When people use religion as an excuse

What are some excuses towards religion that people make when they want or don’t want something?

This guy for example. He uses his religion to excuse grooming a 19 year old girl from when she was 11.

I recall a pastor bitching at a morning breakfast about another pastor in the town and his manipulative behavior. (One of the things that stuck in my head and helped to wake me from my Christian delusion.)
I don’t recall the exact words, but one pastor wanted to advertise to the congregation of another. I was a member of Assemblies of God and I think some Baptist Church up the street was going to hold a revival. The pastor of the church wanted all ‘good Christians’ to attend.

So my pastor was bitching. And his cronies were hopping on board with sarcastic remarks.

My Pastor: 'The guy told me “The Lord moved me to talk to you.” as if I would not be able to tell him ‘No.’ I hate all these pastors running about ‘the Lord moved me to ask you for this, ask you for that.’

Someone: 'You should have told him, isn’t that wonderful! The Lord moved me to ask you for a new bus for our church.

And the conversation went on for a bit.

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