What are you listening to right now?

My favorite has always been The Weight (w/ Robbie Robertson).

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Although I havenā€™t found any that I donā€™t like the Weight is my favorite too. Ringo on drums. Have you seen any videos of a band called Walk Off The Earth. Worth a look. Here is a sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSK8EtP4VRs&list=PLEQ_JG6j4yaNMItI9PUqJZdR8AK87facZ&index=40

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Here is Danny Robertson describing Walk Off The Earth and showing snippits of videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RkAPIC9hjM

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Have enjoyed WOTE vids for years! :grin:

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Me too. Some of the music posted by others on this thread are bands Iā€™ve never heard of. Great to know that Iā€™m not the only one that enjoys ā€œgoodā€ music. LOL

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For some reason the cat playing the piano put me in mind of another cool cat, Jerry Lee Lewis although marrying his younger cousin was beyond the pale. He was nevertheless a piano player. Like the cat he often threw his body into his playing. Different genres, no one would mistake ā€œGreat Balls of Fireā€ for a concerto.

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Excuse me, good music? We all have different tastes in music, which is cool, but I prefer my music to be a little heavier and darker than most ā€œmainstreamā€ bands.
To each their own, right?
Right now, Iā€™ m listening to the instrumental ā€œLawless Darknessā€ from WATAIN, an awesome black metal band from Sweden.

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The term ā€œgood musicā€ is not unambiguous. It can be understood in several different ways, including but not limited to

  • Music that is characterised as good quality according to music theory
  • Music that is characterised as good quality according to music critics
  • Music played by artists that do not have a large popular following, but is influential to other music makers
  • Music that is received positively by a large audience
  • Music that an individual or a small group enjoys listening to

These items are of course not mutually exclusive.

Listening to right now: The fan noise generated by my computer.

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Deluge Of Delusional Dreams by MELECHESH.

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Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov.


@Get_off_my_lawn Yep that is a pretty good list but I would add music that doesnā€™t make your ears bleed. But @mr.macabre13 youā€™re right its down to taste and I will defend, with ear plugs in, your right to go deaf listening to heavy metal. :rofl:

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Hi! I was listening to the french language being spoken even though I donā€™t understand it makes a connection to my past.

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Whose ears, and when? I used to absolutely hate black & death metal. But then covid came along with home office, and I felt the urge to have background music when working. Then, after watching a documentary series on the origins of black metal, the genre started to make sense to me. So now I am listening to black and death metal, which I used to hate. I also used to dislike jazz, but after my kids started playing wind instruments, I had to pedagogically show them examples of performances by famous jazz musicians. This converted me, and now the radio station I listen the most to is dedicated to jazz music. The jazz and black metal journey Iā€™ve been through has also made me more accepting to other genres. But Iā€™m still avoiding the mass-produced s**t churned out by the music industrial complex.

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What the fk. Thenā€¦ youā€™re telling meā€¦ Tin man has been making me wear these ear tampons for nothing? I mean, I got suspicious when they always came out of my ears black, but he told me that was just dried blood.


Iā€™ve been listening to metal music since the late 70ā€™s, and my hearing is still fine at 65. There is no middle ground with this music, either you love it or you hate it.
Right now Iā€™m listening to the song Communion from the Greek black metal band SEPTIC FLESH.

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Wait! Are you sure they were in your ears?

At least not yet.

Really, (sounding more like my father) ā€œSEPTIC FLESH, What kind of fking name is that? Next there will be a band called Sewage Sludge or Pond Scum or Beatles or Rolling Stones, Oh for fuck sakes kids these days.ā€ Just teasing!

Serious question: If they are a Greek Band why do they have an English name?
I just listened to 5 minutes of their music and barely escaped with my life. Youā€™re a braver person @mr.macabre13 than I. Enjoy

So they can sell more records and tour the world, english is the universal language of most music, including European metal bands. Their members all speak english. If you donā€™t like the name SEPTIC FLESH, then how about ROTTING CHRIST, another band from Greece?
The bands I listen too are in their 30ā€™s, 40ā€™s, and 50ā€™s, theyā€™re not kids any more. ROTTING CHRIST have been around since '88, and theyā€™re been around the world multiple times.
Which song did you listen to? I can recommend several different ones if youā€™d like.
Hereā€™s as short list of my personal favorite black metal bands,

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Well? I shoved them into that empty space between my nose and the back of my head.

persepolis and babelā€™s gate But honestly I couldnā€™t tell them apart. If there was lyrics I couldnā€™t distinguish them from the ā€œmusicā€. The reason I donā€™t like metal bands is they just seem so fuking angry. Like a teenager in a full tantrum mode. But as you say to each his own.