Removing illegally placed religious propaganda

You know, perusing their website, they have an awesome highway cleanup program. Nothing to do with picking up crosses off the side of the highway. Just atheists helping the community. Go out on a Saturday or Sunday and pick up trash off the highway. That reflects awesomely on the atheist community.

They have a food distribution program. Again, what a great idea. They are doing a lot for the community. They don’t make you take a vow of atheism before giving you something to eat.

They are doing a lot for the community in which they live. Targeting religious signage is not a community issue. It’s just not. Someone over there needs to wake up.

EDIT: I sent a second letter praising their community efforts. I demonstrated that their other programs did not specifically target the religious. Then ‘of course’ asked: 'What in the hell were thinking by specifically targeting the religious?" Surely there is a more community-minded way to present such a program. If I get a response I will post it.


Awww… Dammit… AGAIN??? I swear, sometimes I think there are people here who just don’t want to see me being happy. Just when I think I’m about to make another friend, you all either scare them away when I’m not looking, or the admin simply boots them out unceremoniously without ANY concerns for MY feelings. Sure, maybe I didn’t agree with Rich’s little program in the way he presented it. So what? However, he DID call Cog an asshole and a stupid fuck. So, the guy can’t be ALL bad, right? I mean, it at least shows he had pretty good observational skills and reasonable judgement of character. So, here I am, once again, wondering why everybody here is doing their best to prevent me from making new friends. Shit just ain’t fair… :cry:

(Edit for eternal loneliness.)

Are you focusing on yourself AGAIN?

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I give him points for astute powers of observation.

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In my defense, I DID just go two full months without being able to focus on much of anything. Is it really so hard to believe I would want to focus on MYSELF for awhile? :innocent::sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: (Geez, I crack myself up.)

See? There is benefit in trying to see the good in everybody.