What did Trump say that made Obama laugh?

Obama and Trump sat next to each other at Jimmy Carter’s funeral service. They had a conversation and at one point Obama had a good laugh. I’m curious as to what Trump could have said to make him laugh. I have some ideas :slightly_smiling_face: .

Maybe he said:
I have connections with the WWE and a match between Melania and Michelle would make us millions.

Why is Jimmy getting all the attention? Can’t they see I’m here?

I’ll be seeing Jimmy in heaven.

You’re jealous because Putin and Kim Jong Un love me instead of you.

Anyone else have a guess what was said?


Really, I see it going it going only one way, and very quickly.

“I can prove I won that election.”


“You know I’ll out-President both you and Biden.”

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“I’ve done more for charity that Jimmy EVER did.”


“Do you think I’ll get the Nobel Peace Prize too?”


How about:
I was at the top of my class, I just don’t want the attention letting them release my school transcripts would cause.

History will prove me right.


“ Of course I will uphold the Constitution! “


I remember where I was and what I was doing when I first heard the news that Obama got the prize. I was out driving together with my wife, and we had just tuned in to a random radio station when they announced it. Since we were unfamiliar with the profile of the radio station, we both immediately thought it was a satire or comedy radio programme, and held on to that thought until we heard the same news at another radio station.

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I case anyone has forgotten, Jimmy also won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Trump: “Can I grab you by your pussy?”

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“I’m planning mass deportations. I need to see your birth certificate again.”

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Now i don’t want to be “that guy”, but can we please don’t? I’m tired of hearing about him all the time.

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Hate to break it to you, but you guys will have 4 more years of constant talk/gossip/slander/complaining/propaganda/glorification about him, in all media, everywhere. So a place of venting(*) shouldn’t be all bad, or what?

(*) Sounds almost like the name of a temple: Place Of Venting 𐕣 :pray: :innocent:


Place of the Holy Perpetual Venting :slightly_smiling_face:

Geesh, best to build up some immunity. If this bothers you already maybe you should sew your eyelids shut and fill your ears with caulk. Or maybe find a deserted island. That last one actually sounds like a lovely option, if you find one can I come too?


Fortunately, he is not the president of my country and i only see him on the internet because i have long ago rejected the propagandist junk they dare to call “news” on tv.
But that’s the problem, the internet is completely filled of this guy and people obsessed with politics in general to the point that they can’t shut up a second about it.
This obsession is what ruined Reddit, all the big subs have been hijacked with politics even if they have nothing to do with: want to see old styled memes on r/adviceanimals? Here’s political propaganda, want to go on r/law to discuss jurisprudence? Here’s the latest propaganda from your favourite pundit, want to see good pictures on r/pics? Have a cherrypicked selection of propaganda pictures instead where the politicians we like are presented as saints while the politicians we don’t like are presented as evil, want to go to r/clevercomebacks or r/murderedbywords to have a laugh? Nope! Here are pre-approved political talking points expressed in the form of “gotcha” arguments, want to go to r/science to see what humanity is up to? Here’s a serie of “studies” where our political faction is seen as the most intelligent while the opponents are declared stupid, want to go to r/skeptic to hear about the latest news regarding pseudoscience? Have the latest news about obnoxious e-celebs instead (as if anyone gave a shit about what they do).
Pretty sure i missed some on the way, but this is what being obsessed with politics is about, do redditors seriously spam political posts for free? Do they realise that politicians don’t give a shit about them? They are not going to become their friends or share their wealth or power with them only because they lick their ass all day everyday.
Politicians are people who put a mask on, play a character in front of the public and only care for people’s vote and the image they have, the fake persona they built for PR reasons is not who they truly are; they are not your family or friends, they are just people who work for the state or the federal government.
And btw this manic rant is not directed towards you or anyone here, it’s directed towards Reddit and everyone who spams political shit in support of politicians.

Strictly speaking he’s not anybody’s president for the time being. But in a few days that will change.

That’s not the problem as I see it. The problem is that the unpredictable, imbecilic and narcissistic geriatric orange(*) will be in a position to not only f*ck up his home country, but also the rest of the world. Which is why his shenanigans and the words coming from his infantile potty mouth are news all over the world. If you like me are interested in following world news, one simply cannot avoid following the orange news as well.

(*) I’m sure we can fill several threads with fitting descriptions, but I think I’ve made my point.


This caricature drawing went viral in 2016, but it is still highly relevant:



The problem is that Trump is a narcissistic

It wouldn’t be the first time that a sociopath has taken considerable political power.

The problem is that people support and enable him. There are plenty of narcissistic sociopaths. This one has been handed the keys.

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Ok, I can get on board with that. Great point.