling! And you have the audacity to chide someone for behavior you find distasteful? Shame on you!


Not Everything has a definition. God IS. And for what it’s worth, it was never my intent for this dialogue to turn bitter. I was just looking for civil conversations on this topic I started. So I just want you all to know that just because I believe in my God doesn’t make me better than you. But me NOT believing in God doesn’t make my ignorant or dense. So I hope maybe the dialogue may continue with a friendly tone. It’s obvious there is a line in the sand here but we can agree to disagree? Respectfully?

Ah, well then. Clear as a bell on that.

Anyway, I’m still curious about those hell selfies, or how imagining that endless drugs and sex workers are less likely than anything else in the eternal sky resting place.

No hurry on this one; answers may be elusive. Who knows?

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I guess if I’m on the same page as you , my answer is the sexually immoral and drunkards (drugs) are permitted in the Kingdom of God. Best answer I can give you! Respectfully of course.

I meant to say “not permitted” sorry for the confusion .

But… God will forgive sin if we willingly repent!

To be clear, you believe my kind gay friend is in hell while a serial killer who repented is in paradise? I find such beliefs repugnant. Don’t mistake my disgust for bitterness.


I’m saying that what God refers as Sin can be forgiven whether it’s homosexuality, murder, stealing, whatever. If we don’t repent which means to turn away from and and seek forgiveness from Him…and “all have sinned”. We are all sinners. Sin is sin to God. Homosexuality carries no more weight than lying or stealing or murder.