Okay, I’ll explain my adventure with quantum information.
As you mentioned, quantum information refers to the state of a quantum system. For example, if you were a particle and we wanted to know the state of your position, your state would describe how likely you are to be here or there. A quantum state is indeed a superposition of many possibilities.
We obtain this information through measurement, which involves testing or manipulating a physical system to produce a numerical result. In this case, placing a detector here to see if you are here means that if I detect you, I have obtained information about your position. This reduces the uncertainty because now I know you are here and not there. Therefore, measurement reduces the superposition to a few possible states.
I believe I’ve given a very simple explanation. Without information, you could be anywhere. Measurement provides information and pinpoints your location.
Now, for the intriguing part…
Having information about a quantum system alters its behavior. This means that when you don’t have information about a particle, it behaves differently than when you do have information. The double-slit experiment is a perfect example of this.
Imagine two slits in a wall and a detector a few meters behind it. When particles are fired at these slits, they pass through one slit or the other, and the detector behind will detect particles in two vertical lines, one for each slit.
However, this isn’t what happens. Instead, the detector shows an interference pattern, as if a wave, not a particle, has passed through the slits.
Now, if you place a detector at one of the slits, this detector provides specific information about the particles’ positions—you know if a particle has passed through one slit. This reduces the uncertainty, and particles then behave as discrete particles, producing two vertical lines.
So, why do we know it’s information, rather than physical interaction, that changes the particle’s behavior?
Because when you place a detector at one slit and the particle passes through the other slit, there is no direct physical interaction between the particle and the detector. Nevertheless, the wave function collapses because you know precisely where the particle wasn’t (in the other slit), and the particle starts behaving like a particle. This is what is so fascinating about this experiment.
Switch off the detector, and the particle behaves like a wave again. Yes, it’s strange, right?
So yes, information—without implying any direct physical interaction—changes the behavior of material reality, literally. That’s it.
This is one of the reasons I say that reality is far more complex than a simple mechanical process. Information directly affects reality.