Texas is at it again

They’re refusing an abortion for a women even though it puts her health, future ability to have children and even her life at risk. The fetus has a genetic fault and won’t be able to survive outside the womb. Those backward jackasses refuse to acknowledge that there has been any progress in medical care in the last millenniums. A lower court approved the abortion but the Texas attorney general stepped in and now the Texas supreme court has stopped it. The AG has sent threatening letters to the hospitals and the Texas supreme court has given no timeline on when they might rule. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re watching her to prevent her getting out of state. She’s the mother of two and there is obviously no concern for their welfare. They only care about you before you’re actually in this world. The only good news is that their cruelty and stupidity are on full display and an overwhelming number of Americans don’t agree with them and it’s become an issue in elections.


Agree 100%.

Doctors and patients know what’s best for their health, not politicians and/or religious leaders.


The people supporting this heinous decision are NOT pro-life. They are pro-birth. They don’t give two shits about a person after they’re born (unless they are rich, white, straight, xtian, and a male). They are after control. They especially don’t want women to have bodily autonomy because it would result in what they view as an erosion of their “rights” (translated = their dominance).
FUCK! I get so angry at these people!


Again, agree 100%.

Texas wants to be a Christian Iran. There is even a movement for Texas to become its own country.

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It’s the only way to stop them, through the ballot box. Or maybe bereaved families suing them for criminal negligence if the worst happens?

Maybe the US could give it back to Mexico?


As an American that would feel like dumping my trash in someone else’s yard.


I sometimes wonder what the southern states would be like if they’d been allowed to succeed from the union. I’m almost afraid to imagine. I can’t see them ever having let go of slavery without being forced to do so. They’d be crazy neighbors that would always have to be watched.

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Heh, it would be interesting to watch if California got together with the sensible eastern states and pressed the Federal government to let the looney tune former slave states secede. Let’s see how long the Jeebusland Confederacy lasts when the Federal government pulls all its military bases and scientific institutions out of there, and leaves them wallowing in 10th century squalor.

Plus, if they secede, gun manufacturers outside wont’t be allowed to sell them their beloved penis extensions, so they’ll be fucked on that basis also.

Texas will turn into Somalia with added child pageants once NASA pulls out and heads to southern California.


Maybe they could offer something to sweeten the deal?

I’m just getting madder and madder. What part of nonviable don’t they understand? What is the f***ing point? Are they making her an example? Showing it’s useless to even try for an exception?
They like to point out to critics that they have exceptions for the life of the mother…but obviously not really. Are they just dragging it out so she has to give birth to a baby that can’t survive?
Would they do this to their own wives and daughters? I think at least some of them would ship them off to where they could get the health care that’s best for them. They’re making me wish their hell was real. I swear I’d convert if I thought for one second that I could watch their evil asses get chucked into a lake of fire. Sighhhh, the christian god really is the god of wishful thinking.


The point is the leveraging of power over a woman.



yeah, it is no accident that what “god wants” happens to be identical to what the believer wants.


Some liberal billionaire should send his private jet to pick up the woman and take her to California, or another sensible state, for the care she needs. She can give Paxton the finger as her plane is taking off.

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I live (am stuck) here and I know many folks who, like myself, are horrified by this. The one recently you alluded to, Kate Cox, ended up going to another state to get an abortion which means the court will probably need to drop the case. I think it will unfortunately take somebody going to the supreme court again to even get the smallest change (allowing women with non-viable pregnancies but with the baby still “alive” to be allowed to get an abortion). If the one day dictator, Trump, gets into office, this may never change. I don’t think people understand how important these next elections really are. Republicans watch what he gets away with and try the same stunts.

It’s worth noting that our AG, Ken Paxton, is being investigated over numbers crimes his own staff accused him of. I don’t think he really cares one way or another but this gives him something to talk about on Fox News.

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This is, and has been, what it is like for women…to have to be allowed something as basic as bodily autonomy speaks volumes about our value.


She’s leaving Texas to have the procedure done in another state. Good for her and :fu: to Paxton and the Texas Supreme Court.


If men had the children, it would be legal globally and could easily be done at any corner store. Most of these antiaborition advocates today think their invisible friend doesn’t like it. Of course, this is the same invisible friend who said it was a sin for a woman’s period to be too long.


This is a depressing picture indeed, I wonder if the states that offer abortions could take out TV ads (commercials) in the states that want to return to the dark ages? They could use ads that are already popular, like the Kit Kat ads? “Have a break have a killed kid” or the McDonalds ads, “I’m not lovin it”. For the contraceptive or morning after pil, a photo of Donald Trump should suffice, just leave it on the screen for a minute, with a caption, “ffs take the pil”.

Sorry but this thread needed some levity, I’ll get my coat now. :innocent:

Texas must have banned the heretical documentary “walking with dinosaurs” from the telly? Probably replaced it with “walking with creationists”, look there is god creating the earth 6000 years ago, exactly as it is now, there he is burying the skeleton of a T. Rex to test the faith of coming generations… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :smirk:


I’m waiting for the next diabolical twist. The attorney general Ken Paxton is like some comic book villain plotting devious ways to torment this woman. I sincerely hope that she, along with anyone who helped her, is beyond the reach of this moldering sack of shit.


Hmmmmm personally I could deal with a few more authentic Mexican food in the northeast. I personally dislike most Americanized Mexican cuisine. Mexican esquites, street corn, is phenomenal.

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