My sister insists Jesus is real

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … Your lover has not led you astray YET! Do you pay any attention at all to any of the posts on this site besides your own?


I have exhausted a lot of bandwidth trying to get that point over. In the end I just ask another stock question, that all theists ignore.

What does the evidences for the non existence of something look like exactly?


The same as “nothing”.


If I could post a blank screen here, you know I would.


He’s a Christian but doesn’t try to convert me back.

Yes I do. Yes many other things can be blind. I love my many Fievel plushies and do things which would be very TMI to share. I love my Fievel stuffed toys almost more than I do my human lover. And I admit I sometimes think of my Fievel plushies as gods, at least I can feel see and touch them. If I can not feel see and touch a thing I do not think of it as real. If we could get out there in space I know stars are real, and planets are real too. Even the ones I can not touch but at least on clear nights I can see some of the other planets in the solar system. But the point is I don’t believe in a god as I have researched this in science and science can not find the evidence I once went in search of.

Just like the 9/11 bullshit I like evidence, and the theorists can not provide that. I don’t know if science will discover the possibility of a god or not, but me personally I will never believe in a god again.

Just like some of my favorite celebrities Johnny Depp being one of them I am an atheist.

Yes I was high when I wrote that reply.