Really? Jesus is a historical figure? Prove it

A little late to tell me that NOW. By the way, anybody got some tweezers and a magnifying glass I can borrow? I have to remove some crusty cheese from my-… uh, from a sensitive spot.

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Requiring to be worshipped, seems like a major character flaw, even for a human. For a deity with limitless knowledge and power, requiring the endless and unconditional saccharine worship of one species of evolved ape? There wouldn’t be a butterfly net big enough…

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, thank fuck there isn’t a shred of objective evidence for any of it.


The god of the bible has a lot of flaws, some of which would be psychotic and/or criminal behavior in humans. Let’s see how many we can all come up with:

Holds grudges forever, including against the distant relatives of the ones who did the offending deed.
Mass murderer.
Preoccupied with others sex lives, and kills people who don’t conform to his standards.
Wants credit for helping when he’s caused or allowed a problem in the first place.
Admits to being the extremely jealous type. A heinous and dangerous flaw in humans.
Willing to torture a follower, Job, to win a bet with the devil.

I’m sure there’s more.


Displays favouritism.
Horrible father.
Baby killer.


You forgot:

  • Insecure narcissistic bully: (“I DEMAND everybody praises ME for how fan-fucking-tastic I am. Otherwise, I will pitch a fit and make your lives miserable, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Remember, I AM the shit. THE head honcho. But I love you.”)

  • Extortionist: (“Hi, I’m God. You have a nice comfortable life here. I like it. And you are a good person who helps others. How wonderful. Soooo… I have an offer for you. After you die, how would you like to live in Paradise, singing praises to me for all eternity? Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? And all you have to do is worship me until you die, and maybe make a sacrifice to me now and then. Simple, right? Oh, I should mention, though, what will happen if you refuse my offer. Ever heard of Hell? Nasty place. Absolutely horrible. And I should know. I made it myself. Anyway, if you do not accept my offer, that is where I will send you after you die. And once there, you will be tortured for eternity. Oh-oh-oh! And here’s the best part! Before you ever die, I will make your really nice life here miserable until you finally realize how wonderful I am and accept my offer. But - hey - the choice is totally up to you. I can’t force you to worship me.”


You also forgot to add: (this is just a dig at the Christian Pro-Life idiots who claim God is “pro-life”)

This deity is all for abortion. He’s killed more unborn babies than Planned Parenthood and private doctors combined lol.

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What a pity Mary didn’t have an abortion.


Daaaaaaaaamn… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

But what if … Mary had a little lamb?


Well, Little Jack Horner would probably stick his thumb in it while Georgie Porgie kissed Mary and made her cry. But I bet its fleece would have been white as snow.

Knows everything, yet keeps making plans, that go inexplicable wrong?

His perfect design needed an incomprehesibly vast universe, for just one planet to house life, and even though humans are purportedly the main show, we didn’t evolve until just 200k years ago, after almost 14 billion years, of waiting.

Is allegedly perfect, yet holds grudges, and needed to take human form as himself, and his son, then have himself / son, tortured to death, to appease his own anger, over some eaten fruit, that this omniscient put deliberately in harms way…



There’s no real reason to believe that a multiply-documented life is not about a real person, particularly since most sources agree on the basics. What that man was like is evidently distorted.

In contrast, we only have one written source (Julius Caesar) describing the Celts in Britain. He is sometimes contradictory, but his writings are taken as a primary source in our understanding of the “Celts” today.

Everything happens according to God’s plan. Including your doubt, and questioning.

Which means that He knew that the serpent would tempt Eve. And therefore that man would fall from His grace, and be cast out of paradise. So basically He set His children up to fail. Deliberately. What a cock.

If there IS a God, I don’t want that one, thanks. He’s a cunt.


Yeah, but… if you read the Mabinogion, and the Ulster Cycle, battles were often described as involving more combatants than were possible in the whole of the country at the time.

Bullshit history is bullshit history, no matter how huge the genocide it describes. Or are we going to decide that the Bible is an historical text?

We have Tacitus as well who based his writing on the experiences of Agricola.

There is not one contemporary source mentioning the jesus figure at all, The closest mention in the timeline is the dream/hallucinatory figure experienced by “Paul” some 25 years after the alleged events. Then nothing until about 75CE where a single source became the source for many more texts and imaginary writings.
Then of course there are no texts earlier than about 160CE surviving. Only fragments.


I am dubious, especially since you seem to using a circular reasoning fallacy, since your argument there assumed your conclusion in the premise .

Well the biblical deity seems unpleasant to put it mildly. Then there are the inherrent logical contradictions of claimed characteristics like omnipotence and omniscience, even before also trying to claim such a deity is omnibebeveloent or perfectly merciful.