Texas is at it again

They want women to have babies the biblical way, the way god intended, through rape and incest.


I think some people have been emboldened by events in the US. HERE is a petition for UK residents to sign requesting a buffer zone around abortion clinics, to keep protestors away from women when they are seeking advice or a termination. I have signed it, and I urge other to do so if they care about a woman’s right to bodily autonomy.


If you think they’re emboldened now have a look at what’s happening in the U.S. after they manage to accomplish some of their agenda. They’re relentless, and brazen. Chip, chip, chipping away at basic freedoms while spewing lines from their horror story of a holy book. People whose beliefs are laughably ignorant until they make them into actual, binding laws. It’s terrifying.

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I can see a major panic soon in the U.S when they realise that so many talented, intelligent women are leaving their shores for careers in Europe, Oceania and so on, taking their families with them.

Companies will be forced to follow the exodus, they don’t give a shit about religious feelings, they only care about profits.

The “brain drain” of the second half of the 20th Century will be reversed as it is only a matter of time before Texas and Alabama decide that formal education is wasted on “women” and cut it off at 14 years.


I can only hope it doesn’t come to that, but the surge of the religious right in policy making is chilling. There has been an exodus of doctors from states criminalizing care for women. There’s already a shortage of OB doctors and now they risk their freedom and careers from fanatics who can’t tell the difference between a miscarriage and an abortion.


One frightening aspect of all of this is that these courts, even the highest ones, are using direct appeals to their god as justification for their decisions. They state this directly in their opinions and often quote directly from the bible.

IMO, this is a direct violation of the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment and these judges should know better. The fact that this usage is increasing indicates to me these judges are becoming more and more emboldened and know there won’t be any negative consequences of their actions.