Is the serer hosting this ok? It seems to keep going down.
Yes, the hardware is likely fine. It could be a couple of things causing the gateway issues. A former Admin has stepped up and is helping. Kudos to that admin
Awesome, great work all!
Happens pretty frequently that I can’t connect for days or weeks at a time. I’m assuming it’s some kind of interference from someone trying to shutdown access to the forum. Rather annoying
It seems like the forum software has been upgraded during one of these periods of downtime.
Yes, our ‘former’ admin did a long overdue update to the platform
Site has been migrated to a new more powerful server. Hopefully this should solve the downtime issues.
Thank you! You are a rock star!
I wasn’t able to get on to the server and reply last night. Was that intentional downtime as seems to be implied above?
UK Atheist
Excellent work, many thanks…
Yes, server was in read only mode for some time.
Wow its good to be back on although I’m not sure how that happened. After days of getting an error 522 message I went to the face book page and got a message back with a button to click and then just like magic (hee hee) here I am. Can’t tell you how relieved I am. Great work to the admins and the software person who fixed the problem. THANK YOU
Seconded, well done…