After almost 25 years of being together, my wife has returned to Christianity (she was raised a Catholic, but rejected the church and Christianity in her late teens). In the space of about 6 months, she has literally become addicted to her new found faith and beliefs, starting off with just attending Sunday church service, then soon after attending early morning prayers every Wednesday, then becoming baptised, then attending bible reading every Friday night, then becoming a full member of the Church, and now most recently being elected to the church committee and attending weekly and monthly committee meetings and doing lots of work at home as the committee secretary. This is all on top of praying for 30 minutes every morning, and reading the bible for an hour or more every night.
I have never really thought too much about religion before my wife become so engrossed in it, but now that I have been pulled into it, I have quickly come to despise religion and every thing it represents (I believe religion is the primary cause of most of the suffering and bad things that happen in the world). I also strongly resent the fact that my wife donates money to the church every week, (most if the money donated go to paying the salary of the paster). My wife gave up full time work on the premise that she needed to destress, and she would find a part time job, but she now doesn’t want to work at all because it would interfere with her religious pursuits. So in effect, I am working long hours in a very stressful job, to pay the salary of her pastor (not happy!).
Her church activities have seriously curtailed our personal leisure activities i.e., going to church and all of her bible reading and prayer sessions take precedence over anything that I might like to do together such as going camping on the weekend, or going out for dinner on a Friday night.
I’m sure others have experienced something similar. How have you dealt with this?