Non-Theistic Religion

Oh my LORD! Do have ANY idea how much FUN I could have with somebody like that? :joy::joy::joy: Being around somebody like that regularly would be like a Christmas gift to me. I would be looking forward to going to work EVERY DAY. And you are absolutely correct in that there is no having a rational discussion with folks like that. Most are beyond hope. But I can sure as shit keep myself entertained with them. And, who knows, maybe a few onlookers hanging around might actually learn a couple of things. :joy::joy:

Like I keep saying, you really should work on ditching all that anger and animosity.

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100% Agree. A change in perspective would work wonders. For starters, I might stay up all night extracting donkey dick verses, eating shit verses, keep the castrated people out of the church verses, kill the homosexuals and witches verses, force the victims of rape to marry their abuser verses, kill your kid at the edge of town verses, God killing children for calling a man baldy, stick them all on 3x5 cards and match the asshole verse for verse because “HE NEEDS TO FUCKING HEAR WHAT THE BIBLE REALLY SAYS.” lol


I’m trying to be happier. You’d be so proud. We went out to eat and there was a family discussing Bible verses. I didn’t roll my eyes once or facepalm. I even ignored them by playing deaf and asking my kids to speak a bit louder as to drown them out a bit.

Any who. I know you have a big love for trolling religtards. I need some lessons on that. :heart_eyes:


Whenever my wife and I are out and encounter such things, it is usually difficult for both of us to keep from laughing out loud. Trying not to snicker too loud can even be a problem sometimes. Like I keep saying, it’s almost like entertainment to me now. :joy: Good to hear you are finally learning to lighten up a bit.

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I know, I know
 I’ve got a (boil on my ass) wart on my big toe, would you pray for it to go away? Then all through dinner
 ‘Did you pray yet?’ ‘Okay, just checking.’ Then as their leaving, ‘Well, that was fucking useless.’

Hey, if there are kids. I had a cute little puppy named Scruffy once. He was all white except for a black spot on his nose and one black paw. He got run over by a truck and so I prayed for him. But he just lay there in the street and died anyway.


Dammit you guys just can’t behave yourselves, can you?
I was on the edge of my seat, anticipating further elucidation. Uh, and I need to let you guys know that I am an unbeliever as opposed to a non- believer, or “he who does not possess belief” or actually, I am “sans belief”.
Please don’t pretend these are all the same. I declare they are not so that should be good enough for you so just shut up

it is important to recognize batshit craZy when we see it, so as to not put our physical well being in jeopardy. Telling nuts that they are, in fact nuts, can be risky sometimes. It’s sorta like in the horror movies when people reveal to the killer that they know he is the killer and then he proceeds to fire up the chain saw

Edit bees


Seriously, guy at my old job was a total conspiracy tin foil hat nutter butter. Confronted him one time about sandy hook, never again will I do that. He went on for hours about such insane things I have never heard of. Basically I think his loose overall theory was demonic underground lizard people. Couple that with being about 380lbs and basically zero control of his anger. I always kept a mental inventory of where heavy makeshift weapons were around the shop.

After months of listening to his insane theories I finally just started saying “I think I heard someone say their machine broke or is making a noise, I’m going to go fix that.” Never bothered to come along and help (his laziness was a gift) or ask where I heard that. He would just continue berating whatever other poor sad sack was hanging around the maintenance shop.


 You might just have something there. :thinking:
 To save a bit of writing, though, use the computer. Bring up Word (or preferred office program), Google, cut-n-paste, print. Easy-peezy. Even make multiple copies to have readily available at any given location. Nice! :smiley:

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He was incredibly fucking nuts. According to several xtians in town, he was going to the church’s around town and harassing the pastors on Sundays when they were trying to preach. He’s been thrown out from many places.

Well see? He must not be all bad then


If there’s one thing I’ll regret at the end it will be that I didn’t have a bigger penis. If I had, a long flaccid penis, I wouldn’t have to direct it towards the toilet bowl as I’m taking a shit. That is, quite possibly, my one greatest regret in life.

Ratty, You need to take your meds. You are bouncing off the walls.

It’s been quite a ride tonight and the day before. Lots of voices and lots of “tests”. Dark kamma. Heavy kamma. Light kamma. Bright kamma. Neutral kamma. And releasing kamma. This night and the night before will be fundamental to my personal recovery from my illness. In a very orderly fashion, the voice has gone from very pernicious and sneaky to actually pleasant.

I apologize for the tenacity of my mania. I am calm. But no guarantees. Ha ha ha! I will be back with far more insanity. And some serious questions about how one conceptualizes space and consciousness. But more of that later :wink:

Thank you for saying it first. After witnessing the recent deluge of inane attention-seeking crap, I came to the same conclusion.

Ratty, jokes go in the joke thread. The occasional bit of humor in any thread is OK, but this kind of crap out of nowhere 
 pause and ponder.

If you can not contain yourself, I may be forced to do it for you.


