Problem I am always grappling with

The ideals are the same for theism and atheism it’s just that theism forces the religion’s ideals on the converts.

Another person may talk about forcing women to be submissive, wear hijabs and burka’s and then there’s arranged and forced marriages of the underaged. The Qur’an allows sexual deviances such as males “touching” females as young as 3 is okay. And let’s not forget the total lack of conscience when it comes to rape, not allowing women to learn or work. Treating women as thrid class citizens. Forcing worship and Sharia Law which is draconian.

Thanks but I’d rather be an atheist, having a beer.

Here is something else about Islam and the Qur’an you won’t be able to tell your boss. I realised it a few years ago:

The Jews have Kosha rules on food especially pork and the Muslims have the same rules known as Halal.

Even high ranking Rabbi’s have admitted Kosha rules did not come from god, rather the simple observation wild game and pork caused more deaths than domestic animals and only invoking god could get people to stop eating it. What they didn’t know 3,000 year ago was it was caused by parasites. (The tuth is, with pork the rabbi’s now know as well as everyone else it was the trichinosis worm in pigs that caused the fatalities (and the reason for that is known including that god would have also known all you need to do is properly cook the food so why call the animal “unclean” and why not call all wild game “unclean”. Today the concept seems absurd so saying god dictated it makes god absurd).

That isn’t any revalation when you think aabout Judaism and it dooesn’t really matter as it doesn’t affect the religion but, on the other hand, the fact that Mohammad has a Jewish lie dictated to him by Allah in the Qur’an is a totally different story: Why would Allah, dictate to Mohammad a Jewish lie rabbi’s simply made up to reduce fatalities? Short answer: it wouldn’t. If the Qur’an includes a Jewish lie claimed as the word of god, how can it be claimed it is a truth?

SARS Cov 2 (covid), is as permanent as flu and will be with us for the forseeable future.

And you are using the same tactics to force Atheist ideas on the religious. Their reaction to you is exactly like your reaction to them. (Think about it.) You are also making unfounded and unsupportable assertions that any intelligent apologist is going to hold you accountable for. And, you don’t know you are making them.

We are all over the place again… you really have an issue staying on one topic don’t you?

Atheism is just the lack or absence of belief in any deity or deities, I am not clear how that alone involves ideals? Though of course as an atheist I do have ideals, and they will inevitably sometimes reflect my lack of theistic belief.

You can’t tell your boss that Islam has rules about how animals are slaughtered, or that Judaism has rules on what foods are to be eaten? Assuming your boss cared, I am not sure why this fact would be verboten?

Not sure what specific point you’re making about the thread? Perhaps you could quote the text you were responding to, as this would be helpful, otherwise it just seems like a long rambling rant about religion’s irrational claims, to posters who are mostly atheists?

FYI, if you highlight text the quote icon will appear in grey, and when you click on it this will place the text in your response inside quotes with the name of the poster and a link to their post, so people can see what exactly is being responded to, it helps the debate flow. Oh and it’s revelation, not revalation (sic).

It is a little disjointed, but since he is new to the forum perhaps he will soon get the hang of navigating the threads, and using the quote function.

I was happy when I first saw this to explain to you what is probably the greatest revelation in theism in the past 1400 years, but I am now disinclined and I don’t care if you can’t work it out for yourself. I will quote it again to someone I believe can comprehend it.

Oh, I think your excuse is redundant, as you being unable to defend your ludicrous hyperbole is a given by now.

These are just the things I think of whenever someone points a finger at a specific religion or group of people. I am in no way claiming you are wrong. I am hoping to point out that the problem is a human problem and it is so much bigger than just looking at Islam. I am also not trying to imply we should not look at Islam. We should look at the inhumane treatment of people wherever it occurs. I’m just sharing a reaction.

Naw… You are missing a whole lot of fun religions out there.
The Jews are still practicing animal sacrifice.

Voodo is a great religion based on the Catholic faith. (You don’t need a video on this one.)

Speaking of Catholics, (Symbolic cannibalism is a real thing.)

Have you checked out the Philippines lately? You can nail yourself to a cross. (And the self-induced flagellation parades are really a joy from the past.

Hinduism also has animal sacrafice:

Contemporarily, almost no rabbinic authorities justify wifebeating for the purpose of education, but many still do not allow a forced divorce to free the victim.

Honestly, it is not a religious problem, but rather, a human problem. There are of course Atheists who treat women badly or beat their wives. The real issue of religion is that it justifies and institutionalizes the maltreatment of human beings. An atheist pedophile can be arrested and sent to jail. A Catholic pedophile just has to move to a country where he will be less noticed.

We live in a fucked up world… but it has always been fucked up. The real issue is not that the world is fucked up. The real issue is that we are beginning to open our eyes and look around. It’s taken 2000 years for some of us to wake the fuck up. It may be another 2000 before something is actually done.

What’s really scary about all this bullshit is this. Speaking for myself. I was raised in poverty, reliant on state aid. Early in life, I had trouble with the law. Alcoholic father, abusive mom. Brother and sister both did time in prison, B and E, kidnapping, fraud, etc. I dropped out of school at 16, about the same time I became a born again Christian. (I tell myself that I was looking for the family I never had.)

By 18 I had given up on my dreams of becoming a preacher. I worked in a warehouse. One day, I overheard a conversation. Two men talking about their families and their bills. I was working along side of them and earning the same money they were earning. They had families? How? I didn’t make enough money for me? This was fucked up. I made the decistion to go back to school.

2 university degrees and 10 years later, I am an atheist. I have traveled the world. I have a good life. No legal troubles. No issues at all. I walked onto a car lot last year and paid cash for a new car, and it didn’t even dent my bank account. Live is fucking good. But, statistically, I should be one of those religious zealots. I should be drinking ritualistic blood and eating dogmatic flesh. There is absolutely no reason for my escape from poverty, ignorance, or religion. The only thing I knew growing up was that I did not like the life I had been given. I believed education was my way out, but I had no direction. I only knew, go to school. Learn! I blindly went to school. I blindly took classes. I blindly, not knowing where I was going, studied. And I blindly got very high marks. Eventually I discovered that I was on the path to escape my whole life, but did not know it. And now, I too, look at the insanity of the world. But, I think I remember what it is like to be so ignorant that I once believed in ESP, magic, spirits, evil, and even Gods.

Perhaps, freeing ourselves and setting an example is the best we can do in the short lives we have. It’s not enough. It will never be enough. Ignorance is everywhere, not just in Islam. Frankly, there are even dogmatic atheists that treat their atheism like some Iron Age mythology.

All I can really say is … I’m happy to be here. I am glad it is no longer me.