When do you know it's time?

The question should not be "WHEN do you know it’s time to kill yourself”? That presupposes that there WILL BE a time when you will you know it’s time to kill yourself.

I would rephrase the question thusly:
“WHAT would justify killing yourself”?”

THE most fundamental right is the right to live. From that single right, all other rights (and corresponding duties) are deduced. Therefore, the right to end one’s own life ought to be just as fundamental. Our house pets enjoy this basic right, why not their owners?!

Splitting hairs? I disagree. I could be completely justified and still know it is not the right time. Case in point… I may be dying of some horrible disease that is rotting away my body and brain, I am completely justified by any and all measurable variables in simply ending my own pain and suffering. However; because I have made it my life mission to end the complete ignorance spouted by Andy-Stout and expose him to the world as the fraudulant idiot he is. I have chosen to hang on for one more post.

JUSTIFICATION has not a fucking thing to do with anything.
When do you know it is time? (Is the Question.)

Really hard to tell if you are contradicting yourself or not from this comment. I will save the poo fling as I have already trashed your previous post in which you attempted a very feble disagreement. Besides “Skriten” can certainly hold his own.

I would suggest; however, that you highlight the text to which you are replying, and then click on the ‘QUOTE,’ function. That will serve to make your comments just a bit more clear.

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Uh…I did not mention “rights” whatsoever in my post. Additionally, I have no interest whatsoever in dignifying the argument that there is any question whatsoever as to when it is “appropriate” or “acceptable” for me to assume the primary responsibility of “when it is time”. That was the original question here…”When do you know it’s time?” Note the word YOU. The word is used here in a general sense, as you the person contemplating the question. Obviously, this assumes that you have the “right” to make that decision. OK?

Edit slats


If/when I decide it’s time to end my life, I’ve chosen a location that wouldn’t involve or inconvenience anybody else’s lives like someone threatening to jump off of a building or onto the freeway would.
It’s my decision, and I’ll do it alone. At night, when there’s no one else around.

Las Vegas Hotel Rooms are a great choice. I kid you not. People go there for a final fling. The hotels do the clean up and you just have to leave them a note with the number of the mortuary you have made arrangements with. They scoop you up, take you quietly out the back door. No muss no fuss.

Nope, when I’ve decided that I’m done dealing with the pain, it’s a 15 minute drive to the Deception Pass bridge. It’s almost 200 feet above the Puget Sound, and no one who’s jumped in the past has lived. If you survive the impact, the tides going in and out of the cove will finish the job.

Or you can go to Mexico, any veterinary clinic and get a large dose of barbiturate for your “sick Rottweiler” …take it and go to sleep.

We have voluntary end of life in Western Australia, I shall, if my heart doesn’t just give up, certainly take advantage of it.

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I agree with old man. I personally wouldn’t want my last memory of life to be a 5 second 200 foot drop with an immensely painful landing that kills me. Call me old fashioned, but I know you won’t remember it - I would still go the easy way.

I’ve figured out my method. Since everyone is contributing, this shouldn’t rock any boats.

So you tie a bed sheet at one end to a door knob. Then you sit on the floor and wrap it around your throat. Then you gently lean over and let the sheet cut off the flow of blood to your head. You have a nice, smooth transition into unconsciousness, and - as long as you’re not interrupted - you don’t wake up.

Las Vegas hotel sounds like a good idea too.

Edit: I’m deathly afraid of asphyxiation. Which is why I wouldn’t straight up hang my self. This method allows you to breath right until you pass out.

Like your going to feel the landing. LOL!


Freezing to death is apparently very pleasant. You just go to sleep. I don’t know why that is not a death penalty option. (Too expensive to walk someone out into an Alaskan snow storm is my guess.) I like the Mexican clinic idea. I always figured heroin can be purchased on any street corner in America. Quick, simple, and comfortable.

A hot shot is a great way to go, unfortunately the purity of street drugs may have you screaming in agony for hours then waking up brain damaged or paralysed or both.

If you have never taken heroin, a massive overdose will surely kill you if it is of enough purity, and it is pleasant.

Until the purity can be authenticated it is not a good option.

lol I didn’t know that. I just looked it up. I always believed it to be one of the most horrible deaths ever because of the Titanic and the way the survivors described the freezing Atlantic.

I once began suffering from the signs and symptoms of hypothermia during a particularly brutal military school, and recall thinking that, despite the confusion and lack of coordination, my general mood was virtually euphoric.

Which, ironically, makes it less likely that a sufferer will have the presence of mind to do what’s necessary to pull themselves out of that state, IME.


When ideation becomes action. I’ve tried twice, and I was serious both times.

You’re not there. If you were, you’d not be posting about it on a public forum. People that kill themselves don’t tell people they are going to kill themselves.

You’re asking for help. I’m here. Talk to me.


Not true at all. People that talk about killing themselves are more likely to kill themselves than people who do not. Any QA or Fact sheet will support this position. It’s Basic.

Myth: People who talk about killing themselves will never do it. It’s a way of letting off steam. Those who kill themselves don’t normally talk about it. They just go ahead and do it.

Fact: Most people either talk about suicide or do something to indicate that they are planning it. There is no need to blame yourself if you don’t see it coming, but it you are worried about someone you know, make sure you are aware of the warning signs of suicide and what you could do to help



Once you get over the initial teeth chattering and whatnot, the body goes into shock as it draws blood away from the extremities to help warm whatever is still working in the trunk and the core of the body. The main result is, as you say, general euphoria and a nice “comfortably numb” sensation all over the epidermis - deeper even.

It helps to have something purposeful to distract you as you get over the teeth chattering stage into the numb euphoria. I imagine military drills where you have no choice but to march would suffice. For me, it was playing in mud puddles during winter at the age of five. To this day, my feet NEVER get cold. Even when they’re freezing to the touch, my body fails to register any discomfort. Now, my back … if my back is cold, I’m a little fucking crying weasel. Can’t stand a cold back.

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It isn’t uncommon for people who are in danger of dying from low temperature, to take their clothes off. People do weird stuff when they get really cold.

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When you start asking yourself this. You are all battered up. Pretty much worthless. You add nothing to any conversation. End it as soon as possible.