As I explained I was manic and it was a representation of the illness I deal with. You call it “attention seeking”. However, I am amusing myself and if you can’t laugh with your self, then who can you laugh with? I have already apologized. I hope you understand it is a symptom of my illness, and I don’t do it with malicious intent. I appreciate that people here are intelligent enough to simply ignore it. Please don’t take it personally. But, admittedly, in a mania phase like that one needs an outlet for their insanity. I realize the debate board is not designed to accommodate such bullshit, but I do also contribute here with seriousness.

  • rat spit :rat:

@rat_spit Since you are alive I must assume you are aware enough to look both ways before crossing traffic. You are aware of your condition. When I am impaired I refrain from posting (and other activities), because I know I can do stoopid stuff.


It is a mistake when atheists and persons that believe in the Abrahamic “God” [capitalized G] fail to realize that there are other god-based religions and some non-theistic religions. The God believers refer to others as “pagans” “non-believers” or “atheists”. They fail to recognize that there is a major non-theistic religion that is 600 years older than Christianity, that is compatible with science. That is Buddhism. Read what Einstein had to say about it. The Buddha was an actual historical figure. He is not a deity, not an apotheosis or personal savior. He was a teacher and enlightened human being. The basic teachings and moral precepts of Buddhism include no mention of Buddha, deities, prayers, sacraments or divine commandments. Most Buddhists are considered agnostics or atheists. Most Western and many Asian Buddhists are non-ethnic. They have nothing to do with traditional practices that are superstitions, holdovers from Brahmanism or syncretic activities from pre-Buddhist animism. Won Buddhists in Korea have no Buddha images in their temples and are totally atheist. The Australian monk who wrote “Good Question, Good Answer” - sort of a Buddhist catechism - said he was an atheist. All the “Secular Buddhists” in the West are total atheists. Buddhists don’t believe on a divine creator of the universe nor in the eternal entity known as a “soul” in the god-based religions.

LOL - Where did you get that information? The very best evidence suggests that the person called the Buddha, may have been an actual historical figure. Like Jesus, all we have are stories. " The scholar David Drewes recently published an article, ‘The Idea of the Historical Buddha’, that begins with the striking claim that

the Buddha is universally agreed to have lived; but
 more than two centuries of scholarship have failed to establish anything about him.
Did the Buddha Exist? Contemporary scholarly debate about the historical Buddha | A Blue Chasm
The fact is: Buddha’s existence is debatable. Another FACT is, Buddhism is full of superstitious woo and nonsense. With that said: I will give you this: There is a philosophical core beyond all the bullshit that makes very good sense in Buddhist teachings. I specifically reference the importance of detachment, being in the moment, and the teachings of various koans. Beyond that
 I can’t think of anything very useful. It’s all a bunch of superstitious nonsense. Practice detachment while holding on to the four Nobel truths and the 8 fold path. Circular bullshit. Just let go and you are already there. No effort at all. There are no truths and there is no path. The cage you have placed yourself in is an illusion.

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I have no idea where you have been in Korea but I have seen hundreds of Buddhist temples and not one without an image of the Buddha. Interesting. I am looking into it now.

Ahhh. There are no Wan Temples. LOL - (원불ꔐ, Wǒnbulgyo), is a modern religion originating in Korea. It is a very modern form of Buddhism. The modern forms are certainly less superstitious than traditional forms.

It can be regarded as either a syncretic new religious movement or a reformed Buddhism.[1] The name “Won Buddhism” comes from the Korean words 원/朓 won (“circle”) and 불ꔐ/䜛敎 bulgyo (“Buddhism”), literally meaning “Round Buddhism” or interpreted as “Consummate Buddhism.”[2] The stated goals of Won Buddhism are for people to realize their own innate buddha nature and to save all sentient beings by serving others.[3] Emphasis is on interaction with daily life,[4] not “stilling the impulses,” but rather acting in accord with “appropriate desires.”[5] Won Buddhism’s Founder, Sotaesan (Pak Chung-bin, 1891-1943) believed that over-emphasis on the material world in relation to the spiritual world would create undue suffering; his Founding Motto was, “With this Great Opening of matter, let there be a Great Opening of spirit.” In essence, Won Buddhism proposes adapting to and overcoming modernity.

I think you are grasping at straws and spouting bullshit at this point. You can find a Buddhist sect believing anything you want it to believe if you look around long enough.

In the case of Won Buddhism, within its system are included Daoism, Confucianism, and the newly introduced Christianity, as well as Buddhist teachings.

While Buddhism played a special role in the creation of Won Buddhism, as is explained in chapters 2 and 3 of part 1 of the introduction, Sot’aesan’s awakening experience was not influenced by any religion–including Buddhism. After his awakening, Sot’aesan reviewed the scriptures of various religious traditions and realized that “Ancient sages had known what I have come to know” (p. 39), and among the teachings of ancient sages, Sot’aesan found that the “Buddha-dharma was the best.” He thus declared:“When I open a religious order in the future, therefore, I will take Buddha-dharma as the central tenet of the doctrine and incorporate other religious doctrines into it if they are proper, and establish a perfect religious order” (p. 40).