Why atheists don't believe in God?

Thanks for your reply David.

Then you are not reading the “right” version according to those who DO believe jesus was born of man but was ascended to heaven as God’s only adopted son. They would say you are not saved and need to read the right book to be heavenbound.
I suggest that for history (the first "Christians were adoptionist) you look up who the Ebionites were or you can read something [here] and here about christian foundations.

No, that is an assumption you make because of your social position,social pressures and education.
According to those who followed his teachings in the early first century CE he was the “perfect Jew” and very human.
Your particular subcult of christianity did not come into being until after the American Civil War, where you split the Baptist congregation because of the “Southern Baptist” opposition to antislavery (since repudiated) and segregation. If you go back a little further then you find that the Baptist Churches organised in 1707 so at best you are a sub cult (large I know) founded some ONE THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED years after the Pauline Epistles, reading a very much edited version of the ancient greek texts. .
In the meantime hundreds of cults and sub cults all worshipping a slightly different jesus and god figure have lived, expanded and finally expired or been absorbed. To read about the Marcionites you can google or follow the link below. I can send you an essay on the Ebionites if you wish that will give you some grounding in the origins of your faith. (More on Christian sects in the second to 5th centuries)

How would I know it was a god? Humans have a propensity for mistaking other humans as gods…ever hear of the Cargo Cult? Especially when their technology is very much in advance.
Even worse for you what if this god thing is not your deityofchoice if it should appear?

Of course not, “proof” is a concept for the mathematicians and alcohol makers/consumers amongst us. What I seek is good evidence. And for your particular American brand of god …I do not find any worthwhile evidence at all, especially in the last 400 years. .

Nope that is not the only conclusion possible. There is not a shred of evidence that a creator is necessary, even less evidence that it looks and behaves like the petulant, deadly toddler you believe controls your life.
Nobody I know claims that anything comes from nothing…that sounds like christian college propaganda about atheists. and so is dismissed with extreme prejudice.

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