TIME TO PULL THE USCCB 501C3 STATUS NOW!- pro-death automessage

I was being slightly facetious, you know me, but how about Donal Trump? The Queen? Actually I think the Queen does pay taxes now. Personally I think taxes should be progressive, the more you have the more you should pay, overly simplistic I know, so i look forward to credentialed economists tearing me a new one…well, not look forward exactly… :astonished:

A quote by Karl Marx always occurs to me when work and taxes are discussed.

“From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.”

Hopelessly idealistic I know, but something to aspire to perhaps.

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The reality is that if tax money isn’t used to fund an abortion when a woman can’t afford it, then that money will now likely go to pay for prenatal care and the birth, plus the health care for the baby for the foreseeable future. A much more expensive proposition. I don’t see how ending abortion funding would significantly impact the number of unwanted pregnancies, even among those who couldn’t afford the procedure. Minds just don’t work that way. Same as the death penalty doesn’t much affect the murder rate. They can both be crimes of passion, and no one thinks about getting caught at the time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I knew you were looking forward to the make-up sex :kissing_heart:

Hmmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow: paying for a smoker’s lung cancer or “fry” everything heart attack or a cyclist who doesn’t wear a helmet or an addict’s overdose or an alcoholic’s liver…
Our healthcare system works to care for human health - all health issues regardless

Unless you’re just out for population control.

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