The Existence of Aliens

“I don’t know what I’m missin’ here”
Uh, I fuckin do…they are usually referred to as brain cells…

Edit to doctor my face from violent face-palm


I saw this while reading some memes… How appropriate!




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I watched a documentary about a prison in Africa. About every prisoner they interviewed blamed their actions on evil spirits and that they were innocent lol.

not my fault


And what’s really sad about that is, the general population is so ignorant they believe the person is stating facts about reality.


Then in what can only be described as irony overload, they use this subjective bias to describe objective rejections of their claims as “closed minded”, you have to see the irony.

I don’t understand why it’s ridiculous to believe in ghosts tho. There have been many videos and photos. This article talks about a crazy and bizarre one: Mum spots 'dead son’s ghost' on kitchen CCTV after figure triggers camera sensor - Mirror Online
Read the whole article, and then you may understand where I’m coming from.
And I understand why you guys don’t believe in these claims, but I don’t think all of these should just be easily dismissed.

I wouldn’t suggest that you easily dismiss these claims. I do, however, suggest that you put in the work to thoroughly investigate the claims. It will take some effort. You’ll need to read/watch the stories AND read/watch about how they are debunked. But until you do this for yourself, you’ll never fully understand what is real and what isn’t. I could tell you a thousand times, in a thousand different ways that the stories are bullshit. But why should you believe me? You need to find out for yourself. Do the work. Put in the time and effort. You’ll just continue to be confused and freak yourself out otherwise.


There are no ghosts. There are videos about ghosts… STORIES. Do you know the difference between a GHOST and a GHOST story. In all the years of human existence there has been no good evidence supporting the idea of the existence of ghosts, spirits, gods, magic, prophecy, ESP, or anything supernatural at all. Why is this difficult to Grasp? Show me a ghost. All you have are claims and stories. NOTHING MORE. Superstitious Nonsense and magical attributions. They make great movies. They make you look like an absolute idiot when you think they are real.

From Wikipedia - Ghost:

The overwhelming consensus of science is that there is no proof that ghosts exist.[5] Their existence is impossible to falsify,[5] and ghost hunting has been classified as pseudoscience.[6][7][8] Despite centuries of investigation, there is no scientific evidence that any location is inhabited by the spirits of the dead.[6][9]

The one in the article, there is some evidence. She got an alert from the camera app saying that there is a person. She shared the screenshot. The alert also showed the image which the camera detected. It’s not bs. It’s more than some silly video or story, ev

It’s not just The Mirror that reported this, Atlanta News First reported on it
But whether that means anything or not idk

@Rohan01, if you choose to believe something, go for it. No one can stop you. I suspect, though, that you’re not completely convinced or you wouldn’t be here talking about it. You actually sound like you have doubts.
Doubts are good, though. They help you look into things and gather information. I just think you need to do more of it. Up to you though.

Sitting around saying, “but, but, but, but….” doesn’t do you any good. People are going to stop listening if you don’t get your shit together on this. You need to understand that folks are gunna get really bored hearing you go on and on about it when you don’t seem to be trying to get any information for yourself. In other words, do some research! And this time, research the other side!


Yep, it is totally ghosts; destroying hundreds of years of work in the natural sciences! Either that or someone on the internet lied, or was mistaken (something that happens all day, every day). So I’m going to believe in magic!

Also, your statement that there is evidence of ghosts suggests to me one of the following:

  1. your standards of evidence are lower than mine
  2. you are wrong that evidence exists
  3. everything we know about the universe is wrong; all the physicists have been lying and engaged in a huge multi-generational multinational conspiracy; magic is real!

I’m going to guess the resolution is either #1 or #2

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You are not listening. There is no evidence. There is a story. Nothing has been measured. Nothing has been evaluated and repeated under scientific observation. Special effects, cons, deception, hallucination, have not been ruled out. Please demonstrate the existence of anything supernatural.


The Mirror (UK) is a tabloid … sigh

Same as anything else, if there is no objective evidence then the belief is simply subjective bias, unless you believe all such claims, and that bias is the very definition of closed minded.

That is an unevidenced anecdotal claim, and I would take anything a tabloid rag like The Mirror says with a pinch of salt.

Nope, you need to try and understand that unevidenced and anecdotal claims in a sensationalist tabloid are not objective evidence, if you think there is objective evidence demonstrate it. If all you offer is another anecdotal claim, this reinforces my suspicion that you still don’t understand the difference, or know how to recognise the one from the other.

Then I am afraid you absolutely do not understand why I disbelieve them.

  1. We only have the bare claim the image is real.
  2. The image could be anything.
  3. The assumption it is a ghost is an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy, it is based on not knowing that isn’t what they want it to be.
  4. All we have yet again is something that at best, we can’t explain, thus we can infer nothing, it is yet another appeal to mystery.

So the claim is unsupported by any objective evidence, and it is irrational to boot, and that is why I remain dubious, if you understand that why are you tempted to attach any credence to it, in which case what is your criteria for disbelief? It must be consistent or you are being closed minded.

It’s not just The Mirror that reported on it. Mom says security camera shows son's ghost - YouTube

Right; because moms never lie, or are mistaken. [satire]

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No that’s an unevidenced claim, and even were it true it is not objective evidence for anything supernatural is it, at best it would be something we can’t explain.

Many weeks ago we went through this when I posted a video of some mermaids, do I really need to repeat that the screenshot may not be real? Another UK tabloid once showed a photo of a double decker bus on the moon, the story claimed they’d found a double decker bus on the moon, do you think it was real? If so I have some magic beans you might want to buy.

That’s a subjective unevidenced opinion, and I don’t need to know whether it is bs or not, there is zero objective evidence to support ti being a ghost, or that a ghost is even possible.

Argumentum ad populum fallacy, the number of people making a claim or believing it is not evidence supporting the claim.

Why don’t you know, you said you understood why we wouldn’t believe it, if you understand why i don’t believe this, then you should know that a no amount of sources repeating a bare claim ends it any objective credence.

What objective evidence can you offer to support that claim?